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We are woken up from our slumber from tsireya shaking us. "come on let go we don't want to be late" she tells us. "Five more minutes please I wanna be with my girlfriend" roxto says pulling me closer.
"Roxto we have to get up my father will be angry with me and won't let me see you for a while"I tell roxto which causes him to groan in annoyance. He sits up and kisses me tsireya clears her throat and he rolls his eyes. "Ok come on Antiri let's go before your sister cuts both of our heads off" roxto tells me while helping me up. I laugh a little and we make our way to the sullys. Roxto wraps his arm around my waist and glares at neteyam. I roll my eyes and flick him he immediately looks at me with confusion. I mouth to him to stop he nods and looks a little sad "remember what I told you" I whisper to him in his ear he smiles and nods. He kisses my head let's go of my waist. I grab his hand and I start to play with his bracelet I tend to do this when I have a lot of anxiety.
"Ok so first we will be seeing how you guys are at swimming to see where we are working with" tsireya tells them and they all nod. "We should introduce each other" one of the sullys say. Tsireya nods in agreement. " I'm tsireya this is my sister Antiri" I wave to them and smile when she says my name. " aonung and his friend roxto" the don't bother waving or even nodding. "I'm neteyam this is my brothe lo'ak, my sisters kiri and tuktirey but we call her tuk" the oldest that has been looking at me says. "Well let's get to training before my mother says enough we wasted your time chit chatting" tsireya says to the sullys. Me and tsireya dive in gracefully and aonung and roxto follow after. We start to swim and we hear splashes coming seeing the boys doing a canon ball while the girls jump in. We start swimming and the sullys follow us. Every 3 minutes the sullys would go up for air. They had stayed up there aonung signs to us "what's up with them" tsireya shrugs her shoulders. Neteyam looks back down into the water I sign for them to follow us. He looks at us confused tsireya waves her hand for them to follow us. They all take a deep breath and follow us then a couple seconds later they go back up for air. We decided to follow them up. "Wait for us your to fast" Tuk says while wiping her face. "Just breathe" tsireya tells them. "We don't speak this finger talk" neteyam says while looking at me.
"My sister Antiri will teach you guys she's the best teacher here at our clan" tsireya tells them. "They aren't good swimming in the ocean but good a swimming through trees"aonung comments which cause tsireya to smack him in the back of the head. Roxto was about to start laughing but I glare at him and shake my head no. He clears his throat and starts to look around. Where's Kiri" roxto says "yeah where's kiri" neteyam says while looking around. "I can go look for her" Antiri tells them "I'll go with you" neteyam tells her while he starts swimming towards her. "We'll be back shortly" Antiri says then dives back into the water. I look back and see neteyam struggling a bit. I roll my eyes and grab his hand. I see that he smiles a bit and I roll my eyes again. We end up finding kiri with the same amusement I have when under the surface. Neteyam goes up to her and they go up to the surface. "Come on kiri we will be doing our breathing exercises next" Antiri tells kiri. "Ok sorry I got distracted it's so beautiful down here" kiri apologizes to Antiri. "It's ok sometimes I lose track of time down her as well" Antiri reassures kiri.

