Chapter 4

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Warnings: Drug use, Suicidal ideations, Ettore

Vesta stood behind the wall and waited for Mink to leave. When she saw the coast was clear she tiptoed back to the infirmary and started rummaging through the cabinets. She pulled down her red shirt and stuck the different pills in her bra. She put about 7-10 different pills in her mouth and swallowed them. As she did, she heard a noise in the background. She sensed someone was standing behind her. "The fuck you lookin at?!" She hissed. "I can see why they chained you to the ship. Hoarding important resources, doing drugs. Tsk tsk." It was a man. His presence seemed all too familiar, but she had to admit, his voice and accent were pretty sexy. "Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me." He turned around and left. He couldn't make a move yet. He didn't want to alert the entire crew like he did thirty minutes ago. "What do they call you?" She asked. "Ettore." "Ok, Ettore. Stay the fuck away from me." She said. "Can't make any promises, love." "You better or it's your ass." She shoulder bumped him and walked out of the room. "Vesta!" He shouted. How did he know my- I guess the coast wasn't clear. "I'll be seeing you around. "Dream on motherfucker." I'm not going to be dreaming for much longer. He thought. She teased me, and now she's going to get what's coming.

While in the mess hall everyone gathered around Vesta. She had become quite popular overnight. Everyone was curious about her story. Ettore just sat in the corner and glared. "What made you decide to come here?" Boyse asked. "Well. Like all of you, I was forced into it. It was either rot in prison or live this fuckin life." "What did you do to end up here?" Tcherny asked. "Well. My mother and sister were killed in a drive by, and my father was a severe addict so he would mooch off my mother. Because he had no job, we became homeless and starving. I decided to take up a hobby while my dad was busy shooting fentanyl up his arm every second of every day. Man could barely function or even speak a sentence. I couldn't get a job anywhere being a college dropout with a criminal record already, so I became a stripper, and a prostitute. I rarely fucked my clients. A few were CEOs. I was only in it for the money. Whenever a new client would come in, I would drug them and take their wallets. It helped me and my dad a lot. We even bought a trailer. That was until one night. My father was out of his goddamn mind and I heard a gunshot. The club closed early that night so I left work and ran in the direction of the shot. It was right outside the door, so I ran and saw that the body on the ground was my father. Even though he was a junkie, we loved each other very much. I was pissed. I saw three guys running away. I tackled one of them to the ground and stabbed him in the throat. I pulled out my Glock 9 and shot the other two in the back of the head. One in the chamber. Seventeen in the clip." Vesta glared forward and made a gun to the head gesture and pretended to blow her brains out. "I didn't just shoot them. Oh no. I kept going. I wanted to see their brains covering the street. I was arrested for first degree murder, robbery, fraud and possession of meth. That's how I was put on death row." "How did you get the scar on the back of your head?" Monte asked. "While I was rotting away in prison, a fight broke out. One of my friends got shanked in the stomach by this one chick. I pulled out a piece of glass from the mirror I had smashed and slashed the girl's throat. One of the people in her posse tried to slit my throat but I turned around and she ended up slashing from my neck to the back of my head. Hence the scar you all see now. She had it coming. The fight was broken up afterwards, and I was put in solitary confinement. While I was resting, someone knocked on my door and asked if I'd join this cause. They told me a bunch of bullshit like, 'you're helping the world for a good cause.' I stupidly believed them because I wanted out so badly. So fucking badly. So I agreed to it. Someone had gone crazy on my ship and jammed a metal shiv into the dashboard, causing it to power down and float off. I was chained to the ship. Some escaped and left me to die. Others were killed by this one lunatic. We didn't trust each other. I knew this guy from back on earth. He was one of my former clients. He was a crime boss. I raided his entire home and brought back millions, then I bought a nice mansion. He wanted revenge, so he drugged me and chained me to the ship. He kept me alive so he could have his way with me. But he ended up just killing himself. Had I not been chained to the floor I could have saved them. Then I was picked up by you people." Everyone at the table was in shock. This girl was amazing. The crew could immediately tell that this girl was not afraid to make Dibs or anyone her bitch.

Vesta got up and slammed her hands on the table causing Ettore to gaze up at her from his solitary corner of the room. She looked like she had just seen the devil a thousand times over. He knew exactly what the fuck was going on with her. She was doped up on something strong and it was finally starting to take effect. She got up and ran out of the room like a maniac. Boyse grabbed her by the arm and started walking down the hallway with her. "Vesta?" "Boyse! Behind y-" "VESTA!" Boyse shouted after slapping her across the face. "Vesta. Look at me." Boyse grabbed her cheeks and turned Vesta to face her. "Are you alright?" "Oh oh yeah I'm fine." Boyse crossed her arms and tilted her head sideways. "I know you're not ok. I used to be a crackhead. What did you take?" Vesta grabbed Boyse by the shoulders "You cannot tell ANYONE about this!" "Ok fine I won't." "I honestly forgot the name of them. Shit's hard to pronounce. I do drugs for a living but I can't name a single damn drug." "You could die." "That's the point." "Now you're just being stupid." "It's supposed to work. But my high tolerance for pills isn't really helping me." "Vesta. I don't want to see you dead." Boyse said sympathetically. "You don't want to see me dead because you care or because you care about this stupid space bullshit." "I could give a flying fuck about Dibs and her hormones!" Vesta engulfed Boyse in a hug. "Thank you. You're only the second person in my life who actually gives a fuck about my well being." Vesta let go of Boyse and started walking down the hallway.  "Vesta?" Boyse called after her. "You know Ettore, right?" "What about him? He's a prick. He's lucky I haven't cut it off." "Stay away from him." "Oh I made it crystal clear that if he comes near me again he won't have a cock." Vesta said, referring to herself grabbing his nuts and damn near shredding them. Boyse chucked. Ettore heard Vesta's snide comment, but laughed as well. He grew hard in his trousers at the sight of her. And after he heard her story, I guess you could say he was even more intrigued. She was his. He wouldn't let any other man or woman lay a finger on her. He approached her and laid his hand on her shoulder. "Well someone's a sick fuck." He said. "Says the guy who's a serial rapist and murderer? I did it for my strung out father." "Did you raid the infirmary again?" "No." He trapped her against the wall with his hands on either side of her head. "Your eyes say otherwise. Don't lie to me." He whispered into her ear. "Oh fuck off!" Vesta ducked and shoved his face out of the way.

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