Before We Party

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(Y/N's pov)
It's Friday, only a day until the Rave'n. Me, Enid, Yoko and Wednesday are going to go shopping in Jericho today after school. I get up from my bed and start to get ready. Then me and Enid leave for class. We have fencing first.

—Time skip—

It's time for the last lesson of the week. Botanical science with her... Yesterday when me and Xavier arrived to class and sat next to each other, I could see how angry and jealous she got. Yes, I admit that maybe I was trying to make her jealous... But hey, at least it worked...! Me, Enid and Xavier arrive to class.

"Hello Enid, you're looking very pretty today!"

I hear a familiar voice saying those words to Enid. I immediately know what she's trying to do. She's trying to make me jealous. I'm going to ignore that, make her think that I don't care. "Thanks Ms Thornhill!" Enid replies to her with a smile.

Me and Xavier sit next to each other again. Ms Thornhill starts teaching and after 10 minutes of teaching us, she hands us some worksheets. We start doing them, and soon she starts walking around the classroom to see how everyone's doing. Since Enid and Ajax are sitting at the table next to me and Xavier, I can hear perfectly what Thornhill says to them.
"You're doing very good, sweetheart." Thornhill says to Enid. I start feeling very angry, but try to hide it.

After a while, Ms Thornhill starts asking us questions to see if we've learned anything. She asks a question about plants and Enid answers correctly. "Good job, Enid! You're such a good student, darling!"

That's it.

I get so furious I slam the book I was holding in my hand on the table so hard the whole class starts to look at me. Including Ms Thornhill. For the first time in a few days our eyes meet. We both look at each other, and I can see what she's saying just by looking in her eyes. 'I miss you.'
The eye contact breaks and the lesson continues. "Hey, are you okay? You look a little sad." Xavier checks up on me with worry in his voice. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just nervous about the Rave'n I guess." I answer to him and make a small smile on my face. The bell rings and we walk out of class. Ms Thornhill comes up to me. "Hey, can I talk to you? Please?" she asks me and makes a hopeful smile at me. "I don't have time, I'm going to Jericho with friends. See you at the Rave'n." That's all I say to her before walking out.

I go back to my dorm with Enid, and we start changing clothes. I put on a black leather jacket, brown short dress, black tights and black boots. We leave after we're both dressed up. I run to Xavier on my way downstairs. "Hey Y/N! Wow... You look beautiful. Where are you guys going?" he asks us with an amazed gaze on his face. "Thank you Xavier. We're going to Jericho." I answer to him. "Oh cool, can I come too?" He asks with excitement. "Sorry, it's a girls trip, maybe next time!" I tell him and kiss him on the cheek as a goodbye. "He's looking at you with a shocked face." Enid tells me as we're walking downstairs. "I know."

—Time skip—

Me, Enid, Wednesday and Yoko arrive in Jericho. We go to Weatherwane before our mani-pedis. We order and Wednesday goes to speak with Tyler. They're going to the Rave'n together. We start talking about tomorrow and suddenly we hear a woman's voice talking to us.

"Well hello girls, what a pleasant surprise! What are you doing in Jericho? Excited about the Rave'n yet?" Ms Thornhill asks us.

This is not happening. "Oh hi Ms Thornhill! Yes we are excited! We're here to go shopping and get mani-pedis for tomorrow!" Enid starts telling her. I try to kick Enid under the table so she'd understand not to say anuthing else, but it's too late. "Would you like to come sit with us?" Enid asks Ms Thornhill. "Why, yes, of course! I'll just go order quickly." Ms Thornhill answers to Enid. She goes to order and I start looking Enid with a 'what did you just do' face. "Oh, my god! I'm so sorry Y/N, I didn't even realize."

Ms Thornhill comes and sits with us, and she starts asking us questions about the Rave'n. I don't say a word during the good 30 minutes that we sit there.

"We should go, our mani-pedi's in 15." Yoko says and we all get up. "Well it was nice talking to you girls, see you tomorrow at the Rave'n!" Ms Thornhill says to us and Yoko and Enid say goodbye to her.

—Time skip—

We're back at Nevermore and I found the perfect thing to wear. I'm so excited! It's getting really late and I don't want to be tired tomorrow. I go to bed after brushing my teeth and doing my skincare. I close my eyes and think about how tomorrow will go.

Ok, next part is the Rave'n!! I'm so excited omg! I'll put some suits and dresses for you to choose to wear on the next part. Hope you liked this one <3

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