Chapter 8

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Warnings: Ettore, Violence, drug use

Vesta woke up feeling pretty good. Whatever sensation she felt last night made her feel happy and safe. She wished she could have a dream like that again. But little did she know that it was no dream. After she took her meds and dealt with Dibs' bullshit, she headed to her favorite place in the entire ship. The gym. When she entered she noticed Ettore hitting the heavy bag. And damn was he sexy while doing it. Vesta felt a heat pool between her legs so she clenched them together. "Vesta. Have you come to train?" "Yes I have. Now move." "Oh love, I'm only just getting warmed up." "You call sweating profusely and eyebags getting warmed up?! Looks to me like you've been at it for hours, Ettore." "So what if I have. I got here fair and square." Vesta lunged at him and threw a punch to his back and hooked her leg under his causing him to trip. He caught himself and grabbed Vesta by the waist. When Ettore went to throw a right hook at Vesta's jaw, she grabbed his hand and kneed him in the nuts causing him to fall over and clutch his ballsack in pain. "Dirty girl." He said. "I guess the bag is mine." She said proudly. As Vesta was wrapping her hands up, Ettore yanked her ankles causing her to fall on top of him and onto his chest. Vesta tried to get up but Ettore seized her hips and positioned her clothed cunt above his clothed cock. She gasped as she felt his bulge twitch beneath her. What was she doing? What planet was she on where she would think this was ok? Apparently not in the solar system because she was really enjoying this. She wanted revenge. She smirked as she ground her pelvis against his throbbing length. Causing him to groan.

Ettore tugged at her tank top to pull her down to his face, Vesta wasn't going to let him win. No sir. Vesta wrapped her hand around his neck then took out her glass shard and held it to his cock. "Fucking move and it comes off." She said while gritting her teeth. She wanted to see him squirm. She wanted to put him in his place as she had done to all the others. She wanted to see the pain of never being able to have her etched across his stupid face as she dug her hips harder against him. Ettore didn't move an inch because he didn't know if she was lying or not. He was at the mercy of this cold woman. "You wouldn't." As she tightened her grip around his neck and pressed the tip of the glass shard against his clothed cock, she wanted to make her words crystal clear to him. "Don't test me. I'm not something for you to use and then throw away." Before Ettore could say anything, Vesta shoved him off of her and ran. Vesta thought about Dibs. About what she would do if anyone saw the two of them. She thought about how he just wanted to fuck her and discard her. She knew that once he had his way with her he would never look at her again. She wanted him and she wanted him badly. But she didn't want him to just be a one night stand.

The day went on but Ettore didn't look at her or speak to her all day. He had been avoiding her. She knew because when she would pass him in the hallways, he wouldn't even look her way, he would just keep moving. Vesta wondered why he was doing this. But for some odd reason it caused her to want him even more. She hated to even think about it but she missed him. She didn't miss how he would sometimes force himself on her, but she did miss the little ass grabs he gave her whenever she'd walk by and some of the deep conversations they would have. She missed his presence. She wondered if she would ever speak to him again. As she went to take her night meds from dibs, she noticed in the open medicine cabinet that there was something new. "I see you staring, Vesta." Dibs said. "Very deadly substance if misused. You however are required to take one. It's for meth heads and pill junkies like you. To stop you from raiding our supply of medicine. You think I don't know what you do? You leave the room, eyes bloodshot and walking around like some mangy fucking dog." Vesta grabbed the beaker from Dibs and placed the pill in her cheek. "Swallow, Vesta. Do you think I don't know your other strategy?" Dibs shoved her finger into Vesta's mouth and took the pill out to show everyone in line. "You cheek them and cut them up to snort them do you?" "That was back when my tolerance was down." Vesta took the beaker and threw it across the room and stormed out. No drugs. No sex. No Ettore. But at least now I know about that bottle of pills. Dibs may know my habits, but there's only one Dr. Dibs. Who's going to stop me? No one is. Vesta knew that Dibs would find out at some point, she just wondered who could have told her. Then she thought back to her day in the mess hall.

"Vesta. I don't want to see you dead." "You don't want to see me dead because you care or because you care about this stupid space bullshit." "I could give a flying fuck about Dibs and her hormones!" Vesta engulfed Boyse in a hug. "Thank you. You're only the second person in my life who actually gives a fuck about my well being."

Boyse. She told Dibs. That big booty snitch. "BOYSE?!" Vesta shouted. She sprinted towards Boyse and slammed her neck against the wall. "You fucking told her DIDN'T YOU?!" "So what if I did! We don't want you dead, Vesta! We want you alive because your presence has made this mission less fucked up! You've helped all of us. You've inspired us to not be afraid to fight back against these idiots!" "Yet you sided with one of these idiots, FUCKING TRAITOR!" Vesta clamped her fist around Boyse's neck even harder. "You've helped us. You're just too blind to see it!" Monte charged in and shoved Vesta off of the now shaking Boyse. Monte stared into Vesta's bloodshot eyes. "Give me the pills, Vesta!" "NO!" "I said. Give me the fucking pills!" She opened the capsule of pills and swallowed them before Monte could snatch them out of her hand. She pulled the glass shard out of her pants and charged at Monte. She bit his arm and dragged the shard across the entire arm and up to his throat, leaving behind a large gash. Before she could land a killing blow, Monte punched her unconscious.

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