chapter 16 : friend

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Phil's pov
The waters where still and calm while our ship drifted with the wind and not so far the waters "america" Spain shouted with joy pointing to the land that was called america. "We're almost there" he says. I looked down seeing nothing but my own reflection my wavy hair showing that it was dry for days , my eyes that had eye bags but didn't didn't matter anyway because I've always looked this way , my dried lips , and my face had scars and scratches from fighting.

I sighed as Spain stole a glance at me but I caught him "what's wrong" he asked "I don't know" I said but honestly there was something , something in my heart that had a scar that can never ever be healed "tell me what you're thinking about" he says as I turned to him "like what ?" ...."anything Phil"

"Are you home sick ?" He says "no" I tell him with a dried response "why ?" He asked not making eye contact with me "I don't have one" suddenly his emotionless face turned to guilt like how fast fall turned to winter. I can read him he was guilty again , he knew what he did and how he did it . He can do anything to himself change his looks , change his name , or even his past but he'll know that I know. I know what he did .

"I have a question" he asked "what ?" I waited for the question "if a person took everything away from you , will you still forgive that person ?" He asked

I quickly realized that 'that person' in his  question was referring to him "i-" before I could answer the question we arrived "drop the anchor" Spain says as he tied the ropes to secure the ship . After doing the things that needed to be done we went down the streets into the busy docks of Florida.

"Shit" Spain cursed out as he slapped his face with the map on his hand "what's wrong ?" I asked raising my eye brow "we need another time portal to teleport us to the year 2015" he says "we need to find ourselves somewhere to stay , while we are in here . It takes time for me to find another available portal" he says

"Wait then how do you teleport to 2015 then ? I mean you always teleport to 2015 to go to the amusement park" I spoke "there used to be this one time portal but it some how closed" he continued walking "you are always giving me surprises with this time traveling thing" we stopped walking once we reached a house

Spain began knocking on the door "what are you doing ?" I gave him a weird look considering he was knoking on a random stranger's door "knoking on a door" he says . It wasn't long before he got annoyed and burst the door open

He went inside as I followed him inside . Gosh what has this man been doing to be this brave enough to go to somebody else's house. "It smells like shit" his voice orbited the room , the strong smell of alcohol filled the air .  that's when we entered the seems to be living room with a man seated on a chair and half drunk with a bottle on his hand "when it isn't the prince of Spain" the man chuckled with a husky voice. The man seemed to be 28-30 years old he was good looking but I could tell that he's always drunk and never cleaned the house.

I then brought out a knife ready to throw it in case of an expected attack . But Spain then noticed and knew what I was about to do "Philip" Spain brothered calling my other nickname but I liked Phil better than Philip. I then responded with hum "mhm ?"

"Meet Edmund , Edmund meet-" Spain was stopped by Edmund "Philippines , you look quite taller in the descriptions" he says which made me a little annoyed cause I've been called short my entire life "so what brings you" the smell of alcohol in his voice stung my nose , I wanted to cover my nose but I didn't want to be rude

"We need a place to stay" Spain didn't hesitate

"You're wanted cross Europe and it's spreading across north America"

Edmund look a sip of the alcohol "please" Spain says "begging now are we ?" Edmund raised a brow "fine , fine you can stay as long as you want but what's in it for me ?" I swear to God I saw Spain's face lit up like a light bulb before he reached into his pocket before tausing a gold ring that had a huge red ruby at the middle. "This better be real" he says taking the ring "so , deal ?" Spain uttered "deal"

"Two of you take my kid's" room he says as he continued drinking.

Me and Spain do what he says and as we entered the room it was filled with dust , it seems like no one has been using this room ever since "sorry he's the only person I can run to in a time like this , I could transport us to the future even if it was 1997 so we could get a hotel but I can't " Spain muttered "no it's fine" I say

"He mentioned he has kids , where are they ? and his wife ?" I asked Spain as his emotion quickly turned from clear skies to  the gloomy sky "they died a few days ago by the Britains" Spain says "but-" I was about to say something about how the Britains weren't still here in 1521 then I remembered what marcial told me again. Not everything is the same here than it is in the present

"This world is messed up" I said "it is messed up" Spain says as he sets asside the extra things that are on the bed "I'm going to sleep on the floor , you take the bed" he says but I refused

"You sleep upside down so both of us take the bed" I suggested and he agreed "I just hope you don't kick my face" Spain jokingly says "I could but I don't want you getting beat up and getting hurt" I say

Hehehe this chapter is short but I'll make it longer sooner and I'm so sorry it takes me a long time to update. I'll try making more time posting and thanks for the reads and votes ... Also I can see some of you are reading my recent books . Ty so much for the support

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