part 1 : london

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Author's pov

After the world War 2 some nations started to recover from trauma that the wars brought to them . Well for Phil it was like he lost everything , everything he ever loved . He lost his whole family , he lost his friends , and mostly he lost himself.  His mother and father was killed by Spain and well... spain , he ruled for 333 years , and America killed Del by shooting him with a gun , hitting his neck He died in the Battle of Tirad Pass where he was fighting against Texas Regiment and Infantry Regiment , lastly marcial was tortured along with Phil by japan . but marcial died due to the open wounds and he lost alot of blood ...and Phil.  He survived . And still even though the war was over Phil had trauma and sometimes dreamed about them in his sleep that left a scar in him . And he slowly little by little thought about life as meaningless to him without his loved ones . And so as days went by he became depressed and can no longer watch out for his country,  luckily there where presidents to watch over the country , they where like assistants and can control the country the way they wanted to but the countryhumans are still the heads.  Asean who was like the father of the southeast asian nations watched over Phil like he was his son . Asean  signed Phil up for therapy but it was like useless to Phil,  we was still the same as always .

phil's pov

i was seated on my seat , me and sinaga where in the plane while the rest of the southeast asian nations are in London already because they where too 'exited' , on our way to london. we are invited to a Christmas masquerade ball held by UN . i don't get it why didn't they just let me stay at my country in my room . can't they understand that i'm longer the country they used to know , i'm not the country who sings karaoke anymore , i'm not that country who is niave and who is cheerful , and that country who forgives so easily . The president is taking the care of the country while i'm away to this stupid , waste of time event . my watch then did a beeping sound meaning that it was time to take the pills my therapist gave . I brought out the pills out of my little sling bag and just looked at it . What's the point anyway taking these if it won't fucking cure me ? What's the point ?  I threw the bag of pills in my sling bag and heard the pilot "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen we are now landing" I pilot said with his deep blurry voice.  Why do pilots sound like that ? Are they putting the mic in their mouth ? God , I looked outside the window and it's snowing.  It's understandable because it's the 24th of December.  Back at my country when September 1 strikes everyone will be hungging their 'parol' . Anyway the plane now landed and we unbundled our seat belts and I grabbed my bag above me , the luggages will be distributed later . "Hey ready to go ?" Singa southeast asian country like me who loves reading books so much said . "Yes" i responded dry . Asean told him to accompany me as we arrive to London because Asean is scared that I might take my own life again. As we got down the plane we were greeted by a flight attendant.  We got down the plane's stairs.  And we spotted our language going trough a machine before we got our laguages . a few men that worked in the airport  helped us with our laguages as they place it in the back of the truck of the car . "drive safely" the man said with the british accent "yes , and thank you very much for the help" singa said and handed the two men a huge tip before me and him went inside the car . i sat in the car beside the driver seat while singa seated on the drivers seat. he then turned to me raising his brow "put your seat belt on" he says pointing at the seat belt . i didn't want to put the seat belt on so that if the car went more that it's speed i can hit my head hard and now die . i just i didn't like the idea of living anymore , it's just the same everyday . i wake up stay in my room , do nothing , go on my phone seeing people post rumors and hatered about me and social media ... great even my own people hates me , then i go back to sleep , and i smoke in my room opening the window to get rid of the smell cause i shouldn't be allowed to smoke . "are you gonna put your seat belt or what ?" singa says but he wasn't mad though . so i did what he said and put on my seat belt. singa to wasn't one of those people who get mad easily unless if you disturb him . singa also doesn't talk much , he only talks if nessesary . he also loves books , he even has his own library . "did you take your pills ?" singa asked

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