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Brianna Pov

It was Preston first day back at home after a two week out of town work. He was taking a nap forgetting he had promised Aria he'll spend time with her he said he'll let her paint his nails and he forgot but that won't stop aria from spending time with his daddy she will still paint his nails. So she went upstairs in her bed rom and took her new polish that I had just brought her and carefully but messily applied it on his fingers one by one slowly but surely. She colors it with Preston's favorite colours and when she finished she ran back out to meand helped me cook dinner. Preston woked up minutes later for dinner and put his hand on the table both me and aria looked down glancing at his nails laughing. " You did daddy's nails didn't you?" I asked her and she giggles.  "They're pretty" she smiles back to Preston.

Preston Pov

"Do you like it daddy?" She asked as she takes a spoon full of chicken Seeing the pride and happiness on my daughters face I gave out a appreciative smile. "Yes baby I love them, thank you for doing them. You should do mommy's next I'm sure she'll love it.."

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