I Love You, Y/N

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"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Says Marilyn, holding the gun to her head.

Oh my god.

"Now, drop the dagger." She demands and Betsy drops it immediately. I grab it and hold it, just for my safety.

I'm not actually scared, I know Marilyn could never actually shoot anyone. At least I hope so...

"And lastly, give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot you to death right here, right now." She says sternly, I widen my eyes in shock. Surely she wouldn't do that?

"Let me think..." Betsy says sarcastically. "Yes, maybe so I could kill this little brat over here?"

"Don't you DARE call her that!" Marilyn yells, making me flinch hard. She has everyone shook. Literally everyone in the quad.

"Oh come on, doesn't it make you even a little mad? After everything she did to you?" Betsy asks Marilyn with a smug smirk on her face.

"More like what you did!" Marilyn yells back.

"Don't you just want to get revenge on her? She deserves it." Betsy tries to convince Marilyn. But Mari wouldn't hurt me again, right?

She comes a few steps closer, suddenly grabbing Betsy's hair in a tight grip and putting the gun against her temple. "Don't even think that I would do something like that. Not to her, ever. But to you, on the other hand..." She starts caressing Betsy's cheek with the gun, Betsy actually looks frightened. That's a first.

Tears start welling up in my eyes, I'm really scared right now. I can't let her do that. Marilyn looks like she can't think straight for herself, like she's been blinded by her rage. I have to step in.

"Why so quiet now, huh? Any last words?" Marilyn asks Betsy.

"Mari..." I whisper, the tears now rolling down my cheeks.

And Marilyn turns to look at me, her expression immediately softens when she sees my face.

"Please, don't do this. She's not worth it, please just let her go." I beg, trying to convince the woman I love so much.

"Y/N, you do know what she's done? God, she almost killed you!" She pleads. I try to stay calm, she's not thinking clearly. She'd never kill anyone.

"Marilyn, please," I try to think of something to change her mind.

"Why should I listen to you? It's not like you care about me anymore." She says, her voice filled with hurt.

"Of course I care about you!" I say, shocked that she would even think that.

Tears are welling up in her eyes now, too.
"There's no other way. No other way Y/N. I have to kill her, so you'll be safe." Got it, still not thinking straight I see. She brings the gun back to Betsy's temple, slowly putting her finger on the trigger.

"MARILYN," I shout between my cries, trying to get her attention. And I get it, so I say something only she can hear as it is just above a whisper. "If you ever loved me, let her go."

And something changes in her expression. It softens. And she brings the gun down immediately.

No one has time to do anything else, when the doors to the quad slam open again, revealing the sheriff. Apparently Larissa had time to call him.

"Beatrice Crowley, you're under arrest for kidnapping, abuse, attempted murder and numerous other crimes." He says, pulling out the handcuffs and cuffing Betsy. The woman looks back at me and snarls "You won't get away from this".

"I already did. Goodbye, Betsy." I say to her, knowing that this will be the last I see of her. As they leave the quad, I turn to face Marilyn.


"Wait here." She says, cutting me off. I furrow my brows in confusion but stay in my place anyway. Soon, Larissa arrives with the whole school to the quad. There's literally every student and teacher. What's going on?

I see Marilyn stand up on the stairs, gathering everyone's attention. She's holding a microphone. Before I can think of anything else, she starts speaking.

"Hello, everyone. I know what just happened is a bit... traumatizing. And I apologize for everyone who had to witness it. But I want to end this night on a lighter note," she chuckles.

"I actually had this planned already... but anyway, I want to make an announcement. Some of you already know, but most of you don't." She takes a deep breath before continuing.

"I... am in love with Y/N L/N."

Everyone gasps. My jaw drops. Is she really making this public now?

"Yes, you heard me. We have been in a relationship for about eight months now. Until recently, I made the mistake of being dumb enough to not believe her concerns about our English teacher. And as you've all seen tonight, she was right and we were wrong."

She turns to look at me. "Y/N, my love, I apologize for everything I did. I never should've doubted you. Please, forgive me." I'm a little taken aback by what she's doing. Since I'm not saying anything, she sighs and continues.

"Y/N, since I met you, my life has turned into something completely new. Into something better. Your love has made me a better person. The first time I met you, I knew it. I knew that you'd do something incredible to me. And you did, the best thing imaginable. You gave me the gift of your love. And I know, that you're the one. I know that you're my soulmate, the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. So please, if there is even the smallest spark of us left in your big heart, tell me. Because I can't imagine to live another day without you beside me. I love you, Y/N L/N."

She's tearing up, I'm tearing up, the crowd's tearing up. The atmostphere is very emotional. After this beautiful speech, there is silence. The crowd's eyes are flickering between me and Marilyn, just waiting for something to happen. But I'm left speechless, not a word can escape my mouth.

So I do what I've wanted to do, what I've missed these past days. I walk, no. I run to her, cupping her cheek and smiling brightly at her, then I close the distance by kissing her lovingly. It is so affectionate, so full of love. I can feel her smiling against my lips. It's almost like it's only the two of us in the quad. Until we hear clapping, we look at where it's coming from, and see Larissa with a proud smile. Soon, everyone joins her. And now the whole quad, every student and teacher, is cheering, clapping and whistling at us. Happy tears fall from the both of ours eyes.

"I love you too, Mari." I say to her. She wraps her hands around my waist, smiling brightly and closing the distance again, kissing me.

And it's perfect. Everything we've worried about, it's all over now. We've finally made our relationship public. This is the happiest I've ever been.

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