Give Us A Chance

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Disha's Friends---Charles and Lina,

Lina : Charles, dont get me wrong for asking you this.Why are you searching Disha, after everything she said.

Do you think, she'll accept you now, just because you searched for her.

Charles : (Smirking) Do you know why I started to drink?

Lina : Because,humm Disha left you.

Charles : (Smiling) No,I drank because, she didn't trust me.

Lina : Trust..I..I don't understand.

Charles : On that day,Disha just rejected my proposal not me (Lina frowns).She rejected me with the tears in her eyes Lina and her lips were curling up,she does that only when she hides something Like someone was forcing her to do it. Sometimes,I used to think that even Zacky must have been murdered because of finding the truth.I know its cinematic but what if.I dont know what it is.But I'll find that. And I'll bring her back...I'll,definitely.

Meanwhile in the car,

(Disha kicking the car door) Who the hell are these people, where are they coming from,only for me.I never thought my life will end in the hands of kidnappers.

(Pulling her down from the car)

Disha : Brothers or Sisters, I don't know what I did against you, but please untie me let's sit and talk about this like a gentleman or gentlewomen, Please.

(Slowly removing her blindfold)

Thank you.

(Disha, struggling to open her eyes against the sunlight)

What the!!! What you people are doing here, untie me,arent you afraid of Taiga,(Shaking the chair) let me go.Please, listen to me Please.

Kidnappers : He can't do anything to us,so stop worrying about us and start thinking about you.Atleast that can help you to escape from this situation.

Disha : You are wrong (checking her watch) it's already 11:13 AM,he said he'll call me sharp at 12:00,I have to be there when he calls, or else we all will get into trouble, so PLEASE UNTIE ME NOW ,YOU STUPID JONAS AND JUSTIN.

Jonas : No,we are not going to untie you ,untill you hear us completely.

Disha : Are you nuts? (looking at both) Did you both hit your head on a wall,why the hell are you doing this.Let me go.

Justin : (Kneeling down) Listen to us for a few minutes Disha, we'll leave you in your office before 12:00 so don't worry about that.

Disha : How, what will you do if,he calls before that.

Jonas : (Folding his arm) We have our trustworthy friend there.He'll take care of the things there and also protect us even by giving his life

MRV : Achoo!!! who is that talking about me...

So now you listen to us.

Justin : Give us a chance,A chance to explain ourselves..I know very well how dangerous this is after Jonas explained everything to me.

But I can't forget my promise

Disha : Promise?

Justin : Ahm, ah!!..Promise to myself. I promised myself to help you get out from this place.

So what are you saying?

You Belong To Me - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now