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Me and neteyam decided to stay at the sullys hut for tonight. We were awoken by some quiet sobs. Neteyam is still asleep with his arm around our waist keeping us up against him. Antiri slowly tries to move neteyams arm off of her. She was almost free but he moves his arm back and pulls her back. She huffs and tries again. She was able to get out and quietly walks around the sleeping sullys besides one. She sees kiri facing the wall and is hugging herself. "Kiri" she whispers and kiri shakes her head. "Let's go outside to talk come on" Antiri whispers again and helps kiri stand up. They walk outside the hut. She keeps her hand on Kiris back as kiri continues to cry. As soon as they were far away from the huts. Kiri breaks down and cries hard. The pain in her sobs hurt Antiri. She brings kiri into a tight hug and lets kiri let it all out. "I want the old spider back.....he hates me.....I loved the old spider.....I want him back I want him back!" Is all kiri could let out. "I know I know kiri. It's affecting everyone your not alone" Antiri says and a couple tears go down her face. "Why doesn't spider care for me anymore we were always with each other we cared for eachother and now he's thrown me to the dirt" kiri says between sobs. "He's different I don't think he's meant to be back kiri. I saw something which I deeply and truly wish eywa would've never shown me. It's going to take some time kiri. I saw how happy you were when you saw him as Navi. I saw that bright warming smile that brings so much joy into everyone's life. I promise kiri it's going to take time to get back to normal or hopefully close to normal" Antiri says and is trying not to show the hurt in her voice seeing the picture of neteyam in blood and tuks lifeless body. We end up staying there for hours and end up falling asleep with our red faces and puffy eyes from crying. Soon our names are frantically being yelled. "Antiri!" "Kiri my sweet girl where are you" "Antiri kiri!" "Ma!" The sadness and pain in neteyams voice is heart breaking. Worried his mate is gone stripped away from him. He's further down from his parents frantically looking for his one true love. He soon stumbles upon kiri and Antiri asleep with puffy eyes. "Dad! Mom!" Neteyam yells and gently shakes Antiri. "Teyam?" She questions and realizes they never went back to the hut. "Omg thank eywa your ok" he says bringing her into a hug. "Baby why are you crying" she questions and tries to sit up. "I I thought I lost you" neteyam said and cries in relief. "I'm so sorry baby kiri needed someone to talk to. I heard her crying when we were asleep. We kinda both cried ourselves to sleep and forgot to go back to the hut" Antiri says and hugs neteyam back tightly. "Dad? Mom?" Kiri says waking up to them looking at her with worry. "Love bug you okay thank eywa your okay" neytiri says and hugs kiri.

Jake and neytiri walked kiri back to the hut talking to her and asking her what's wrong. Me and neteyam stayed back in the same spot. "Baby why were you crying what's wrong" neteyam asks and holds her close to his chest. " hurt seeing kiri in pain and I kinda mentioned what I saw with spider. The image of Tuk wouldn't get out of my head....I I don't understand why eywa showed me that...why is she torturing me teyam...why why me" Antiri says breaking down again. "Shhh it's ok it's gonna be ok....she's probably only able to get to you since kiri can no longer connect to the tree....she needs someone strong to prevent it...she has faith in you ma Antiri" neteyam says and kisses her head. "Yeah but why show me the horrid images instead of warning me a different way and stopping me from seeing the things I wish to not see" she looks up and neteyam looks down at her in sorrow. "We'll figure this out baby I promise just please don't ever leave without telling me I can't loose you" neteyam says hugging her tightly. They both feel at home and safe. Sadly neteyams training starts today. "Will you come to my training today they said it won't be long today. Since I know most of the stuff they're just gonna go over it" neteyam asks and receives a nod from Antiri. "Baby" neteyam says and lifts up her head. He wipes her tears away with one hand and smiles. "That's more crying I hate seeing you cry" he says and receives a smile back. "There's the smile I love" he says and she blushes a bit. She cups neteyams cheek and he leans in to kiss her. She kisses him back still having that feeling every time their lips meet. "Let's go back to the hut so you can get some rest and eat before we have to go" neteyam says and she nods. She sits up as neteyam stands up. He helps her up then puts his arm around her shoulders. She leans into him and they walk back to the hut. Once they get there kiri is already asleep. Spider is playing with Tuk and looks like he doesn't care what happened with her. Antiri shoots him a death glare while they walk to the table. She sits down and so does neteyam. She leans on his shoulder and shuts her eyes. She ends up falling asleep while neytiri and jake were making breakfast.

