Chapter 5

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Warnings: Sexual behaviors not actual smut, but sexual behaviors maybe that counts as smut, also Ettore

Ettore followed her to the window that overlooked the stars. Her back was turned to him as he approached her. However, she knew he was behind her. "I guess you don't know what the sentence 'fuck off' means Ettore." He loved when she said his name. It rolled nicely off her tongue. "Sure would be nice to be back on earth. Without that fookin cockblock Dibs ordering us around." "Yeah. I miss home. Even though I never really had one." "What do you mean?" "Well before she was shot, my mother was a prostitute. She was never around. I grew up in a shitty apartment in the inner city of LA. You?" "Derby. UK. My parents were never around either. But when my father was, he would come home drunk and beat me." "Wow. That's really sad. My mother came home coked out of her goddamn mind and pulled a knife on me." "Is this a pissing contest or-" "no. It's just two people sharing their messed up life stories with one another." Vesta said as she gazed out at the stars. "Ettore?" "Hmm?" "What do your tattoos mean?" "I honestly don't know. I got them because they looked cool." "I really like them." "Yours?" "It's the solar system." So the tattoo went all the way down her back and covered almost 90 percent of it. "Ironic how we're stuck up here. I would have it removed once we reach our destination." This was the moment where he could get her to take her top off. "Can I see it?" "Sure. But if you do anything stupid I got my glass shard and I'm not afraid to use it." "I won't do anything. At least not now. I'm not really in the mood." He lied. But Vesta thought otherwise. Ettore? Not in the mood to fuck? That's new. Vesta took off her white tank top. Her back was defined and the tattoo looked very matrixy.

When Ettore gazed at the large back tattoo, his jaw went completely slack

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When Ettore gazed at the large back tattoo, his jaw went completely slack. He wanted to run his hands down her back and take her right in front of the stars. He felt himself grow hard in his pants. While she was busy gazing at the stars he palmed at his growing erection. It was all for her. Ever since he held her in his arms on that abandoned space ship, everything he did was all for Vesta. His Vesta. He stared at her bubble butt as he rubbed his cock. And they called Boyse 'big booty girl?' Vesta's ass was nice. She could give Boyse a run for her money. "So, Ettore, what do you th-" Ettore immediately pulled his hand out of his pants. "Seriously?! What is wrong with you?!" Vesta punched him in the face causing blood to drip from his nose yet again. Damn. This girl could punch. He surprisingly didn't punch back. She thought she had created another ally in this dump. But no. Same old Ettore being Ettore.

As Vesta stormed off to her room, she felt Ettore grab her arm and pull her into his chest. She tried to scream but his hand covered her mouth. Vesta grabbed her glass shard and tried to stab him in the leg but he caught her wrist before she could. He threw it on the ground and smashed it. Vesta swung her fists at his chest but he grabbed them and hugged her. Vesta surprisingly melted into his embrace. She let out a soft sigh as he stroked her fuzzy undercut and traced along her scar. She laid her hands on his chest and drew patterns along his shirt. This all felt so nice to her. A very strange feeling that she never really received from anyone her entire life. Ettore to Vesta was a very strange dude. One minute he is trying to force himself on her and the other was spent desperately pining for her and flirting, and it confused the living shit out of her. She slowly moved her head up and stared into his ocean blue eyes. They were mesmerizing. She was so lost in them she forgot about what kind of fucked up dude she was hugging. As she stayed stuck in her little trance, she moved her gaze toward his lips. He stared back at hers. He moved his face closer, but when she realized what he was doing she pulled away and left. Ettore stood still with his jaw hitting the floor. He's a rapist. I can't be with him, I just can't. But he's the most beautiful man I've ever seen. Women say they can change a man, but that's only fictional. This is reality, and once a rapist, always a rapist. Vesta thought. On her way back she gazed at the pills in her bra and thought of an idea. She stopped by the mess hall again and grabbed a tray.

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