Mom's Memorial

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In the car--Disha's POV,

Why did Taiga come to my room this morning and what does he mean by, " I may or may not come home today". I know it's none of my business but why did he waited till I wake up to say it to me.

Bob : Miss.Disha. Miss.Disha. MISS DISHAAAA!!!

Disha : Ah? Did we reach.

Bob : God!! What happened to you, are you feeling okay,we reached two minutes ago, and I was calling your name more than 10 times now, are you alright.

Disha : Yeah, Yeah I am...I am just tired.(Getting down)

Bob : Miss Disha your bag.(Disha coming back to get her bag) Wait here, I'll park the car and join you. (Disha nods)

Bob's POV,

Definitely something is wrong with her, I know very well it has to do with master, but I can't stop worrying about that girl. She deserve some peace in her life.I hope she gets that one day.

In ELA Entrance,

Bob : Shall we?..(Disha nods)

MRV : (blocking their way) Do I have the curtsey to know, what one of Taiga's men is doing in my company.

Bob : I am not here to steal any of your projects as you know well...I am here as a body guard for Miss.Disha..So can I go in.

MRV : And why do I have to let you in.

Bob : (Sighs) Cuz its Master's order.

MRV : Then why are you waiting outside go in. (Bob moving in) hey Bob (Bob turns back) Dont tell Taiga about this blocking okay... (Bob nods)


I don't even know whose company is this anymore..

Disha's Desk,

Disha : Bob, can I ask you something..

Bob : Sure.

Disha : Where is Taiga going today.

Bob : It's not something you should know Miss.Disha, even I don't know where he is going, only the elites will know..

Disha : Elites?

Bob : Like Sir.Jonas..Why do you ask.

Disha : It's nothing...I just

Bob : Are you concerned about him (smiling)

Disha : What...No, usually he will come to my room to bully me but today, he was nice to me...Thats why I asked you, is he going to any place like where things makes him excited.

Gwen : Disha, you have to give me this by evening, (Giving her few files)

Disha : Yes, Mam.

Afternoon-- Cafeteria,

Disha : Bob, come on have lunch with me today.

Employee 1 : Did you see that man, I have already seen him somewhere but I don't remember where.

Employee 2 : Hey, he is one of Mr.Taiga's men.Look at the seal on his coat...The black dragon seal.

Employee 1 : What is he doing with that rookie. Do you think they are connected.

Employee 3 : Who knows, money plays everywhere.Who doesn't fall for it.

Employee 2 : But she looks innocent.

Employee 1 : Every snake has its own poison.

Disha : Bob, let's go that corner.

Gwen : (Placing a hand on Disha ) Why are you running, when you have done nothing. Come on sit with us, don't care about them.

(Disha and Bob sitting with Gwen and few others)

Disha : Don't you want to know, why one of Taiga's men is with me.

Gwen : We all figured it out don't worry.I dont know, what is between you and Mr. Taiga and I don't care, here we are colleagues, we are here to work let's only do that and leave, moreover I trust our boss, he won't take someone from outside without any reason or skills....(smiling) So rest assured.

Disha : Thank you.

Gwen : Don't prove us wrong.Little Disha.

Taiga's office,

Reyan : Sir, your suit is ready.

Jonas : Are you sure, you want this.

Taiga : Jonas, we are going to that party. Only then, I will be able to find something about my mom's murders.

Jonas : But, today is aunt's memorial day. We didn't even visit her, atleast let's go and keep some flowers on the way.

Taiga : I have no time for that. Get ready,we are leaving now.

Jonas : You are emperor's son, why do you care about timing here.

Taiga : Everyone is same before the three emperors Jonas...Even if you don't respect them, you have to respect the seal..So come on let's leave.

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