Chapter 10

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Warnings: Ettore, somewhat fluffy smut, mentions of suicide. I'm sorry I have to go through this story again and again. there are so many warnings.

Ettore was pissed. Why would she do this to herself? She's so perfect. She doesn't need to. She needed to say something to him. He wanted to hear her words. Since he knew she would never speak to him again after what he did, he had to take out his sexual frustration on someone else. Mink. She's hot. He thought. Maybe it would make Vesta jealous. As he approached Mink and Boyse's room, he shoved his hand down his pants and approached her bunk. He tried to get himself hard but it was a major challenge. He climbed onto her bunk and positioned himself above her. He pressed his lips roughly against hers causing her to jolt awake. When she did, he immediately grew soft. Mink punched him in the face and his eyes widened. He didn't hit back. He got up and ran, but Boyse got up and drew a glass shard and tried to slash it across his arm but he dodged it. He felt regret and ran off. He had to make things right with Vesta.

As he entered Vesta's room, he stood over her and tried to grab at her panties, but he pulled his hand back. When Vesta looked back at him, she said nothing. She noticed that there were tears in his eyes. This was so new and scary to her. Ettore sliced her bindings off of her wrist. Bindings that would prevent her from getting up and doing drugs. He lunged down and engulfed Vesta into a crushing hug. Vesta rubbed his back as he cried into her shoulder. "I couldn't do it." "Couldn't do what?" "Mink. I couldn't... then Boyse came and attacked me. I want you, I want you so bad. If I took you where you slept, you would leave me. Like everyone else in my life did." "Shh. Ettore. I'm here." Vesta flipped him over onto his back and straddled him. She bent down and captured her lips with his in a bruising kiss. The kiss was soft, but quickly turned rough with passion and lust. They wanted each other. They needed each other. "Here. Let me take care of you." She said. Vesta palmed at his hardening erection. She felt he was already hard. Just for her. She took off his shirt and kissed down his body. When she reached his pants she pulled them down and his erection sprung free. It was more on the bigger side of average. Vesta moved her hand to his cock and rubbed it up and down. She moved back up and kissed his lips. It was pretty heated. Ettore threw his head back and groped her ass, eliciting a string of moans from her. He then moved a hand to her clit, causing her to moan into his mouth. She took off her top revealing the large tattoo. Ettore brought her in closer and kissed her again. He took out her ponytail as she took off his shirt and kissed her way down his chest. "Vesta. I need to be inside you." Ettore said with a breathy voice. She gazed up into his blue eyes. "Not yet. After that little stunt you pulled," *kiss* "you left me" *kiss* "I needed you" *kiss* "but you weren't there." She nipped at his thighs before taking his thick cock into her mouth. She licked and kissed the tip. "If you needed me so badly, you should have ran to me, you should have taken a damn hint, Vesta." Ettore grabbed the back of her head and shoved her mouth down as he thrusted. He groaned in pleasure. She immediately ejected his cock from her mouth. "I was confused. At that point I didn't know what you wanted. If you wanted me so desperately, you would have fucked me so stupid on that table." She said. She took his entire cock into her mouth and gagged causing him to shudder. He threw his head back as he felt her lip and tongue piercings against his cock. The metal of her piercings felt amazing against his throbbing length. "I decided not to fuck you because I realized I didn't want to be attached to a girl who was so desperate on killing herself." She took her mouth off of his cock and glared at him. Ettore guided her head back down but she refused to open her mouth "I didn't want to see you dead. I needed you here, with me. Without you in my life, I am nothing, Vesta." She put her hands around his cock and pumped as she sucked him faster. Never once looking away from his eyes. He gazed down at her as she made little kitten licks and he stroked her cheek. "My girl." He said in a raspy voice. "I never have to use that box again. Mine. No one else's." She moved her mouth faster down his cock as she moved a hand to rub her clit. "Vesta, I'm gonna-" "cum for me baby." Ettore shot his hot load and coated the back of her throat. She swallowed every last drop. As Vesta sucked the aftersex cum off his cock he pulled her back up and kissed her hard. He could taste himself on her tongue as she moved her tongue against his. However, he grabbed her by the hips and positioned her cunt above his lips. He lapped at her clit as he lowered her down onto his mouth. He grabbed her trembling thighs as he moved his tongue into her wet hole. He moved his fingers to her clit and rubbed small circles. She impatiently ground her hips against his face as she let out a breathy moan. "Ettore." She said his name like a prayer. Like he was the only man in the world for her. He lapped at her clit piercing and took the metal bar that pierced her clit into his mouth. He twirled it around with his tongue. He took his tongue and wrote something onto her cunt. Tears sprung to Vesta's eyes because she made out exactly what it said. "Mine." His cunt. His girl. "Cum for me, sweetheart." Vesta squirted onto his tongue. He lapped up her juices and swallowed every last drop. "Vesta. You complete me. You make me whole." He said as he brought her in for a searing kiss. She could taste her release on his tongue. As she kissed him, she brought her hand down to his cock and rubbed it. It immediately hardened. She grabbed it and positioned it above her entrance and rubbed her folds against it. "Don't tease. I need to be inside you. He seized her hips and thrusted up and into her. The stretch was painful at first so he brought her down and left little pecks on her lips. "So tight. You have no idea how long I've wanted to claim you." "Oh please. I think I have an ide-uhh!" Ettore thrusted up and hit her g spot. "Very naughty. I don't like your snarky attitude." He said as he grinned. Vesta chuckled and moaned at the amazing sensation. "Vesta. I love you. So much. Please. Never try to kill yourself again." "I promise." She hooked her pinky in his and kissed it. She rolled her hips and brought him in for a heated kiss. She grabbed his shoulders as she slowly began to ride him. "This cunt was meant for me. You're a perfect fit. The perfect girl for me." Vesta blushed at his response. "I love you, Ettore." "I love you too, Vesta. You're mine." As Vesta bucked her hips downward to match his thrusts, he reached his arms up and started twirling her nipple piercings in his hand. He lifted himself up and took her nipple into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the hardened bud and twisted the metal around in his mouth. Vesta squirmed and let out a soft moan. She grabbed him by the shoulders and steadied herself allowing her to get the deep penetration she desired so much. "I'm so glad I found you." Ettore said as he grabbed her hips in a bruising grip and slammed her body up and down his cock. Vesta gasped. Ettore pressed his forehead against hers. "You gonna cum for me baby? You gonna cum for me?" He asked. Vesta only whined in response to that. He took that as a yes as he thrusted into her. "Where do you want it?" "Inside. Fuck Dibs and her hormone bullshit!" Ettore's thrusts began to stagger as he pressed his face into her neck. "Cum for me, Vesta." She squirted all over his cock as he came inside her quivering cunt. He kept his cock inside her as he kissed her. He wanted to stay like this forever. With his cock inside her for all eternity. He pulled out and turned her back to him. As he embraced her from behind.

