Chapter 9

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Warnings: Ettore, Self harm, drug use

Vesta woke up in the same spot where she had been punched out cold. No one had come to help her. Not even Ettore. Well no fuckin shit. He was avoiding her for what seemed like an eternity. This was it. He was never going to talk to her again. Vesta felt lonely once again. Like she did when she was on that ship left to die. I can't live like this any longer. I just can't. I at least have to have some allies here or it's completely useless. I don't have any more of those. Vesta felt her stomach growl. She lurched forward and threw up. She couldn't tell if it was the drugs, nerves, or both. Her body glowed with a sheen of sweat as she puked. Her hair was a mess. She continued to vomit all the way down the hall as she crawled back to the infirmary. When Vesta got into the infirmary she grabbed the bottle of the strongest pills, then she grabbed a razor and slit her wrists open.

Ettore followed the trail of vomit until he reached the infirmary. What the hell is she doing? He asked himself. When he got to the infirmary he spotted Vesta. Her wrists were slashed and covered in blue powder. She tried to get the drugs to enter her bloodstream that way. She was crushing up pills and sticking them in a glass of isopropyl alcohol which would surely kill her. As she held the beaker up to her lips, she felt a hand knock it out of her grip. It was Ettore, he grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. "What the hell are you doing?!" He shouted. "Fuck does it look like?! I didn't ASK to be put in here! I didn't ask to be picked up by you people! I didn't ask for this shit! Any of it! You should have left me where you found me! I was perfectly content away from you! I didn't have someone constantly trying to RAPE me 24/7! And then you come and comfort me as if nothing happened?! Why are you doing this Ettore?! Why have you suddenly become nice to m-" he silenced her with a bruising kiss. Vesta let him kiss her. She felt that same warmth and sense of longing between her legs as she grabbed his hips and pulled him closer to her. When tried to kiss him back he pulled away and glared at her. "You really couldn't take a fookin hint, Vesta. Sit." Ettore shoved two fingers down her throat just like Tcherny did, causing her to throw up all the contents in her stomach. He took a bottle of H2O2 out of the cabinet to sterilize her cuts. He didn't say anything to her. She tried to get up and leave but he put both hands on her thighs to hold her down. Vesta stayed there as he grabbed some bandages for her slashed wrists. He stared into her eyes as he wrapped them up. They weren't just bloodshot. They were bloody. A tear of blood ran down her cheek. He pressed his lips softly to it to wipe it away. Then he left. Leaving Vesta high and dry. He had won. He had her. The tables were turned. He saved her life. She felt tears well up in her eyes as she grew wet in her nether regions. It was at this point that she no longer cared if he was a serial rapist. She wanted him all to herself. However, she saw that he was conflicted. He wanted her. But when Vesta saw the glare in his eye, it wasn't anger. It was full of disappointment and concern. He needed her, but maybe his actions were a message to her that he wanted her, but he didn't want someone in his life who was constantly trying to end her own. She had seen how much he needed her. She realized that he couldn't live without her. Because when he left, he looked... sad. Vesta was confused. She was too drugged out to piece together the situation.

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