The evil

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Neteyam picks up Antiri and runs as fast as he could to her families hut. "HELP RONAL HELP ME" neteyam says and Ronald face widens seeing her daughter hurt badly. "Set her down there let me get the things I need" she says in a panic voice putting down ayino in his cradle. "Sister!" Tsireya yells and rushes over to antiris side grabbing her hand. "What happened" tsireya asks and neteyam keeps his focus on his mate. "Kiri pushed her a little too hard. She was trying to stop kiri from connecting to the tree. When she stopped kiri pushed her too hard and her leg got cut really bad against broken wooden gear off to the side" neteyam says his eyes watering a bit. "Teyam make it stop it hurts" Antiri says and it pains neteyam knowing he can't do anything. "It's gonnna be ok ma Antiri it's gonna be ok" he says running his hand back through he hair. Soon ronal returns and quickly starts working on Antiri. Her crying and screaming in pian rings through the hut. Neteyams eyes water and lets his mate squeez his hand. He hates seeing her in pain. Seeing her in pain also pains him too. He wants to keep her from harms way. He failed once again.

Antiri was laying on neteyams chest and ronal would come by every hour to reapply some ointment onto her stitches. "I'm sorry baby" neteyam says and hugs Antiri tighter. "Hey teyam it's ok trust me we both weren't aware of the wood" Antiri says lifting her head to look at neteyam. "Yeah but still I don't like seeing you in pain. It pains me too I wish you would never be in pain. I want you out of harms way free from pain." Neteyam admits and Antiri pours a little bit. "I know baby and your doing an amazing job. This is just a little bump in the road. Like I said we all weren't aware of the wood" Antiri says and kisses neteyam. He kisses her back then pulls away. "I love you" Antiri says with a smile " I love you too ma Antiri" neteyam says returning the smile. "Hey are you ok" aonung says rushing inside. "Yeah I'm ok thanks brother" Antiri says and smiles. "What happened" he says and looks at my leg. "I stopped kiri from connecting to the tree. She got mad and started to push me out of the way and I did the same to her. I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. She pushed me too hard and there was a pile of broken wooden gear. I went to far back and a price of wood cut a deep cut into my leg. I'm just thankful it didn't go though my leg." Antiri says and he's a bit shocked. "I would've never thought kiri would get that aggressive" aonung says with a surprised face. " yeah me too something has just been off lately" Antiri says thinking about something. "Yeah it's felt weird lately but I have to go meet roxto and spider. We're gonna go hunting" smoking says and antiris eyes go wide. "NO" Antiri says and shoots up grabing onto aonungs hand. " no no you can't trust him" she says and gives him a pleading look to stay. "Why what's wrong with spider he's pretty chill" he says and looks at Antiri weird. "I saw something ok don't give him any hunting gear. He's gonna bring destruction just like his dad. Please don't go or if you do go make them do something else. Say father didn't allow you guys to go today" Antiri says her eyes watering a bit. "Ok ok sister I'll change their minds" he says squeezing her hand. "Thank you" Antiri says with relief and a smile. Aonung leaves and Antiri looks back at neteyam. He's sitting up but is resting on his shoulders. "What if it's gonna happen" Antiri says with worry. "It's not gonna happen" neteyam says and fully sits up. He brings her into a hug and kisses her head.

Antiri ended up falling asleep and neteyam was staring at the ceiling. Ronal left the ointment with him and he would apply it every hour. There was a scream outside of the hut. It caused neteyam to shoot his head to the door and antiri sat up. "Stop this game isn't fun" they both heard Tuk scream. Antiri didn't care how much pain it was to put pressure on her leg. She ran with a limp outside of the hut towards tuks screaming. They were now in a forested area...just like antiris vision. Neteyam caught up to her trying to make her stay there. Antiri wouldn't listen running as fast as she could ignoring the pain in her leg. They soon got to Tuk and she was scared. "Neteyam tiri!" Tuk screamed and ran towards them but was soon dropped to the floor when she was shot by an arrow into her shoulder. "Tuk!" Antiri screamed and tears started to flow down her face. "No no" she said dropping down to Tuk. Neteyam takes out his dagger and looks everywhere for a sign of spider. He calls his dad on the device he has on his neck. His dad and neytiri were running over. "Hey bitch" she hears from behind her than is grabbed. "No no no pls spider" Antiri begs and sees neteyam rush over to Tuk. "Let her go" neteyam says and turns around to face spider. "Or what I think it's time to put her out of her misery she can go join ewfroní he was chill when I was hanging out with him" spider says and pulls on antiris queue. Suddenly Antiri feels his grip loosen then he falls to the ground. Antiri turns around and sees neytiri and jake. She rushes to neteyam but is soon her body meets the ground. Spiders hand gripped onto her ankle. He crawls ontop of her and is about to put his dagger into her chest. He's using his other hand to choke Antiri while saying a worship to eywa.He is soon tackled to the ground and his dagger falls to the side of us. Jake pulls neteyam off of spider and Jake takes care of spider. Neytiri rushes to Tuk and runs to ronal. Antiri is gasping for air and is coughing. "Baby are you ok?!?" Neteyam frantically asks and doesn't get a word back from Antiri. She's trying to say something but can't get a word out. "It's gonna be ok it's gonna be ok" neteyam says and cradles Antiri. Jake stands up and we see an unconscious spider on the floor. We can see the hatred in his eyes. Antiri is crying hoping Tuk is ok. The pain starts to focus more on her leg than her neck. She squeezes her eyes tight and says neteyam. He looks down and she points to her leg. He flips her over a bit and sees that her bandage has blood on it. She opened up her stitches. Neteyam picks her up as gently as he could and runs off to the hut too. You can hear the screams from Tuk and it pains them both. They enter and ronal is already sticking up Tuk. His ears pin to his head and he looks down at Antiri with her eyes shut and tears still managing to get out. "Ronal her stitches opened up" neteyam says and places her down on the mat and starts to unwrap her leg. Ronal finished tuks stitches and applying the ointment and prepares for antiris stitches. Soon the hut is filled his antiris screams in pain and tuks sobs.

