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We are awaken from jake and neytiri going back and forth. I raise my head a bit and I look down at neteyam seeing he's awake with tears in his eyes. I look at him confused and he just pulls me in tight. I listen in on to their conversation. "We have to go we don't know what else they may have planned" jake argues. "We can't just bring pain, loss,and war to their clan then just take up and leave ma jake. Our son found love here and I can see the way he looks at her. We can't just strip him away from the girl he loves." Neytiri says. "We have to fight this war on our own. I know it will hurt him but it's what we have to do. I have to protect this family. We don't know what else they have planned. They can have targets on us till I'm dead." Jake argues once again. "Ok but your not seeing the point. All we do is run ma jake. When will be able to buil a home together a place where our children aren't being made fun of. A place they can call their home. A place to feel comfortable and have friends like how they do now. Our oldest finally has a girlfriend and he loves her so much. She loves him so much. We can't pull them apart. I won't run away this time" neytiri says while tears are going down her face. "We will keep running till we are finally safe like I said our family is our temple. We really don't have a choice it's going to bring neteyam and Antiri pain but I think it's the best for us to go. I will be talking to tonowari after breakfast." Jake says and grabs his mates hands. Neytiri pulls them away and gets up and starts to walk out. She passed by me and neteyam and see that we are awake and have tears in both of our faces. "Neteyam" neytiri was all that she could say. We both sit up and I hold onto his arm. "I'm not leaving. I'm staying here with Antiri you guys can't pull us apart. I'm not running." Neteyam said and stood up which also cause me to stand up. "Dad and mom I love you guys but I love Antiri so much and I won't let you take me away from her." He says with pain in his voice. We both walk out and hear his parents calling after him. We get far away and Antiri starts breaking down into tears. "I don't want you to go teyam. Please don't leave me." Antiri said as her voice cracks. "Hey hey look at me im not leaving you. We're bonded for life. Your my mate. The love of my life. I will never leave you ma Antiri" neteyam says while cupping her cheeks. She leans into his candy for comfort. Neteyam kisses her and she kisses him back. When they pull apart they lean their heads against each other. The sun started to rise so that means it's almost time for breakfast. "What if I talk to my parents first and they welcome you guys officially into our clan." Antiri says while putting her hands on his chest while he wraps his arms around her waist. "Yeah we can do that" neteyam says and grabs onto her hand so they can start walking to her hut.

"Mother" Antiri says while walking into the hut still holding onto neteyams hand forgetting that she never told them that they were together. "Antiri is something wrong wait when did this happen." Tonal questions and pointing to their hands. "A while back I was scared to tell you I thought you guys would've kicked me out" Antiri says and looks down at her feet. "Oh Antiri we would never I'm happy for you. I'm fine with you guys being together as long as he treats you right" she says with a smile on her face. "He does actually  I love him and he loves me" Antiri says with a huge smile on her face. "Can we speak to father too. It's really important" she says and looks towards tonowari. He nods and comes over to the area they were at. "So me and neteyam over heard toruk makto and neytiri talking about leaving and running to find a new home. It devistates both me and neteyam and we don't want us to be split apart. So.... I was going to ask if you can convince him to stay and that they are officially apart of the metkayani." Antiri says while trying not to cry. "Ofcourse anything for you and ofcourse they are one of us now" tonowari says. "I will go over and speak to them now" he says and stands up. "Really thank you so much father" Antiri says and let's go of neteyams hand and hugging her father which causes him to chuckle. Antiri was always a daddy's girl. They have such a close bond.

