⊙Accident 2

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Words 406

5 days later

"It was 9 am when Preston can finally be discharged" He napped for a bit but surely he's tired the rest of the family want to go but Preston was already discharged and were currently heading home. "So we told them to come visit us at home"

"I had no sleep, we had no sleep"

I was to worried to fall asleep it was to much to take in to. For a guy who wasn't on the accident.

As we both had no sleep and both scared to drive so chase offers to drive us home.

Thank you so much Chase, bro you're a life saver. Preston thanked

"No problem you two... Preston make sure you rest well."

"I will" Preston said and Chase drove off

We intertwined our hands together walking into the lobby of our condominium unit. Once we both got in.

"Ah finally home" Preston sighed

"Go take a shower, I'll prepare our lunch for us"

"I'm not hungry, I just want you right now" Preston said smirking at me.

"Seriously Preston" I demanded

"Noo! I'm just kidding I want sleep right now im very tired"

After showering got into our comfiest pj's and both laid down at the bed.

"I could really fall asleep right now" Preston said as his head hits the pillow.

He pulled me closer, making me snuggle into his chest. While he rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry I made you worried"

"It's okay, let's just not go home that late yeah?" I not worried about your driving I'm worried about drivers who could be responsible for people's road accidents. I say looking up at him. He just smiled.

"Okay" I won't go home late from now on. Preston said as he looks into depths of my eyes.

"Thank you for coming to the hospital and taking care of me"

"Don't be silly, I'll obviously come" My husband on the hospital and me not coming why did you marry me then? I said chuckling which made him smile more.

"I love you Bri, alot... I hope you know that" Preston said carresing My cheek with kisses.

"I love you too babe" I replied

"Now let's sleep I know your tired" He touching my nose with his finger I chuckled at his silly behavior made myself comfortable in his arms. Slowly drifting to sleeping on his sweet murmurs with a soft heartbeat on stand by.

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