Random Crap

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Why do we have to be here very early? Preston mumbles as he get out of the car.

We arrived at out warehouse/studio for a whole day filming session. We both have filled session. Hence everyone's tired right now

I get out 0f the car and stretched as I just woken up and head in right away. I got my make up done and dressed up, went to our office to get on a meeting film a video. Everyone was clearly tired and exhausted but we went through it together twice in a row so we can do it.

After all of those shenanigan, I made my way to a room where everyone is resting. They were blasting music. I then saw Preston on a couch on his phone. I sat next to him and then laid my head on his shoulder. He looked down at me. "Are you tired babe" He asked. "Yes" I mumbled as I fall asleep.

Later he also fell asleep.

Preston Pov

After awhile, chase came in with acamera on his hand.

"Well well we'll look who we have here" He said as he showed me towards the camera... Preston Arsement being a simp, he said as I carresed bri slowly falling in love with her again.

Brianna Pov

I slowly woke up and saw Chase filming.

"Ooh the love birds are both awake" He exclaims

What do you mean. I replied

Umm Preston was being a simp (kinda) to you.

What! I hit his shoulder and he laughs.

This two are always together couldn't be separated. You guys can never see them apart. I feel like they are twins. Chase said showing me on Preston embrace. See what I'm talking about!

Preston Pov

I ran my fingers to bri's hair and played with it for a while I stopped. She frowned again trying to find my hand but couldn't.

Preston.. continue doing it. She mumbles as she pouts.

I have no response but continued doing it with a obvious smirk I looked at them with smirks on there face. You guys know what will happen later night.

Yup, they all nodded.

What is it? Bri disturb our boys only conversation.

It's nothing were just talking about when we're ready to have kids...

Umm okay. She replied.

Brianna Pov

Preston smiled with a smirk and chuckled at their reactions.

Idiots.. I mumbled

400 words.

This I don't know what this is I'll name it random crap originally every day life

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