"You remember that night where you were smoking with Tcherny?" He asked as he traced the lines of her intricate back tattoo. "Yeah? What about it?" "That person who lay with you. It was me." He didn't know if she would push him away or not. Even though he had a rough past, he wanted someone to love him. He just needed to be loved. He wasn't used to anyone giving him the love he needed and neither was Vesta. They were both broken people where the people in their lives either died or left them to die. That's what drew him to her. He saw a lot of himself in this woman. She was strong, beautiful, authentic, and not a little pussy. As he stared at her, he realized he needed to change if he wanted to pursue her. He waited for Vesta to respond. Terrified that she may think differently of him. She finally opened her mouth. "What made you decide to do it?" "Well this is going to sound weird. As I was cleaning up your puke, I knew exactly what you were trying to accomplish. I realized that then and there I couldn't lose you. At first I thought you were just someone I could use so I wouldn't have to go in the box, but after I saw you being so nice to everyone, and even after you told your story, I knew I had to have you all to myself. I couldn't lose you. I couldn't see you try to kill yourself. If you did. I would resort back to how I usually act. I would be so lost." Tears formed in both of their eyes as they embraced each other. "Oh no. What would Dibs think?" Vesta asked. "Fuck what Dibs thinks. I just need you." He brought her in for a heated kiss and she returned it. As much as he wanted to stay, he knew he had to head back. He knew there was no sex allowed on the ship. Everyone seemed to oblige. Even Dibs' horny ass. But he knew that was bullshit. He knew she was fucking people behind everyone else's backs. She was such a hypocrite. He thought for a moment that maybe if Dibs wasn't in the picture, he wouldn't have had to put his hands on anyone. But he had to thank Dibs because without her instruction to search the ship, he wouldn't have found his girl.

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