Chapter 3

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Warning: Ettore, Smut and drug use

Dibs inserted an IV into the girl's arm to give her hydration. "You're going to make the perfect breeder." She whispered in her face and then walked away.

In the middle of the night, Ettore entered the infirmary and approached the woman. He stood over her and his mouth moved in a half smirk half smile. She looked like an angel. Her blonde hair was splayed out around her head in a halo. Ettore grinned sheepishly at the woman as he reached a hand out to stroke her cheek. "You're all mine to do whatever I please. The only sounds I want to hear from you are the little noises you'll make as I fuck you until you can't move." He pulled down the covers and stuck his hand in her pants. He trailed his fingers downward until they reached her clit. While he rubbed it, he felt a metal barbell. It was pierced. "Naughty girl." He whispered. "Very naughty." He inserted two fingers into her cunt drawing out a breathy moan from her. As he pumped his fingers in and out of her tight walls, he inserted his hand into his pants and rubbed his hard cock. She squirmed around and shot up out of bed. Ettore drew his fingers away and backed up.

The girl was shocked to see a figure standing before her. She couldn't make out who it was, but she wasn't having it. She punched Ettore square in the face, causing his nose to bleed. "You FUCKING BITCH!" "Oh? I'm the bitch? If I wanted to I could make you my bitch." When she saw him advancing toward her, she got up out of bed and wrestled him to the ground. He grabbed her by the hair and slammed her head into the floor and pulled down his pants. The girl grabbed his nuts and squeezed them, causing Ettore to scream. "Not so powerful now are you?" The girl sneered. She stomped on his cock and pushed him to the ground and straddled him. For some strange reason, Ettore was enjoying himself. He moved to grab her hips, but she slapped his hands away and got up. Ettore was angry that she had teased him like that. No one teases him. "I suggest you bite the bullet. This might hurt a bit." The girl gave a harsh kick to Ettore's head causing him to scream. This alerted the crew and they immediately rushed into the infirmary to see what the fuck was going on this late. Tcherny noticed Ettore and the girl fighting on the ground. And knowing that Ettore has a tendency to fuck anything that breathes, Tcherny threw him off of her and shoved him out of the room. He helped the girl up and she glared. "I was doing just fine by myself." She spat. She pushed past him and walked out of the infirmary. That stupid motherfucker ruined everything. He probably already touched me in my sleep. All I wanted to do was wake up and pop some pills. I'd much rather see the stars contorting in front of me than stare at this dump all day. She thought. Lost in thought she bumped into another girl. Mink. "Hey, watch it!" She shouted. "Yeah? Who's gonna make me?!" She shoved Mink out of the way and continued walking. What she didn't know was that Ettore was watching the scene unfold with his hand in his pants (fucking typical). As she turned the corner, she heard the girl she bumped into ask, "What do they call you?!" The blonde turned around and said, "Vesta." Vesta. Ettore thought. A sexy name for a sexy new fucktoy. "You?" "Mink."

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