Chapter 12

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Warnings: Ettore, violence, rape, character deaths

As Vesta left she collided with a hard chest. Monte. "You can't be taking our supply of drugs, Vesta!" "So?! What's it to you?!" "You almost killed me! Along with literally everyone else!" Boyse shouted. "I wanted to die!" "I see you and Ettore. You think I don't notice your little rendezvous?!" Boyse sneered. "It's none of your business!" "It's everyone's business because your little stunts with the sex and drugs could get us all killed!" "What does having sex have to do with us getting killed?!" "That's not her point, Vesta!" Monte snapped. "Her point is your constant drug induced state could get us killed and based on your life. God knows how many diseases you could be spreading!" "Oh that's IT!" Vesta drew her knife and charged full force at Monte, stabbing him in the leg. She ducked down and dug her fingers into the wound. Boyse charged over and tackled her off of Monte and started punching her in the face repeatedly. Vesta got out from under her and smashed her head against the floor, knocking her out. This was it for Monte.

He grabbed Vesta by the hair, opened the airlock and shoved her out the door. She grabbed onto the door and tried to pull herself back for air but it was no use. As Monte held onto the pipe, he pried her hands off the door and threw her out. No one could hear her screams because she was in the dark, cold vacuum of space. Vesta struggled to catch her breath. She knew she only had seconds left to live. She thought of Ettore and what he would think after he saw she was gone. How would he live with himself? Tears formed in Vesta's eyes but her eyes froze from the intense cold. She breathed her final breath as darkness consumed her.

Ettore heard screaming, Vesta's screams. So he went to investigate. Standing near the airlock was Monte and Boyse. He knew something wasn't right. "Where is she?!" He shouted. "She got what she deserved." "What the fuck do you mean?!" Ettore gazed out the airlock and saw Vesta's floating corpse. He could have sworn he saw her dead eyes staring back at her. Angry tears filled his eyes as he charged at Monte. He dug his glass shard into Monte's arm. "Why did you do it, yeah?!" "She was stealing from us and she nearly killed me and Boyse! It had to be done!" Ettore screamed and Monte threw him to the ground. But Ettore got back up and pinned Monte down. "Just because she was a sad drug addict gave you the right to kill her?!" "I saw you and her, Ettore! Breaking the rules!" "Fuck the rules!" Monte grabbed him by the collar and dragged him away from the scene.

As night fell upon them, everyone was asleep. Ettore knew what he had to do. Boyse. She deserved nothing. She was going to pay big time for what she did to Vesta. Ettore stood outside Boyse and Mink's room with his hand in his pants. He stripped off all his clothes and laid a hand on Boyse's navel. He climbed onto Boyse's bed. And attacked her neck with rough bites. As he made his way to her lips she woke up. "FUCK OFF!" She shouted. Ettore punched her in the face repeatedly. "Vesta didn't deserve to die!" "She didn't but she almost killed Monte!" "So you have the right to live your stupid, happy life with him, but when it's me, you just ruin EVERYTHING!" "She deserved it!" Ettore ground his cock at her entrance.

Monte heard the screams from down the hallway. It was coming from Mink and Boyse's room. He sprinted as fast as he could. When he made it there he saw Ettore on top of Boyse, trying to rape her. Monte shoved Ettore off of Boyse and cut her and Mink's bindings. He proceeded to punch Ettore until his nose bled. When Mink got up she grabbed her shard of glass. Ettore ran out of the room. Mink was quicker. "You're one dead motherfucker!" She held it to Ettore's eye and stabbed him. He willingly accepted his death. As he drew his last breath, he realized he could be with Vesta again. His Vesta.

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