chapter 5 : secrets

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Phil's pov
I poured water on me using what we call a 'tabo' , I didn't care about the water that ran down my body because it's hot anyways, it's like it's summer the whole year in my country except for one . Baguio city that was located in the cordilleras and also the lowest temperature dropped there . I scooped one more scoop of water using the tabo
. After I got dressed in our outside bathroom I went outside with my clothes that I was wearing awhile ago with them in my hands . I opened the door to my house and my mother went off to sleep also del was already sleeping , my father went out side for a walk . And I'm not sure about Marcial , maybe he's so tired from all that training and he went to sleep by now.

I walked down are short hallway . And that's where I saw my door half open . Weird. I was sure I closed it . Maybe I forgot to close it . I stepped in my room finding my brother Marcial with the phone in his hands he fell into shock , I grabbed the phone in his hands before he could do anything to it . "What are you doing here ?" I questioned strongly , standing infront of Marcial . I then closed the doors and windows so no one can hear "what was that ?" He asked "what that ?" Marcial pointed at the phone that was in my hands "th-that , rock " he said pointing at the phone . "It's not a rock" I said "when what is it ?" He asked ... "It's complicated" I said as he looked at me and I realized he didn't understand words that understand "compli- what?"  He said . As I explained the word to him . "And this is a phone" I said showing him the phone as he took it and looked at it . "You can't eat this can you" he says "no you can't" I uttered "then what do you use it for ?" Marcial asked curiously "you use it for many things" i said as I explained everything to him . minutes later his eyes where Heavy he needs to sleep now "I think you should go to sleep now ." But Marcial denied , he didn't want to go , he wanted more explanation "so where did you get that phone ?" He asked .

I took a deep breath an decided to tell him . I lay down my bed . And he lay down aswell but he lay upside down and he waited for a response...I took a deep breath and told him "Marcial , maniwala o hindi Pero di ako taga dito- (Marcial , believe me or not but I'm not from here-)" he caught me off "what do you mean ? I understood him he didn't know what I'm saying "I'm not from this time period" i said "I mean I've been to this time period but it's the past " I added as I raised my head at him to see his reaction. He felt silent for a while  Until he opened his mouth "naniniwala ako sayo (I believe you)" he responded leaving me in silent "you believe me ?" I murmured "I didn't want to but you have proof , you use some words I couldn't understand and if I where in the same situation you'd believe me too  . Right ?" He says "yes I would" I spoke . "So tell me what happened in the future?" Marcial asked .

I fell silent I didn't want to tell him anything, "you don't have to pretend anymore Phil , I died didn't I ? I died because of that japanese" he said with a hushed tone leaving me shocked "h-how did you know ?" I jolt up in a sitting position "same as you" ... He grabbed something from his shirt and their was pocket watch tied to a rope that he wore around his neck . He sat down next to me and the pocket watch was the same as the pocket watch dr. Murpy gave me but the only difference is that Marcial's pocket watch was already damaged. "You've seen the future ?" I waited for a response "I couldn't help myself" Marcial admitted "I've traveled back and forth wanting to look for you but it's impossible ... I can only reach the time that WW2 was all over" Marcial says with his deep voice "but why ?" I questioned "it's the rules that was given to me by a Japanese soldier" Marcial says.

"You can only travel to the past but when it comes to the future it will let you but only for a while... And it's over and you need to time travel again to the very beginning " my brother said with a sad tone of voice "you didn't die in that cell didn't you ?" I said as he nodded "I didn't die , it's true my heart stopped but when japan ordered his soldiers to throw my died body out in sea , one japanese soldier spared me . When his companions left only him behind he started doing CPR , he was also a Time traveler . And as soon as I woke up he gave me his pocket watch and explained everything" Marcial put his pocket watch back . Under his shirt and continued

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