Chapter 2

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Above is my OC character concepts. So face, hair and piercings.

Warnings: Ettore and mentions of drug use and sell farm

The light drew Tcherny's attention and he rushed down the hallway to see what was going on. He stood in the open doorway and noticed Ettore with a woman's body slumped over his shoulders. He had a bruising grip on her ass. Tcherny sprinted over and grabbed the woman. "She's alive?" Ettore nodded. "Why the fuck didn't you tell us?!" "Because she's mine." "She's no ones." "We'll see about that." Tcherny wanted to punch Ettore in the face so badly but he knew he'd get in trouble with Dibs if he broke Ettore's helmet and killed him. "Monte, Boyse! We have someone!" Monte and Boyse nodded and made their way back to their ship to tell Dibs.

"Dibs, we have a life form. A woman. About 5'8"." "Get a suit." Dibs said. Monte picked up the extra space suit and carried it over to the abandoned ship. The light that was coming from the room down the hallway pulled him towards Ettore and Tcherny. Tcherny approached Monte with the unconscious woman. She was breathing but just barely. Ettore shifted the girl in his arms and carefully took in her face and body. Her pants and tank top had rips and blood stains on them. She was tall and toned. She had a sharp jawline, sharp nose and a long face. Her wrists had multiple scars on them. Her veins were prominent from what looked like heroin use. She had short straight hair that looked like it had just been dyed. She had dark brown eyebrows and a dark brown undercut. Towards the center of her undercut was a large scar that reached from the back of her head to her neck. He noticed the beginning of a black tattoo on the back of her neck. She had many different piercings in her head area. Her ears had many including a bar that went through two holes in her ear. She had three nose rings. One in the septum, and two on the sides. She had one between her nose and eyebrows, two on the eyebrows and two on the sides of her cheeks. And six on her lips. She was the perfect specimen to reproduce. Perfect for him. Ettore hadn't noticed that he was gritting his teeth and clenching his fists in anger as Monte and Tcherny stared at the girl. "Well. What are we waiting for?" Tcherny suited the girl up and carried her to the airlock that led to their ship.

When they got back Tcherny handed the girl to Dibs to take to the infirmary. Boyse gazed at Ettore and noticed the look of pure lust on his face. Something that wasn't new to her and literally everyone else. "I know what you're thinking and it's not going to happen. Dibs won't let it happen." She said as she walked back to her room. "Who fookin cares. She's a fookin cockblock anyway." He stormed off to scrub the ground.

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