Move On

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Disha's POV,

I can't move my legs any further,(clenching her bag handle) his eyes is coming back to me again and again for each second.I know what it feels like,I have been in that place.I can't do this (throwing her bag inside her room and starts running to Taiga's room).There are two types of people in this world, people who wanted to give the pain to other people which they went through and the other part is the people who doesn't want people going through the pain they went through. And I don't want to fall under the first category. I maybe the stupidest person in this world but (opening Taiga's room) being stupid is better than being inhumane. If I leave him now, my parents even Zacky won't forgive me.

(Walking toward Taiga who is breaking the empty liquor bottles on the floor)

(Grabbing his hand and pulling him to the other side of the mini bar)

Taiga : What are you doing.Why haven't you left yet.

(Disha snatching the liquor bottle from his hand)

Hey!! Give that back to me. Disha,don't make me angry, give that back.

Disha : NO!!! I won't give you, even if you threaten to kill me.I don't understand, what is your problem.Why don't you share with other people instead of hurting yourself and others.

Taiga : You won't understand. (Trying to take the bottle from her hand)

Disha : Try me.Try telling me.I may not understand your pain,but I can understand how you feel.Cuz,I had been there before.

Taiga : Leave me alone,Leave me alone,Leave me alone,LEAVE ME ALONE,(Breaking the things around him)

I want to kill them.I want to kill everyone. (blood scatters from his hand as he swings to push the things).I want to, I want to, I..

(Disha hugs Taiga from behind)

Disha : I know!! I know !! (Taiga calms down while holding Disha's hand close to his chest) Come and sit here.

(Making him to sit on the bed and stands infront of him to treat his wound)

Taiga : (Low tone) He called my mom bi**h.Two times and wh**e,I couldn't able to do anything other than standing there like a clown. It's hurting me. Hurting me from inside. I couldn't take this pain.Why? why?.Help me. Help me please.Help me to take this pain away from my chest.Please

(Hugging Disha with his bleeding hand making impressions on her dress)

Disha's POV,

What am I supposed to do now,should I just treat his wound and leave him.But he is really in a bad shape.

Taiga : My mom is not what they say Disha. She, She is a kind person.

Disha's POV,

I didn't understand what I was doing for the next few hours,I just hugged him back by placing one arm around his neck and one arm caressing his hair he was pressing himself against me,I felt his hot breath on my stomach and his blood wet hands on my back as I was holding him.

Disha : It's okay,Taiga,everything will end soon, time will help you to forget everything (lifting his head up) Look, these people will get what they deserve you have to live to see that atleast. This is nothing Taiga. You know what is worse,(Taiga hugging her again) Standing alone. But you are lucky in that case, unlike me.You have your cousin, who will do anything just to make you smile. And a friend,who takes care of you indirectly, your men who would do anything to protect you even by giving their own lives and finally you have Mr.Hutsun in place of your father, mother, brother and sister. You have to learn to live happy with what you have Taiga.

Sometimes I used to feel jealous of people you have around. You are a lucky man Taiga.So why don't you try sharing your feelings or anger with them.

Taiga : (Lifting his head up and looking into Disha's eyes) Have you ever felt your anger rilling up deep inside you,but you have to supress them because you have no other choice.

Disha : (Running her hand through his hair from front to look into his eyes) Yes,that's how I survived this long but my friends helped me to control my feelings. Even now, am dealing with a demon like nothing.(Taiga's expression changes) Ahm!! I tried to be funny.I guess my humor didnt work.

(Taiga smiles)

Good, it worked. Now let me treat your wound first. (Cleaning his wound with the sanitizer,applying some antibiotics and covering the wound) Done!! Am not a professional,I hope it works until you go to doctor. First thing in the Morning, go and meet the doctor okay.

(Disha getting up to leave)

(Taiga holding her hand)


Taiga : Please don't leave me.

Disha : But

Taiga : Atleast till I fall asleep.( Disha walking back to him) Lie down ( Disha staring at the bed) Don't worry, I will not do anything (Hugging the nearby pillow).

( Disha smiles)

Disha's POV,

Just like that he fell asleep, holding the pillow between his legs and I was lying next to him,like it was normal.I didn't except a day like this would come,but here it is,(looking at Taiga) he sleeps like a newborn baby with no worries.I didnt know he loved his mom so much,I hope everything ends good for him..


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