Antiri is asleep once again on neteyams chest and they're finally at peace. Aonung feels bad he tried his best to change their mind but spider went rogue. The evil inside spider too over him. He's currently hand cuffed and is in the sullys hut. Jake is interrogating spider and Tuk is here with neytiri. Antiri is awaken with tuks cries. Tsireya and lo'ak brought their food so they wouldn't miss dinner. Antiris neck has spiders handprint but purple. Antiri loved the color purple but not when it comes to danger and pain. Ronal made Antiri smoothies so it hopefully soothes her throat. The only way Antiri is able to communicate is by signing to them. "Thank you mom but it hurts to swallow" Antiri signs and Ronals ears drop. "I know but you have to eat something" she says and turns to feed ayino. Antiri takes small sips from her drink and neteyam eats his food.

Antiri woke up with an even more sore throat. Neteyam hasn't left her side at all and has been taking care of her. Neytiri took Tuk home once jake found somewhere to keep spider and make sure he doesn't escape. Antiri is sad since she isn't able to talk to neteyam but has to sign to him in order to communicate. She tries to speak and nothing comes out and neteyam gets mad at her for not just letting her throat rest. "Baby stop" neteyam says and Antiri pouts. "Come here neteyam says and hugs Antiri. She looks up at him and he smiles. She smiles back and he kisses her. Antiri kisses him back. Before it could go any further neteyam stopped not wanting hurt Antiri on accident. Antiri pouts and crosses her arms. "Babe no your not healed and I don't wanna hurt you. Also we're kinda at your parents hut. If we were at ours that might of changed" neteyam says and Antiri sits up. "You wouldn't hurt me and it would be my fault" Antiri said still wanting it to go somewhere. "Babe just wait till your better" neteyam says and she rolls her eyes and faces her back to him. "No baby don't do that to me" he says and moves closer to her and wraps his arms around her waist resting his chain on her shoulder. "How about we see how you feel later and if we're back at our hut for privacy" neteyam suggests. A bright smile appeared on her face and she nods her head. She kisses his cheek and leans back against him. "It's gonna be quite cause you won't be making so much noise and letting the whole clan know we're doing stuff" neteyam chuckles out and she covers her face in embarrassment. "I'm sorry I can't help it" Antiri signs and smiles to herself. "I love it though" neteyam says and kisses antiris cheek. "I love you" Antiri signs "I love you more" neteyam says. Antiri turns to face him and he kisses her. She kisses him back and cups his cheeks. She tries to deepen the kiss again but neteyam catches on and pulls away. "Your so sneaky ma antiri" neteyam chuckles and hugs antiri tight.

Neteyam carried Antiri to dinner since she wanted to eat with the clan. Tuk wouldn't leave jakes or neytiris side. Spider was locked up and some of our warriors guarded the place. Neteyam gently set Antiri down next to ronal. "How's your throat" ronal asks looking at her neck. "It's still very sore maybe worse" Antiri signs. "Ok I'll make you some tea that should help and neteyam I'll give you an ointment to put on her neck and more of the other one to put on her stitches" ronal says and neteyam nods. Antiri is served another smoothie while everyone else eats a really good dinner. Antiri pouts and slowly drinks her smoothie. "What's wrong ma antiri" neteyam says and rubs her lower back. "I want to be able to eat I love todays dinner and I don't even get to enjoy it. I'm stuck with these stupid smoothies" Antiri signs and crosses her arms. "I'm so sorry baby I promise once your better and can eat this will be the first meal you eat ok" neteyam says and her face lights up and she nods her head. "Ok well for now drink your smoothie" neteyam says and kisses Antiris cheek.

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