NewYork Getaway With The Pack

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Preston and Brianna as Cool Popular Ceo's who went to New York but they were mobbed by fans and paps.

Brianna Pov

I was with Matteo as we wait for Preston to finish up. Soon Preston went out. "You can go get ready now, I'll look after her" He said as he picks up Matteo.

"Okay can you dress him too, I've already picked out her clothes, and it's on her room" I said as I went in the bathroom to get ready.

"Okay I'm done" I said as I walked out and saw Matteo on the couch with his denim jacket and pants who matched Prestons. It was going to be Matteo's first time in front of paps and reporters. Since last month he just turned one and we felt that it was time to bring her out to public since we always have to do private flights and getaway. I was nervous in fact about going to the airport i was afraid on how Matteo would react to all of the commotion and people shouting, but I'm sure Preston already made sure that there were guards to control and not make big fuss.


"Are you nervous? " Preston asked as he caressed my hand.

I nodded as I ran my hand through Matteo's hair who was getting to his eyes he needed a hair cut soon.

"It'll be fine I protect him if anything happens, I'll protect you too" he smiles warmly.

"Is my baby exited" Preston asked tickling him and he burst out of giggles.

"Are they on the way?" I asked as I looked around the house to check if we missed some important stuffs.

"Okay, no need to look around I already packed his necessities, I've already packed an extra pacifier and also a bottle it's in my bags with some clothes and diapers" He said.

"Thank you babe" I said as I slightly pecked his cheeks.

"Okay now come on they're already here" I said as I picked up bags and Preston picked up Matteo and his bag.

I turned of all the lights And closed all the doors and head out. I went to the garage to see Preston putting Matteo down on his car seat while I got in and sat on the otherwise throughout the journey I kept Matteo awake and busy so that he'll be tired most of the flight.

I looked to Preston and said. "Make sure he isn't exposed to any flashes as he just woke up" I warned him as we were so close at the airport.

"Don't worry I'll make sure  oh.. yeah we should put something to cover his eyes and ears " Preston suggested.

"Oh yeah I bought sunglasses and muffs for him in case he gets to fussy to all the flashes and if it's get too cold for him." I said as I grabbed the glasses and the muffs from my bag and put it on him

"My boy looks like he's about to attend a fashion show" Preston giggled

By that time we had reached the airport parking lot where Keeley and Scotts cat are parked. When Preston got out of the car, he helped me carry our bags out and carried Matteo with his free arm.

"You need to behave already, it's going to be a bit noisy but daddy's here to protect you okay" I cooed to him and  smiled


"Matteo~" Rob said running over to us.

Matteo turned to where the yelling is and giggled once he had saw who was it, Rob is Matteo's favorite out of 5 of the guys not including me.

"Are you Ready?" He asked

She nodded and looks around.

"Babe, I'll carry her later, you just get yourself right?" Preston said coming over and cooing to the boy in my arms.

Soon one of the staff came and alerted us and directly led us to the entrance. "So we have barricaded the paps so there is no mobbing so you guys are safe especially Matteo. But we can't control all the noise I really hope it's not too loud for him" she said as we walked.

"Okay please can you get extra security with us? Preston requested.

"Noted" she said as she ran to get one.

She came back.

"Okay now we can go" she said.

Preston told me to stay beside him and made sure I was weren't the last one who entered the airport. As soon as the paps saw us They went crazy on flashing lights.

Matteo started to cry once he had heard all the shouting that was getting too loud. Even for us, it was very loud. Preston placed his hands on his back to comfort him. I worriedly moved closer to them and removed the hair covering his eyes.

"It's okay, we're here" I said and his cry turn into to Sobs which meant he was now asleep.

We sat down on the private lounge. And I picked him up from Preston and removed his jacket Cause it was too hot. I handed Matteo to Rob and went over to Preston who looks mad and talking to one of the staff.

"There were too many cameras and paps screaming earlier. I thought the barrier would be further and at by the entrance  why was it so close to us?"

"We're really sorry. We were told that the are was barricaded and we didn't know how close it was just that" she said,

"You could've chec-" I cutted him off.

"Preston it's totally Okay, he's okay now" I say cutting him. Before he starts being disrespectful.

We went back to the lounge and took Matteo from Rob and saw him already awake,

"Are you okay now" I asked him

He nods but laid his head on my shoulder continuing to sleep. I know the wasn't like this always a was definitely affected to what just happened.

"Im sorry baby" Preston said as he sat down beside us. And he jolts awake to hear Preston's voice.

"Do you want a hug" He asked She put his arms out and he had been taken by his dad.

"It scary wasn't it?" He asked knowing it's his first time.

"But see you're okay now because you were with daddy and mommy"

He giggled nodded as we waited for our flight

1060 words

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