Merry Christmas

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—Time skip—
Friday, 25th of December
Y/N's pov
I wake up and quickly realize what day it is. It's Christmas!! I loooooove Christmas, the vibe of it you know. "Wake up Mari, it's Christmas!!!" I jump on top of her and lay kisses on her face. "Pleasee I want to sleep.." She mumbles. "Fine. I'll go downstairs and make breakfast and when I'm done, you'll wake up okay?" I ask her and she says "Okay.." in a tired tone.

I go downstairs in my PJ's and make chocolate chip pancakes. Mari once mentioned it's her favorite. I also wrap my gift(s) for her and start making my way upstairs. Apparently I'm too late because she is already walking downstairs. She's in her PJ's too.

"Merry Christmas my love" I say to her and kiss her. "Merry Christmas my Y/N!"
"Look, I made your favorite!" I tell her and she gets excited. "Oh my god, how'd you know I love chocolate chip pancakes?" She asks in a surprised, but excited tone. "You said to me once, remember? I catch every little detail." I've always had a great memory, I remember everyone's birthdays. People have always admired me for it. "Awww I love you so much" She cups my face and kisses me for almost a minute.

We sit down and eat our breakfast. After we've eaten, I do the dishes and go to the living room where Marilyn already is.

"What do you usually do on Christmas?" She asks me. "We usually have dinner, open our gifts and meet our family members and relatives. What about you?" I tell her and ask her the same question.

She goes quiet for a moment. "Well... I usually just watch a movie. Nothing much. I've spent almost all of my Christmases alone." she explains to me in a sad and a bit insecure tone.

I know that speaking about her family is hard for her, but I have to know more. "Mari... If you don't mind me asking.. What happened to your family? Did you lose contact with them or what?"

"I don't mind. You deserve to know. I had a mother, a father and a brother. But they all died when I was young." she explains to me, looking down. My heart breaks for her.

"Have you ever spent your Christmas with a friend or friends?" I then ask her, wanting to know if she has any friends. "No... I don't think I've ever had a real friend.. Even though I'm a normie, I always felt like I never belonged anywhere. You know, too odd for the normies, not odd enough for the Outcasts." she says and her tone just keeps getting more miserable.

"Marilyn. Look at me." I say to her. I raise her jaw up to my eye level with two fingers and look into her eyes. "I am so sorry. You didn't deserve any of this. But you do have a family now. In me."

Her eyes fill with tears and she starts crying. I take her in my arms and I stroke her hair.
"You're okay. We're okay." I whisper to her and she just lays in my arms. We lay there for a long time, and I keep whispering nice things to her. After about 30 minutes, she gets up and looks at me, deeply. "Thank you, Y/N. I'm glad that I can call you my family. I love you so much." she says and hugs me. I hug her back and tell her "I love you too. The most."

"I have something that'll cheer you up." I say to her and get up. "Wait here, okay?"
I go to the kitchen and take the presents that I hid from her before we ate breakfast. I go back to her."These are for you" I hand her the two presents I'm holding in my hands. "Really? I- I have never gotten a Christmas gift." she says.
"Yes, Mari, it's for you! Open them!"

She opens the first, smaller present. It reveals a black, elegant box. She opens the box and sees a green crystal. "It's a green jade. It brings harmony, balance, protection and good luck to you. You can carry it in your pocket to strenghten the connection between your energy and the crystals' energy." I explain to her. "I love it so much! Thank you my love, I will carry it with me." She smiles at me.

"Oh that's not all! I do have another gift for you." I say and hand the bigger gift to her. She opens it and it reveals a big, brown leather-covered book. "It's a book about botany, it has the rarest plants in the whole world. I came across it in a book store and immediately thought of you."

She looks up to me from the book with a shocked face. "For me?! This book has been sold out everywhere and I've tried getting my hands on it, with no luck. How did you find this?" "I won't tell you my secret, silly." I wink at her. She let's out a chuckle and with no warning, she hugs me very tightly.

"Thank you, my love. I don't think I'll ever be able to tell you how grateful I am." She kisses me.

"I got something for you, too. Here." She hands me a silver box. I wonder what's in here. I open it and it reveals a silver necklace that has a heart charm on it. The charm is very shiny, and it has small diamonds attached to its edges. "Turn it around." Marilyn says. I turn the charm on the other side, revealing a carving that reads:
Y/N and Marilyn
Eternal love
I look to Marilyn with a shocked smile on my face. "I love it. So much. I will wear this until the day I die." I say to her. "Well that's good to hear, since I got you a bracelet to match." She chuckles and hands me another silver box. I open it and it reveals a silver bracelet that also has small diamonds attached to it. I turn it around and on the inner side it shows the same carving. I look at Marilyn and smile uncontrollably. "I love these so much. Can you help me a little?" I turn around so that she can put the necklace on me. She puts it on and I put the bracelet on, too.

"Want to watch a movie?" She asks me and I nod. She puts on a Christmas rom-com.
"Hey Mari?" "Mhm?"
"If you ever want to talk about your family and your past more, I'm here." I tell her. She turns to look at me and smiles widely. "Thank you." She didn't say it out loud, but I know that that meant a lot for her.

We spend the rest of the say watching Christmas movies, making hot chocolate and eating delicious food in our PJ's.

Best Christmas ever.
Here ya go. Hope you liked this part! There's probably one more chapter before they go back to Nevermore, so expect a little time skip! Thank you so much for reading this, means a world to me! Feel free to leave a review on the comments <33

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