chapter 23 : photo booth

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Phil's pov
I was woken up by a sound of a voice waking me up "sir , you need to get up" the demanding voice said as I squinted my eyes looking directly at the sky that was already starting to fill with gray clouds , I realized that I had fallen asleep in the bench "you are under arrest of a murderer , sir Philippines" a voice of a police officer said beside me as he was about to hand cuff me but I broke my arm loose from his grip . And I started to ran pushing and shoving people around me , news reporters , journalists , and even a crowd...

This is bad , really, really bad . I need to get out of here fast . I almost made my way out the crowd when I felt a hand grabbed me he started pulling me as I had no choice but to be pulled by him "let me go !" I tried pulling my arm "Mr. Phil , it's not the time of being naughty" the man who was pulling me said .

Wait, I remembered that voice. Could it be ? "Dr. Murphy?" I gasped out as he turned to look at me , it is Dr. Murphy but what is he doing here ? Lots of questions flooded my head . Lots of questions which he only could answer. After a while of running we lost them .

Dr. Murphy pulled me into an alley way and from that alley way there was a door. He opened it and yanked me inside, looking left and right before he closed the door shut and approached me and took a seat , I was in some sort of his clinic.

Anger ran through my vains as my blood started to boil because of this stupid therapist "why did you even bring me here ?" I screamed at him before he could open his mouth "Spain is dead , marcial law is finally dead , I was wanted across Europe and almost lost my life because of it , I'm being chased by a psycho scientist-" Dr. Murphy stopped me by my words "a scientist?" He says out of confusion.

"The man I murderered he said that he wanted both my pocket watch and Spain's pocket watch and once I refused and I ended up killing his he said that he was never a soldier of Spain's father but he works for a crazy ass scientist who wants to event a time machine so he could get rich" I explained, I was still so mad at him . He's the reason I got here at the first place.

"You must be out of here , or you won't be able to go home"

"Go ! Run ! If you must" he says as we heard a knock on the door. "Hide" Dr. Murphy says as he grabbed a hammer from his drawer while I hid behind the clinic bed that covered it with curtains. My my hearing I heard Dr. Murphy opening the door and a serious voice sounding "where is Philippines" the voice said "what are you talking about ?" Dr Murphy spoke "don't play with me you old fuck !" The voice said as I heard the man growling. I went out the curtains and found the man laying on the door with Dr. Murphy with a bloody hammer "run ! Come see me  once you're home"

~time skip~

Once again I ran passing the alley way with people know chasing me but they didn't look like ordinary people, I could tell by the way how they dressed. It seems to me that they are from different Time periods and that everything didn't made sense to me .

The people behind me started catching up as one of them grabbed me by my clothes as I punched a man that looked like he was from the 1905 , causing him to hit the floor. I continued running seeing people around me where looking at me , some of them were taking pictures, well I guess they recognized who am I . Traveling back it time wasn't my plan for this December...

I kept running as a woman caught up to me and punched me with me hitting a wall of a building, "just give us the pocket watch, ya ! fucking-" I grabbed her shoulders and slammed her to the wall , unfortunately I felt a cold , painful , Sharp thing that stuck through my back . I was stabbed by another person with that I brought out a gun and killed both the woman and man . But it wasn't over there are 12 more people after me and I didn't have much more amos left .

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