They are at breakfast and we see both of our parents talking. Me and neteyam have a hopeful mindset and smile when we see neytiri covering her mouth and hugging ronal. "Ma teyam I believe that you guys are staying" Antiri says and squeezes his hand. He smiles and kisses her cheek. He puts his hand on her thigh and they continue eating. They all finish and we walk back to his hut. "Kids we have something to tell you" jake starts the conversation. "The truth is that we were supposed to leave today and find a new home.... But Antiri stopped us from leaving. She talked to her parents before I could even talk to them. They told us to stay and that we are now metkayani now. We are their family now. This is our forever home." Jake says and puts an arm around neytiris waist. Tuk cheers and lo'ak and kiri have a bright smile on their faces. Neytiri looks at me and mouths thank you. I nod my head and they call for a group hug. All the sullys go in for a hug and I'm just standing there awkwardly. "Come Antiri you are now a sully" jake says and winks at neteyam. Is cause me to smile but also question if he mows that we did it and were now mated. I go over and join the group hugs neteyam wraps his arm around my waist as the others bring me into the hug.

Me and neteyam are playing around in the water when roxto approaches us. "Hey Antiri can we talk" he asks and glares at neteyam. "About" Antiri questions. "Us" he instant says. "There's no us roxto we've been broken up for months now. Plus I've moved on to someone that's treating me way better and with much more respect" Antiri says while grabbing onto neteyams hand. "Really you call dating the monkey boy moving on." He laughs "can we just talk I'm past the dating shit. I wanna talk it out in hopes of having a friendship. If monkey boy doesn't have an issue with that" he says with a smirk. "Maybe next time when you don't judge my mate you asshole" Antiri says not realizing what she said. "Mate. Your guys mated. Holy shit we were together for over a year and it took you that long for me to get in you pants and you let monkey boy waltz right in there and also mate with you." Roxto says with a chuckle. "Just wait till the clan hears about this" he says and starts to walk away. "Roxto you better not say shit or else I'll tell my parent what you did and they'll ban the hell out of you and your family"Antiri says with no remorse trying to protect her relationship. "Is that a threat. We'll go ahead and tell them I'm pretty sure they'll be more pissed off about their daughter already mated" roxto smirks. "Nice chatting Antiri can't wait till your the talk of the clan" he says and leaves. "Shit shit shit I-I'm so sorry teyam I didn't realize it came out it's my fault they're gonna split us apart.I-" Antiri gets cut off "baby everything's gonna be okay we need to tell our parents before they hear it from others. We can get them together now I'll tell mine to meet at your hut." Neteyam suggests and calms down Antiri. She just nods and shuts her eyes. "Baby look at me" neteyam asks "I promise it's going to be ok. I'm sure they'll understand" neteyam says and kisses Antiris forehead. She hugs him and he hugs her back. "Ok let's go because rumors spread like a wildfire here" Antiri says and they both start to walk separate ways to their huts.

"Mom can we have a meeting with you two and the sullys parents it's really important" Antiri says trying to keep her anxiety down. "Yeah ofcourse where are we meeting" ronal questions. "I was thinking here" Antiri says. " okay when will they be here" ronal says while getting up. "In a few minutes" Antiri says as she sits down in her mat she hasn't slept in a while. "Okay let me get changed" ronal says making her way to her clothes. "Mom you don't have to it's honestly gonna be quick" she says.

The sullys finally get here and they greet my parents. "So why have you two arranged this meeting for" jake questions. "We need to talk to you guys about something really important thats gonna affect everyone" Antiri admits. She grabs neteyams hand and starts messing with the bracelet she made him because her anxiety is starting to rise. "Um there's no easier way to say this but straight forward we um are mates now" neteyam says and looks down. "I knew it" jake says quietly. Antiri looks at her parents they look mad but not that mad. "You two know what you have done. You guys are both young and have a while to explore." Tonowari says. "Yes father we know that we're bonded for life and we're both happy with that. We both love eachother so much. I hope you guys aren't mad." Antiri says looking down again. "Oh Antiri we're not mad we just need time to process this" ronal ask and bring Antiri into a hug which Antiri hugs back. "Oh neteyam I'm happy for you" neytiri says and hugs neteyam. Well at least this went well and I know my parents didn't have to find out from someone else. Time to see what the clan has to say about us. Roxto is probably gonna make me seem like a slut when in reality he's the slut.

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