An Unforgettable Night

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Y/N's pov
It's our third night in Paris. We've been shopping, eating in fancy restaurants, roaming around the streets of the city and admiring many attractions. Right now I'm walking back to our room with Yoko. I have 3 shopping bags in each hand. The amount of money I've spent already is scary.

I lay immediately down on the bed when we finally arrive in our room. Yoko follows behind me, and to my surprise, so do Enid and Wednesday. Enid had bought some french snacks for us to try. She had macarons, crepes, croissants and some other delicious-looking pastries. We hang around, talking about our trip so far and our plans for the rest of the week, eating our snacks.

Suddenly my phone pings. I look at the notification from Marilyn.

M: Come to my room, darling? Xx

I look at the text and try to figure out an escape plan. I can't think of anything so I just whisper to Enid "I have to go, Marilyn just texted me" her eyes widen with excitement and she winks at me. I get out of the room, making my way over to hers.

I knock on the door and she opens it almost immediately. "Hi there" pulls me by my waist and kisses me.

"Hello" I greet her back and touch the tip of her nose with my finger playfully. She frowns and smirks at me while kissing me again.

"So.. wanna go out?" Marilyn asks me.

"What? Where? I mean yeah, sure"

"I know the perfect place, dear"

We leave soon after and Marilyn leads the way. After walking for 10 minutes we come across some club. There is a line to it but Marilyn confidently passes everyone and goes up to the security.

"Name's Marilyn Thornhill" she says to the security and they nod, letting her in. I walk behind her but the security guy stops me.

"Name?" He asks me. "Uh I-"

"Hey! She's with me." Marilyn comes back and wraps her hand around my waist. The security guy seems a bit embarassed but lets us both in.
"Apologies, mademoiselle." Marilyn nods at him as if to forgive him.

We get inside and the club is packed. It looks like one of those high-end clubs. There's definitely not these in Jericho. There's a band and it's playing awesome live music. We go over to the bar to get us some drinks.

We then move on to the dance floor. We're standing the closest to the stage. I look at the pretty girl, the singer of the band. She frowns at herself and finishes the song, starting to cough. I instantly get worried.

"Hey, are you okay?" I shout so she can hear me. "Yeah, thanks, I think I drank too much. Could you cover for me? I've to go sleep" she said to me and ran off stage. My eyes widen, not knowing what to do.

I quickly make my decision, give my drink to a confused Marilyn and hop on the stage with the help of the male guitarist.

"You know this song? We were supposed to play it next" the guitarist tells me and I nod. I actually love that song. I grab the mic. I always loved singing, even though I'm a little afraid to perform in front of an audience. Especially an audience with my girlfriend in it.

The power of the few drinks boost my confidence and I don't seem to have the stage fright as I would usually.

The band starts playing, there must be hundreds of people on the dance floor. I bring the microphone closer and start singing.

The audience starts cheering at my singing. I didn't expect this but I continue with an increased amount of confidence.

And soon after, me and the band finish the song, getting an unbelievable amount of cheers.

"Thank you!" I thank the audience.

"That's more cheers than with our lead singer.. Would you like to perform another song? Our lead singer isn't back yet.. Here's what we would do next" he shows me the list. Ah, yet another one of my favorites.

I give him and the rest of the band an approving nod. They start playing again and the crowd begins cheering again.

I notice two girls stepping to the stage with microphones. They start singing backup. I smile at them and give them a thumbs up.

We finish the song and the cheers get even louder after this one.

We perform four other songs in the next half an hour.

"Okay, it's time for our last song!" I shout into the mic and the crowd starts jumping and cheering and screaming in excitement. It's like they're fans at this point.

For the last time, the talented band starts playing.

And as the last song ends, I take a bow and shout "Thank you! Thank you so much!!!" I blow kisses to the crowd as I leave to the backstage with the band.

"Okay, who are you? And why haven't we heard of you before?" The guy who was playing the drums asks me.

"I'm Y/N L/N, and I'm actually not from Paris nor have I ever sang in front of a group that large"

"You haven't?" The guitarist asks in shock.

I shake my head as a no and the band members look at each other.

"You were amazing, born to be a performer." They tell me. "Thanks, guys"

"I should get back to my girlfriend" I tell them.

As I'm leaving, they call me "Y/N! Hey, here are our numbers, if you ever feel like performing again." They give me a note and I smile "Thank you boys."

I go back to Marilyn. "Hi..." I don't know how she's feeling right now.

"Oh my, hi! I'm your biggest fan, I love you so much can I get an autograph?"

"Oh, shut it" I smile and pull her into a kiss.

"So a singer, huh? My girlfriend is a singer... I like the sound of that" she smirks and pours the last drop of her martini to her mouth.

"Let's go, shall we?" I suggest. She nods and takes my arm.

As we're leaving, a man stops us.

"Hello, Y/N. Sorry to stop you like this, but I was very impressed by your singing, here, if you're interested in having a manager and succeeding with your talent, give me a call."

He hands me a card and shakes my hand before I get the chance to say anything back to him.

As we get back to the hotel, we lie down immediately on the bed, still a bit tipsy. Marilyn more than me, though.

"So... do you think you'll call him?" She asks me.
"Call who?" "The manager guy?"
"Oh, him, maybe. I'm not sure. Let's just sleep, okay?" I give her a kiss goodnight and drift off to a deep sleep.

When we wake up in the morning, chaos is close. As I return to me and Yoko's hotel room, I come facing two excited 'tell me everything now' faces and one 'I could't care less but do tell' face.

"What?" I ask them and giggle.

"What? Are you seriously asking that? After last night?" Enid almost screams at me.

"How do you know about it?"

"You've gone viral, different videos of you are spreading across the internet. You've gained millions of views" Yoko explains to me.

"WHAT???" I look at all the three of them with a shocked face. This can't be real. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a ping on my phone.

I've gotten hundreds of notifications. Emails, phone calls, texts, follow-requests, likes, comments, what the hell?? I look at my Instagram page, realizing that my amount of followers has gone from 700 to 100,000.

'What the hell is going on?!' I think to myself.

Allllrightyyyy hope you liked itttt babes I love you so much for reading this <3

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