They are all now sat on a rock doing breathing exercises. "You want to slow your heart down imagine a flickering flame" Antiri tells the group. After a few breathes tsireya places her hands on lo'aks chest and stomach. "You want to breathe from down here" she says with her hands still resting there. "Your heart rate is fast" she tells lo'ak "sorry" he says back to tsireya. It's goes on for about 15 minutes of lo'aks heart racing. "Antiri am I doing it right" neteyam asks me. I get up from my spot and sit next to him. I place my hands on his chest and stomach. His heart rate isn't face and is slowed down like how it's supposed to be. He's breathing from the right spots. " yeah good job neteyam but your sisters beat you two guys to getting the breathing exercise right" Antiri teases them. "They had an advantage" neteyam complains. "No we didn't your just jealous we got it before" tuk tells neteyam. Neteyam mimicks her in a baby voice and she sticks her tongue out. I didn't realize but I still had my hand on his chest I quickly take my hand off and I go back to sit next to roxto. I lay my head on his shoulder while we wait for lo'ak to get the understanding of this exercise. "Here let me try tsireya" Antiri tells her sister. Tsireya removes her hands and I put mine in the same spots. His heart is slowed and isn't fast anymore. "Yeah that's it lo'ak good job" Antiri tells him. He soon gets the understanding of the exercise and we decide to let them have the rest of the day to just hang out. "Before you guys leave I wanted to say good job on todays training you guys did a good job. We will be showing you how to ride our ilu tomorrow" Antiri tells the group. "Yay I'm so excited can we stay with you antiri" Tuk asks while grabbing on my hand. I look at roxto and shrugs his shoulders. After you guys eat lunch you can meet me back at those pools at the reef and we can hang out there how about that" antiri tells Tuk. "Yay ok by Antiri" she says excitedly while holding onto neteyams hand. They start walking to their hut. He picks up Tuk as they are further down the path. I can tell they have a really close bond like how me and aonung have. "What shall we do now" aonung asks us. "We can go get our food and tsireya and Antiri can go stay at our spot at the reef" roxto tells them. "Yeah we can do that" Antiri agrees. Roxto kisses Antiri before they leave to go get their food. Once tsireya and Antiri get to their spot they sit on the edge. "So you and lo'ak huh" Antiri asks her sister. Tsireya blushes and shakes her head. "Nothing" she says "that blush doesn't seem like nothing"Antiri teases her sister. "Ok fine yeah I like him I find him very attractive but besides me what about you and neteyam" tsireya says trying to chantge the subject. "No nothing I'm with roxto tsireya" Antiri tells her while shaking her head. "I know but come on sister I see the way you two look at each other I feel more energy between you two than you and roxto" tsireya tells Antiri. "Nothing is gonna happen between me and neteyam sister we've only known them for one day and I love roxto I want to be able to grow old with him and have kids with him" Antiri tells her sister. "I don't think that's going to happen sister yeah you love him now but anything can happen. I've gotten weird vibes from him lately" tsireya tells Antiri with a concerned face. "Tsireya we're both happy being with each other and we love eachother very much. I think it's just you" Antiri telling her sister. "No I don't think it's just me I think your just blinded by love and scared to get hurt again." Tsireya says grabbing my hands. "We promised to never mention what happened." Antiri tells her raising her voice a little. "I know but Antiri you have to pay closer attention to your relationship and to your surroundings. I don't want to see you get hurt again. It hurt me to see you hurt. I don't want the same thing to happen either." Tsireya says with her eyes watering a little. "I know I don't wanna get hurt either I really want roxto to be the one for us to grow old together. Be each others mate. Have a family together." Antiri says with her voice cracking a bit. "What happened" aonung asks while getting the food from roxto. I quickly wipe my eyes and so does tsireya. "Nothing we're ok just hungry" tsireya says looking at me. I nod in agreement and I turn my head seeing the sullys having fun in the water. I'm starting to get in my head. Is tsireya right I'm just blinded by love. No way roxto would do the same thing my ex did to me. I live him and he loves me. What if he doesn't actually love me and he's like my ex. Is he like all the guys here. Is he just using me as a trophy girlfriend."Antiri here's your favorite" roxto tells me which causes my thoughts to stop. I turn to him and I smile. "Thank you roxto" I grab it from him and I kiss his cheek. He sits next to me while tsireya is on the other side of me and aonung is next to roxto. I really didn't touch my food I only had a couple bites.

"I thought you were hungry. Did you not like it" roxto asks with a concerned face. "I'm not hungry anymore" Antiri says. Roxto looks at her then tsireya. "Ok what happened" roxto asks and aonung just spectating the conversation. "Nothing roxto I'm just not that hungry anymore"Antiri says trying to change the subject. "No Antiri I can tell there's something wrong what happened" roxto says while gently grabbing my hands. "We got into an argument that's all" tsireya admits. "About" roxto says immediately. "I-I can't hide it from her anymore roxto I've seen you off with the hoe of the clan. I've been getting weird vibes from you lately and yeah I brought it up to her. She's so blinded by love she's even said she wants to be your mate! I can't let her get hurt again. Yeah I accidentally brought up her past relationship.." tsireya keeps telling roxto. I pull my hands away from him I'm starting to get a bunch of anxiety I couldn't be there anymore. I get up and start to walk down and I dive into the water. I went to mine and roxtos spot. I put my knees to my chest and my head resting on them. I try to slow down my breathing but I didn't even notice I was crying. "Are you ok Antiri" neteyam asks me. I don't even respond to him I couldn't even say a word. I shake my head no. He sits by me and rubs my back with a hand. "Get the fuck away from my girlfriend" I hear roxto with a bit of anger in his voice. Neteyam looks at him and stands up. "Sorry I just saw her crying and I wanted to ask if she was ok I'll leave now" neteyam says with his hands up and starting to walk away. "Yeah you better monkey boy" roxto says. "Roxto don't call him that" Antiri says with her words being choppy. He nods and sits next to his girlfriend. He pulls her in and lets her play with his bracelet she made for him. He's able to calm her down to the point of a few tears here and there would come out. "Antiri I swear nothing happened between me and fikay. She's just been around me a lot and I try to push her away but she won't leave me" roxto finally speaks up. "I would never do the same thing to you that, that asshole did to you. Your not an object Antiri your a living beautiful Navi with a kind heart and cares deeply about her loved ones" roxto ends off in. I look up at him and he's starting to tear up. "I promise I would never cheat on you. And I agree with what you told tsireya I want to grow old with you too be your mate and to have our own family. I love you so much Antiri" roxto says pulling me in for a hug. "I love you too roxto" Antiri says with a smile on her face. He kisses her and she kisses back. Tsireya sees them and aonung left to go with his other friends. She's feels guilty for not telling her sister the truth. She doesn't want their relationship to go any further. She's accidentally ran into roxto and fikay doing something that they shouldn't be doing. She's heard roxto say he's falling out of love with her. He's only staying with her because of her pass. Tsireya ends up swimming away to go home. Antiri and roxtos kiss get heated once again. "Let's go to our hut yeah" roxto says to Antiri. "Yeah"she says breaking away from the kiss. He picks her up bridal style and takes her to the hut.

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