I'm No Secret

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Tolerie sat in her bedroom scrolling through her Instagram feed. It was Friday afternoon and that morning and her boyfriend had left for morning practice. Jordan Poole, yeah that was her man, the only thing is the two weren't public about their relationship. When they got together Jordan mentioned he wasn't really big on social media which was factual giving that the two meet via a game and not online. He expressed to her that he'd rather keep their relationship private rather than public because he didn't want anyone putting their two cents into what they have going on. 

While scrolling she came across this "ballplayersshaderoom" page on her explore page. What caught her attention was a video of her boyfriend and and some random girl laughing, but sitting rather closely to one another. Judging by his appearance of clothes she could tell it was from one of their road games. 

As she opened the comments seeing what others had to say she heard a knock on her front door indicating she had company. Making her way to the door she looked into the peephole to see it was Jordan standing there. She let out a deep sigh as she mentally prepared for what would be her next move regarding this situation. 


"Hey baby." Jordan said leaning in to kiss me, but I dodged it. "Ohhhkayy, what was that for Tolerie? Did I do something wrong?" He asked. 

Without saying anything I just held the phone out to him to take a look for himself. 

"My God, really Tee, you're acting like this over an instagram post?" He asked. 

"Yes Jordan I'm acting like this over an 'Instagram post' and you wanna know why? Because you're not single yet every time I scroll on my damn explore page I see something about you flirting or under some girl's comments." I expressed. 

"Baby, it's really not what it looks like nor is it really that deep to trip off of. Sure I like a couple of pictures and comment here and there, but that doesn't mean I want them." He expressed. 

"Wow, so now you're going to gas light me Jordan. Look you know what..... you do you. I understand you're not this big social media present athlete, but I agreed to be private, not secret. So the fact that you're out there portraying the life of a single man shows me all I need to know. I will not stay in a relationship where I'm disrespected." I said to him. 

"So what are you trying to say Tolerie?" He asked with a semi-confused expression. 

" You can see you way out my front door and my life. That's what I'm trying to say." I said looking him in his eyes to show my seriousness. 

"Now come on baby that's a little extreme to break up with me." He said now sad.

"Is it Jordan? Is it really? Because last time I checked I wasn't the one out here liking and commenting under other mens photos nor am I sitting up under them laughing in their face like I don't have a man. So with that being said you can leave now, I'm so serious Jordan. This has been and issue for months and we've been together for a year almost. At some point someone other than our close family and friends have to know about us." I said to him. 

I made my way to the front door opening it to usher him out. It was hard to do, but needed to be done. 

"I love you Tolerie, I'm sorry I hurt you, but I'm not stopping til I get you back. I'll prove to you why I'm right for you." Jordan said as he placed a kiss on my forehead. 

I closed the door behind him and cried my heart out. In no way was I ready to let him go, but I knew it had to be done for the sake of my sanity. 


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