chapter 2 :masquerade ball

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author's pov

afther getting dressed phil went out of his room , where he met singa "hey , i think you should go to the therapist that asean hired since it's still early" singa says phil didn't want to go . can't any of then understand ? no one , i mean no one can cure me . even if you hire the best therapist in the world phil thought ,"sure" phil responded instead of a 'no' but he was sure he was gonna say 'no' and the word 'sure' just came up like wordvomit . singa then gave the address to phil and phil got his coat inside his room before heading out the hotel .

phil's pov

ughh ! i should've said no , i kicked the snow stupid ! fucking . i continued walking normaly so people won't think i'm lunatic or something . i glanced again the the address that was written on a paper and realized it's just nearby , i crossed the road and there i was , i was already standing infront of the building . but i wan't quite there yet . i had to climb 20 steps of stairs leading now to my destination . i rang the door bell , i noticed the building was old . did this building even exist since the ww2 or ww1 ? i rang the door bell one more time but noting i got no response , i was i about to leave when the door now opened with a creeking noise like from the horror movies . i turned around seeing the therapist with a soft smile "i'm so sorry for keeping you waiting , anyways i'm dr. gilbert murpy but you can just call me dr. murpy" i gave out his hand for a hand shake i didn't want too but i didn't want to be rude , not for later . "it's okay , now can we get this over with ? " i asked shallowly "well of course , come in" he said woth his british accent "i'm sorry if it's a bit boring and so old fashion , you see this building was built ever since ww2" he says "it' fine , glad it didn't grumble into bits" i mumbled remembering what japan did to my country . dr. murphy took me to his living room that had a huge sofa and other comfortable chairs , he took out a clip board and a pen "so you're philippines" i noddded as he wrote something on the clip board that had a paper . "so is there something wrong ? , or can i help you with anything ? , or is everything alright ? " he ask wanting to know what's going on with me , fine i'll give this therapist a chance "i've been strugglimg mentally" i said without hesitation "look , i've been through many therapist like you and nothing has changed , i tried everything , everything . i took the medication that they gave me , i tried thinking positive again like i used to , but still it stays with me ." i said holding my tears "what stays with you ?" he say pushing back his glasses "them , my family . my mom and dad was killed , my elder brother was shot , and my other brother was tortured to dead and died infront of me" i said with tears now forming " and that should've been me not them ,i wasn't even given a chance to say good bye" i said . "phil , do you want to get better ?" dr. murpy says , of course i do deep down i want to... "i do sir" i said seriously as he walked to his window glancing outside "well phil , in order to read the next chapter . you have to stop re-reading the past chapter and turn the page" he says leaving me with mixed emotions , i couldn't just let them go . spain , america , and japan i want revenge for my family "but how ?! after all they done to me . how do you even turn that fucking page ?" i said with my blood starting to boil as dr. murphy's watch went beepimg and he turned it off "time's up" he says as he escorted me out the building , seriously what kind of shitty therapist is this ? "that for you to answer" he says as he gave me a vintage , old , and slightly rusty pocket watch "love the suit anyway" he utterd before closing the dang door . leaving me with mixed emotions but mostly confused , why did he give this poket watch anyways ? i started banging on the door chanting his name reapeatedly "dr . murpy ! , dr murpy !" but it was useless , what am i gonna do with this anyways ? to tell the time ? it's already 2022 and i have my phone to tell the time . i opened the watch and i was shocked to see instead of the numbers in the clock , it was number of years. 1521 , 1565 , 1898 , 1899 , 1941 , and other more dates . wait i then realized some of the of the dates i mentioned are asossiated with me . like 1521 my country was discoverd by a portugues explorer sent by spain empire . but my father ended up killing his exploer and so spain empire died months later and spain his son took over and spain himself went to my country at 1565 . that was also the date that my father was killed and my mother was kill 1521. i put the weird compass in my pocket and my phone began to ring it was singa of course , i picked up my phone "hey are you coming ?" says "i am" i ended the call and started walking down the stairs . i brought out a cigarette out my left poket and a lighter to lit it up , i know this is unhealty but it's too late . it became one of my addictions . asean , singa , UN nor anyone knows i smoke . i guess i'm just good at hiding the scent . the christmas masquerade ball will be held at buckingham palace , UK talked to the royal family about it and the royal family agreed to have it there . so the royal family will be also joining the masquerade ball along with other royal families , and presidents . i threw the cigarette bud and brought out a small bottled perfume out my pocket that i always carry around . the scent was very strong but what choice do i have ? but this perfume isn't like that perfume that makes your head hurt nor your nose . every person who has ever smelled it likes the smell of it like you a scent that you never get tired of ... i then took a taxi .

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