She's woke up due to Tuk and neteyam arguing. "I want to play with her" Tuk says and crosses her arms. "I know Tuk you can play with her later I promise just let her sleep" neteyam says in a quiet voice. "Noooo there's no later you guys leave" Tuk pouts and moves closer. I can feel neteyam moving trying to keep her back from waking me up. "Let me play with tiri please I want tiri" Tuk shouts. I give up and pick up my head. I rub my eyes as they try to focus and I try to completely wake up. It's a bit blurry but I see a Navi behind neteyam with something in his hand. "Stop!" Antiri yells but then realizes it's lo'ak with tuks toy. Lo'ak stops in his track and looks kinda scared. "I'm sorry lo'ak I thought you were someone else" Antiri apologized and looked at Tuk who was sad and mad. "TIRI" Tuk said and rushed into my arms. "Hi Tuktuk" Antiri says and causes Tuk to giggle. "I'm sorry baby I tried to make her let you sleep" neteyam apologizes. "It's ok love" Antiri said and neteyam kisses Antiri. "Noooo" Tuk says and pushed neteyam away from Antiri. This causes to laugh but look away and cover her mouth to try not to laugh. "Tuk" neytiri said while trying not to laugh and look serious. Neteyam just has a shocked face and looks at Antiri. Neteyam sits back up and sees spider smirking in the corner. Antiri looks back at Tuk. "Tuk don't push him" she says finally recollecting herself. "He can't take you away" she says and sticks her tongue out at neteyam. "He's not taking me away Tuk we're gonna eat breakfast here" Antiri says to reassure Tuk. She nods and leaves to go get her toys she comes back and hands some to Antiri.

Tuk finally let Antiri eat and went to go play with spider. Neteyam puts his hand on antiris leg and they both started to eat. He didn't want her to eat alone so he waited to eat with Antiri. Kiri finally wakes up and her eyes are puffy still. "Babe" Antiri said and looked at neteyam. "Are..are my eyes still puffy" she said and neteyam nodded his head and looked down. Antiri let's put a sigh and continues eating. Kiri comes over and sits on the other side of neteyam just staring down at the table. Neteyam puts his other hand and rubs her back. She looks up and smiles at neteyam but she catches a glance of spider and looks away. Antiri looks at her with sorrow and turns to look at spider. This time he genuinely looks worried for kiri. He seems vulnerable but it's seems like something switched in his mind. He blinks a couple times and continues playing with tuk.

We leave and walk along the beach letting the water hit our feet. "I'm scared teyam" Antiri says and looks at him. "Why what's wrong" he says and makes them stop continuing forward. "He's changing Tuk. She's never pushed you before. She usually agrees to things easily and I can see her joy turning into anger. She's a kid teyam I don't want her to change she's so sweet and pure to change" Antiri says looking at the ocean. "We won't let anything happen to her. I think it's good for Tuk to get a little physical so she ready when spider turns his back on us" he says and makes Antiri face him. "We're all gonna be ok I promise I won't let anything happen" neteyam says emphasizing the I. Antiri nods and looks at his eyes. She always finds herself loosing herself in his eyes. He smiles" come here" he says and pulls Antiri into a hug. "I love you ma Antiri" he says and has a big smile on his face. "I love you to ma neteyam" she smiles and kisses neteyam. He kisses her back and cups her cheeks. She deepens the kiss and it starts to get heated. They are soon interrupted by jake. "Omg" he says snd looks away. "Dad!" Neteyam says and they both pulls away from eachother leaving distance between them. "Are you guys done" jake asks and cause both kids to blush. Antiri is kind of embarrassed and turns her back to them. "What's did you need" neteyam says and Jake turns around. "I was gonna ask if you guys have seen kiri she took off a couple minutes after you guys did. We both look at eachother and shake our heads. "Dam it ok well your sister is gone we can't find her" jake says with panic. My eyes go wide and I run into the ocean and starting to swim as fast as I did when I would race roxto. I heard neteyam and jake calling out our name. They both rush after us calling their ilu and skimwing. I arrive to the spirit tree. Kiri is about to connect her queue and I try to swim faster. I got there just in time and pushed her out of the way. She shoots a look back at me and is mad. "Leave me alone" kiri signs and swims back to the tree. Antiri pushes her back again and shakes her head. They both start to fight but not too rough. Neteyam and jake soon arrive a few feet from them. They swim over but kiri pushes Antiri too far. They don't notice there are broken pieces of wood from lost hunting gear. Antiris finally feels a sharp pain throughout her lower body and sees a horrid look on everyone's faces. She starts to see blood through the water. She looks down and sees that the broken wooden gear cut her leg pretty bad. Neteyam pushes kiri out of the way and rushes to me. He grabs our waist and calls his ilu over. Jake takes kiri on his skimwing. Once they are out of the water there is much more blood and the pain is now focused throughout that one leg. "Teyam it hurts it hurts" Antiri says and tears start to flow down her face. She grips his arm and he doesn't say anything. He doesn't want his mate to be the only one in pain.

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