Chapter 7

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Warnings: Ettore, rape, overdose

As Vesta walked down the hallway she felt something or someone wrap their arms around her shoulders and press violently against her back. She turned around and it was Ettore. Vesta elbowed him in the gut. She tried to make a run for it but he was faster. The pills she had just swallowed had started to take effect. She tried to scream but he covered her mouth. Vesta felt as if a rope was constricting itself around her entire face. So she thought of one way out. She gnawed at the rope, but at each bite, the rope growled. Ettore's hands were covered in bite marks but he didn't give up. He kept his hand right where it was. He lifted her up and held her against his chest. She felt like she was flying but her flight was about to crash. She did everything she could to try and jump out of this flight that she was on, but it was no use. As his hold on her grew tighter, it seemed that the entire fuselage of her hallucinated flight was collapsing around her. Vesta tried to scream, but the rope had shifted into a metal rod. She was afraid to bite down because she didn't want her teeth to fall out. He ran into one of the restrooms with her. He threw her down and started pulling down her pants. She screamed as she felt a layer of skin was peeled from the lower half of her body. She didn't know what the hell was going on. Everything to her was blurry and colored. Standing before her was a purple sparkly figure with a third eye with its arms welcoming her into an embrace. She grinned and tears streamed down the sides of her face. She looked absolutely deranged. She laughed and wrapped the figure in a hug, but for some reason, the 'hug' was really rough and caused her to smash her head on the ground. That was when she realized what was going on. He took her hands and held them above her head. "Get OFF OF ME!" She babbled. Her speech was very unclear because of all of the drugs she was on. He realized his other hand left her mouth so he covered it again. Vesta saw where her left leg was positioned. She grinned and kneed him in the nuts. Ettore doubled over in pain. "UGH! As IF!" She yelled and made a run for it. "You enjoyed my presence earlier, admit it!" She blushed. She did. But she knew he would always be the same. A crazed rapist who never learned. She needed to forget about what the fuck just happened so she took her bottle of pills out of her bra and chugged half of them. Once she knew she was clear of Ettore, she caught her breath. Until suddenly, someone else put a hand on her shoulder. Between what happened to her, and the giant bull charging towards her, the first thing she did was to throw a right hook. The person grabbed her arms and yanked them down to the sides. Everything went black. "Vesta? VESTA! It's me! It's Tcherny!" Vesta gazed into his eyes and drooled. "Vesta?" She didn't respond. "VESTA! ANSWER ME!" Tcherny stared into her eyes and they were ridiculously bloodshot. From the weed, but he knew from the amount they had it wasn't enough to become unresponsive. Vesta fell to the ground and started seizing and foaming at the mouth. Tcherny lifted her body up. He looked at her chest and saw something was protruding. He reached in and grabbed the bottle of pills out of her white tank top and held it up to her face. And shook her shoulders, trying everything he could to get her to respond. (NEVER shake anyone who's having a seizure). "Seriously, Vesta?! You could have DIED!" She started moving around frantically as if she was being chased. She got up and ran but Tcherny held her back and sat her down. He couldn't think of what to do as he saw his friend absolutely strung out beyond anything he'd ever seen. Then he thought of one thing. He shoved two fingers in her mouth causing her to gag. He did it again and she threw up everywhere. He kept doing it until there was nothing left but bile. Monte ran in to see what was going on. "Tcherny. I heard screaming. Is everything alright?" "Vesta. She overdosed." "Let's take her to Dr. Dibs. She'd know what to do." "Don't you fucking DARE!" She shouted and lunged at Monte. Tcherny grabbed her arms and held her back. "I'll take her to her room and look after her." Tcherny said. Monte left to go back to his quarters. He didn't feel like dealing with the high girl and drawing attention. "So she's a slut AND a junkie?" A voice said in the distance. It was Ettore. Not him. Anyone but him. Tcherny thought. Ettore's jealousy could be seen from lightyears away. "YOU!" Vesta shouted from Tcherny's arms. She flew out of his grip and ran as fast as she could towards Ettore. "You really think you could jus-" she stumbled and blacked out. Ettore ran towards her and picked her up bridal style. He wiped the blood off her nose from when she face planted. "Give her to me." Tcherny said. "No! You're the last person she needs right now!" Ettore shouted back as he made a run for it. Tcherny was faster and he tackled Ettore to the ground causing Vesta to fly out of Ettore's grip. Ettore tried to crawl towards the girl but Tcherny beat him to it. Tcherny was well aware of Ettore's malicious intentions. He didn't want to see Vesta as subject to Ettore's twisted way of doing things. He lifted Vesta up and carried her to her room.

Ettore didn't want to get caught making a scene so he grabbed a bucket and started scrubbing up the puke. As he stared at it he thought, if only that imbecile wasn't there. I'd be shoving my cock in her and making her scream not doing this disgusting shit. She isn't going to need drugs anymore once I fuck her. But as he stared at it longer, he thought to himself, why the fuck would she do this? Why the fuck would she need to? The next time she was going to do that, he was going to make sure to find her. He didn't want his little plaything dead. He was pissed. Pissed that Tcherny was with her and he wasn't. Was she just leading him on? Did he develop feelings for this girl? Why was he so jealous if all she was to him was just a quick fuck? He had never seen a woman stand up to him like Vesta did. She was everything he could ever dream of. Nothing like those bimbos he used to fuck and leave. She was tough, intelligent, and beautiful. Part of him didn't want to mess with her, but most of him needed to be near her so if messing with her was the only chance he'd be able to get close to her, he would climb mountains.

Vesta was out cold as Tcherny watched her. He had stayed with her for a long time. When he saw that she was perfectly content, he left to go clean up the vomit. As he made his way down the hallway, he noticed it was gone. He shrugged and headed back to his room.

Ettore headed back to his room as well but on his way back, he stopped in front of Vesta's door. It was wide open. He gazed at the sleeping girl and his cock grew hard. Her hair was splayed out on the pillow as it was when he first met her. It wasn't in that short, spiky ponytail she usually wears. He inched closer to her bed and stood before her. He reached a hand out to play with her soft, blonde hair. He knelt down and brought it to his nose. It reeked of weed. He moved his hand to her cheek and he caressed it. Her skin was soft. I could kiss this face all day. He thought. He then realized what he was thinking so he snapped out of it and got up to leave. He decided to finally restrain himself for her. Before he did, however, he felt a hand latch onto his, pulling him closer. Vesta. He hopped onto the bed and took his spot behind her. He pulled her into his chest and ground his cock against her ass, causing her to moan and smile. She sluggishly grabbed his hand and pulled it up to her chest. He buried his face in her neck and left light kisses as he squeezed her chest. She made small sounds as he ground her ass harder against his cock. He didn't want anyone to hear anything so he pressed a finger to her lips. Vesta seemed to oblige as she went silent, but continued to breathe. He liked when she was asleep because he finally got her in a state where she couldn't scream. She was so precious. He wanted so desperately to have her lips pressed against his, but he was afraid to wake her. When she started to stir in her sleep, that was his cue to leave. As he left, he ran his hand frustratingly through his hair. To Vesta this was all an amazing dream. But Ettore came to the realization that this wasn't her. This was those damn drugs that she had overdosed on. They had made her loopy. Made her act differently. He knew the real Vesta would have alerted the entire ship to her quarters.

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