Chapter 6

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Warning: Ettore, drug use

Vesta made her way to her room with her tray. She turned on the blue nightlight and sat down on her bed. She took the blue pills out of the bottle and crushed them on top of the tray. She moved them into lines with another glass shard she obtained from the gym after punching a mirror. She rolled up a medicine label she had obtained from Dibs' office and snorted each line of the blue powder. She made sure to roll up the label so the tape side was fading outward.She sat up and began to feel dizzy. This was perfect for her. She smiled. She threw herself back onto the pillow and stared at the ceiling of the top bunk. Her mouth was slightly parted and her eyes were wide open. As she gazed at the ceiling, and saw it contort into outer space. Everything zoomed towards her faster than the speed of light. In her vision, she saw nebulae, galaxies, and supernovas burst before her forest green eyes. Her eyes had taken on a pink tint of being bloodshot. She drooled and reached her hand up to try and touch the stars. As she stared up at her hallucination she felt a wetness pool between her legs. Her cunt ached. She didn't remember the last time she touched herself. When did she need to? She was never one to be satisfied by any man or woman that stumbled into her life. When they did, however, the sex was incredibly boring. So she never saw the point in masturbating. Only to a very select few did she find the pleasure to touch herself. She slid her nimble fingers down into the hemline of her pants and reached her throbbing clit. As her hand reached the bundle of nerves, she threw her head back and moaned. She hadn't had sex in a while and she had to admit, she took sex for granted. Even though the concept of having sex was very boring to her, she somewhat missed it because of this stupid ban that Dibs had slapped the crew with. As she worked her fingers along her clit, her thoughts traced back to some of the hot men she drugged, the ones who wanted to discard her body like it was nothing. Even though she didn't care about them, she needed a face to imagine. She shoved a finger in her tight cunt. Her thoughts drifted to the stars, to watching people on this ship engage in risky sexual behaviors, to Ettore. Only she painted a pipe dream image of him in her head. A man who could please her and only her instead of getting a raging hard on for everything with a fucking pulse. I mean I wouldn't get with him but he's hot right? "Uhh E-" Vesta's transcendence to the astral plane was cut drastically short when she heard a loud knock on her door. "Vesta?" "Ugh fuck! Tcherny? What are you doing here?" Vesta asked, clearly annoyed that Tcherny ruined her orgasm. She had so much sexual frustration built up, and the drugs somehow made it easier for her to cum. "Were you in the middle of something?" "As a matter of fact I was but it got ruined by YOU." Vesta quipped. Tcherny chuckled. "Come with me to the gardens." He said. "Sure. It's pretty boring here anyway."

When they got to the gardens Vesta was in awe. There was weed growing EVERYWHERE. "Tcherny. You are a godsend." Vesta seemed to forget about her broken orgasm as she gazed at the green treasure before her. "I knew you'd like it." Tcherny said. Vesta smirked at him. "Got any?" She made a rolling paper gesture with her hand. Tcherny took out some rolling paper and gave it to her. "What. You don't have any?" "Nah. I left prison and went right here. I'm only kidding. I forgot to bring it. You think prison didn't teach me anything?" Tcherny chuckled. "Join the club. Prison taught us all something Vesey."

Ettore was standing in the hallway with an angry look on his face. Vesey?! Is he serious right now?! It should have been ME smoking space weed with Vesta. It should have been ME calling her pet names. Not that loser, Tcherny. He wished he could have smoked with her and then fucked her hard into the grass. He couldn't seem to stop himself from getting rock hard. This girl plagued his thoughts. This girl drove him crazy. However, he didn't stick his hand in his pants because he wasn't a huge fan of the scene that was unfolding in front of him. He watched her face light up as she talked to Tcherny. Her green eyes had a sparkle to them. She was so full of life and energy. But he knew, her happy energy and tough demeanor was all just a front for what was truly going on inside her mind. He only seemed to notice her really open up during dinner. He wanted to be there for her but he didn't know how to approach her without controlling his carnal need for this girl. Or just his carnal need in general considering Dibs' stupid rules that kept him from claiming her as his. He knew he never had a shot with her. She had made it perfectly clear that she didn't want anything to do with him considering his past. But he thought back to the moment they had under the stars. He could feel her calloused fingers recreating the circles on his chest. He could feel the heat between her thighs as she pressed her cunt against his cock. But the thing that completely melted his brain was while her hot clothed cunt was pressed against him, her eyes were locked with his. He was putty in her deft hands. She was manipulating his every move. He couldn't escape her clutches. He could feel his tip leaking as the sweat rolled down his forehead. He watched the scene unfold before him with impending rage as Vesta let Tcherny run his fingers down the scar on the back of her head. He promised himself that he would do whatever it took to not let anyone else touch her. But he also feared rejection. Especially from her.

"So see you here again tomorrow?" Tcherny asked. "Psht. Yeah. If only we knew what today and tomorrow even is. You know with being in the dark amongst the stars and all." Vesta bid Tcherny good night and took a few pills out of her bra and swallowed them.

When Ettore saw Vesta make her merry way down the hall. He found a little nook where he could take his position. He hid behind the wall as Vesta turned the corner. When she was a good distance away, he jumped out.

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