I thought you were-

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Neteyam is healed now he only had a couple bruises left but he feels much better. Me on the other hand it's been a tough time when I go to bed. I've been having nightmares of the incident. My mom was able to give us our own hut so we can have privacy. It was dinner time and I was sitting next to neteyam and tsireya. I'm barely eating because of how disgusted I feel with my body. "Baby come on just one bite." Neteyam pleads Antiri to eat. "I'm not hungry" Antiri says and gives her plate to aonung. " no no I'm not gonna take it eat Antiri" aonung says and give me back the plate. I roll my eyes and I take a small bite out of the fish is swallow it and I start to feel guilt. "Thank you we will get through this I promise baby" neteyam says and kisses my head. I look at him and nod with a small smile. I continue eating and neteyam puts his hand on my thigh.

We finished eating and me and neteyam walked back to our hut. "My head hurts" Antiri complains. "Okay let's just go to bed it's been a long day" neteyam says and they both lay on their mat. Antiri lays on his chest and he wraps his arms around her. Antiri immediately falls asleep and is put back into her trance she was in at the tree. "Wait no no stop eywa please don't show me anything I don't want to see it" Antiri begs eywa. She tries to wake up but she continues falling. She soon lands on the sand close to where they had taken spider. She starts to walk to the tree and is suddenly stopped. She sees a Navi she's never seen before. He has dreads like how spider did. "Um excuse me" Antiri calls out. This Navi turns around and it's spider. Before she can say anything she's starts falling again. "No no stop" Antiri begs" she stops again but she sees spider saving the cornel. The cornel tries to reach for spider to come with him but he just hisses and dives into the water and blood following with him.  She remembers the look on his face before he passed away. I don't think he's with eywa but with his great mother of his kind. I start to fall again but I just let it happen. I get a glimpse of neteyam with blood on him and I see spider right behind him with a knife to my neck. I look down and I see little Tuk on the ground with her eyes shut and a slash around her neck. It cause Antiri to shoot out of the trance and shoot up gasping for air. "Baby" neteyam says and shoots up and brings me into a hug. I cry out into his shoulder. He can sense that something's wrong. "It wasn't a nightmare this time huh" he questions softly. Antiri shakes her head no and starts crying more seeing Tuk on the ground. Why Tuk she's too young. "Spider saved the cornel" I say and look at neteyam. He's taken back by what I said and nods his head. The horror they thought was done it's not over yet. "We have to tell my dad" neteyam says trying to keep calm from the anxiety that's starting to rise. Antiri hugs him tighter trying to get the image of Tuk out of her head.

We are walking to the sullys hut even though everyone is asleep. Me and neteyam get to their hut and go inside. We quietly make our way to jake who was holding neytiri close. "Dad" neteyam tries to be as quiet as he can. He shakes his dad a bit and whispers to him again. "Jake" Antiri says and he still doesn't wake up but neytiri does. "What are you two doing" she says trying to make her eyes focus. "We need to tell you and dad something it's really important" neteyam says and looks really worried. "Ma jake" neytiri says once and he's up. "What are you two doing here" jake says kinda annoyed being awoken from his slumber. "We have to talk it's really important" neteyam say and instantly has a response. "Son I swear if you say I'm going to be a grandpa already I'm requesting to take your hut away" jakes says. "No I'm not pregnant but it's really important so come one before we wake them up" Antiri says and starts to walk out with neteyam. Shortly after they are followed by Jake and neytiri. "So what's going on you had to wake me from my slumber" jake says and has his arms crossed. Antiri takes a deep breath "so what happened to me when I was connected to the tree happened again when I was asleep...I saw a vision of spider but he's not human he's Navi....I don't know if it's true but I think he's alive and may come back soon as Navi. That's not the real reason why we woke you is that I also saw another thing of spider saving the cornel. He tried to offer spider to go with him but spider just hissed and dove into the water. So jake the cornel is still alive and is somewhere in pandora. I don't know where he could be he flew away on an ikran.. there's something else but I prefer not to mention what I saw there is just death coming" Antiri finishes and her eyes water up remembering Tuktuk. Jake and neytiri share the same look and are quiet for a little bit. "We will speak to your father and mother later. I don't want to put to much stress on your mom right now especially since she's due soon." Jake says. "Also thank you for letting us know if you see anything else please let me know asap no matter what time it is or if I'm busy or not" jake says and hugs both me and neteyam.

It's now morning and we go to my hut to eat breakfast with my family. "Hi mom" Antiri says when she walks in the hut. She lets go of neteyams hand and hugs her mom. "Hi babygirl" ronal says and puts down her fruit and holds he daughters arms that were on her chest. "Antiri kiri wants to visit the tree to visit spiderdo you want to come" tsireya asks. "Yeah but we can't let her connect to the tree she can have another seizure and it could be a fatal one" Antiri says and sits next to her mom. "Sorry breakfast hasn't been the best I've just been getting tired faster" ronal says with sorrow. "It's ok mom I love your fruit salads anyway" Antiri says as neteyam sites next to her.

After they have eaten breakfast they go to meet kiri and Tuk. Once they get there tuks face lights up. "TIRI" she squeals and runs to Antiri. She hugs Antiri tight and Antiri does the same. She doesn't want to let go afraid her vision might come true. "I missed you tiri" she says and pulls away from the hug. "I missed you too Tuk" Antiri says looking at tuks hair with similar pearls that Antiri puts in her hair. "I never get to see you because neteyam takes you away. But look we are matching" Tuk says and shows her the pattern of pearls in her hair. "I love it Tuk" Antiri says before she's swept away by neteyam. "NOOOO BRING HER BACK" Tuk says and starts to chase neteyam while I'm in his arms. We are playing around and tsireya, kiri, lo'ak, and aonung went with kiri to the tree. "OW ok you don't have to throw rocks at me" neteyam says and coming to stop to put me down. Tuk sticks her tongue out and runs into my arms. "You wanna play that game" neteyam says and starts to inch closes to Tuk acting like he's going to tickle her. She gets out of my arms and runs away from neteyam while laughing. I watch them in amazement he's such a great big brother. I can't wait to have a family with him. As I'm watching them i see something out of the corner of my eyes. I stand up and I start walking towards it. "Baby where are you going" neteyam yells and resumes chasing after Tuk. "I saw some pretty seashells I'll be back in a few" Antiri says and walks off still hearing neteyam and tuks laughs. I'm now in the sand and I'm in the same place as my vision. I frantically look around and I shut my eyes not wanting to see the Navi version of spider. I open them and I gasp. I see spider jumping over a rock and looks my way. I stand there frozen not being able to speak of move. "Tiri help me" tuks squeals and runs behind me. "Babe what's wrong...baby?" Neteyam questions and looks where I was. He sees spider and spider makes his way over. Neteyam stands infront of me and Tuk not sure if this a joke or something. "S-spider?" Neteyam says with a crack in his voice. "Neteyam what's wrong with me" spider says and has a panicked look on his face. " I I thought you were dead" neteyam says in shock.

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