Prank *Gone Wrong*

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Brianna Pov

I was scrolling through tiktok until I saw a girl doing a prank on his husband/boyfriend. And an idea came to my mind that it'll be hilarious if I do it on Preston. Preston's so busy with work these past day and I was clearly unaffected with it. He's lifestyle is just a bit different than mine. However he would always find times to spend with me whenever opportunity is given, he'll take me out on a date making me feel the luckiest girl in the world Eve though he's spending it on his rest day.


He texted me informing that he'll be home soon so I decided to heat up the dinner that I just had made. And decided to start filming with a spare phone and placed it somewhere hidden.

Soon I heard the front door open and quickly pressed record before going back to the stove and silently stir the soup,

"Babe? I'm home" He called, but I remained silent which was normal for him as I'd always reply excitedly or already making way towards him.

"Babe?" He asked as he walks to the kitchen were he heard a boiling sound

"Go wash up.. dinners ready in 2 minutes"

"I already showered at the office.. are you okay?" He asked starting to worry

I just nodded not facing him. As I went to the fridge to get something for the coffee that I was going to make,

However Preston stayed on his current position, frowning and looking at me confused.

"Baby?" He asked as he wraps his arm around my waist but I removed and started making iced coffee.

Okay now there's definitely something wrong" He said turning me around wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up on the counter so that he could get eye contact,

He placed his hand on either side of my thighs and casually studied my features. I looked down not wanting to break my acting skills which I deserve an Oscar for

"What's wrong babe? Did I do something that made you upset" He asked trying to recall things if he had forgotten anything,

"Babe please,  talk to me, let me know what I did wrong.. Are you okay? He asked placing a hand on my cheeks, making me look up on him.

I could clearly see worry in his eyes making me drown in guilt. He imm caught upmonit and sighed with a smile.

"You're messing with me aren't you?" He asked

I just laughed and he immediately tickled me causing me to laugh even more

"Stop" I say laughing

"How dare you make me worry" He said kissing my cheeks and stopped tickling.

"You should've seen you face" I teased

"Of course I was worried!" He say squeezing my cheeks

"And you're naughty for doing that" he say with a smirk in his face as he put his hands under my shirt and saying " know what naughty girls get?"

He lifted me up again from the counter towards the couch making me wrap my legs around him.

"Wait my phone's still filming" I say

"Even better" He say smirking more

526 words

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