chapter 14 : calm

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Author's pov
As Phil woke up he realized he was in his parents'bedroom. And he remembered everything , he didn't feel like doing anything anymore. He felt the same feeling when he was in the present . He brushed his hair away from his face and got out of bed remembering that Spain was with him . He expected him to be inside the small house that was filled with happiness until it was not . And from the door way of the exit Spain was leaned against the door way humming a sad song , "your up" he turned around to see the Filipino standing a meter behind him

"Mhm" Phil let out a sound for yes  , both stayed quiet for a while before Spain broke the silence "we're going back" he muttered "we ?" Phil spoke "yes we" Spain says

"Let me see your arm ." He says as he gently got Phil's arm rolling up his sleeves finding already 3 lines on his arm . But he noticed other lines , it wasn't lines that showed them how much time was left for them . It wasn't black but it was while thin lines , you could tell that they were deep. Spain wanted to say something as he glanced at Phil who had his head down.

Spain let go of Phil's arm as his sleeve rolled down by themselves "we are taking a ship to Britain" Spain threw a hand sized bread on Phil's hand "you gotta eat something, you haven't eaten anything since last night" he uttered as Phil tore the bread in half sniffing it "relax , I didn't poison it" Spain says as he dust his hands getting rid of the bread crumbs.

Phil took a bite of the bread and chewed it before swallowing it "why Britain ?" Phil asked "you teleported here from Britain yeah ?" Spain asked "yes but I don't remember what hotel it was and when it was built" Phil who had now forgotten the hotel where he and singa booked in says .

Spain massaged his head and said "so our only hope is the amusement park in Florida." He brought out a satchel with him and brought out a map along with a marker "where did you get this stuff ?" Phil asked eating the remaining last piece of bread "I went back to the mansion and took the secret path" he responded. "So we are here yeah ?" He circled Phil's county and started explaining

"So we are taking a ship to Britain . Since  America still a colony of Britain and there are no ships that are told to go there according to my father. So once we are in Britain that's the place where we can get a ship going to America. But we need to go forward in time to 2015 , why exactly ? Because that amusement park was built in 1971 . And once we are already in the year of 2015 we can go to the amusement park and we can go back to the present."

He ended.

"But still need a time portal to go back to the year 2015" spain glanced at the map before his face lit up with joy "of course their is a gas station near the amusement park in Florida that has a time portal , so once we arrive at America we can go to Florida and go to the gas station and last go to the amusement park and enter that photo booth and we are back ."

Phil's pov
Spain ended. With me still blank , I really had no emotions right now . I didn't know what to feel , I didn't know what to say , I don't even know if I wanted to go back but I remembered my brother marcial mouthing the words  "go home"  that's when I knew to that I really needed to go home even if I don't the decision but if it's for my brother then I'll go . "So our journey Starts now ?" I spoke as Spain nodded his head as he gave me another piece of bread.

We went out the house. And that's when I saw the whole village that was almost unrecognizable, last time I was here- a flashing of a memory came flashing on my head fire , the taste and smell of blood , people screaming . The whole village was indeed in ashes , before walking away the village I took one last look of it , this is the place I grew up . Where I spent my childhood. it wasn't like a fancy mansion or a huge castle but a small village in the middle of nowhere but palm trees , the salty breeze that stung you with the smell of burned ashes , and the sounds of every creature that is around.

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