Chapter 2

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Rishiraj's POV 
Aarohi have agreed to this marriage too now everyone is busy preparing for Dastoor ( engagement )
Today Aarohi Baisa 's Father Brother & others will come for a small Dastoor or Tilak and also to decide marriage date
In our culture engagement is not done by exchanging rings  but by doing tilak , giving shagun , and some gold, that too only gents from girls side will come to boys house & do this

I am ready to marry & settle down now as I can earn well to take care of my wife.
I want to love her , care for her , talk to her , befriend her. Hope she is as excited as I am right now

" Rishi ...thu ate kai kare h ?? Jaa jan taiyaar hoja , sagla aajaila ne biind hi taiyaar ko hoila "
( Rishi...what are you doing here ?? Go & get ready, everyone will come but groom wouldn't be ready )
Maa said panicking
She has been running here & there since morning like a robot . She should rest but no here my over excited maa is jumping & preparing for my wedding

" Maasa hukum the den na lo ane biraajo hun hame taiyaar hojaula , the bass khudro dhiyaan rakho , thodo aaram karlo...saagla kaam hojaila "
( Maa don't take tension & sit down , I'll get ready quickly you just take care of yourself rest for a while, everything will be done "

" Haan Maa...Bhabha theek kave h the bas aaram karo ane manhe hukum karo , thori beti sagla kaam karlei , dekho dev Bhabha is also helping in tent outside
The bass aaram karo " Kumkum said while placing some gifts on side table
( Yess maa...Bhai ( older brother ) is right you just rest & order me your daughter will do everything , see dev bhai is also helping in tent outset
You just take rest )

Maa smiled & nodded with a proud glint in her eyes
"Bhabha now go , I have kept your outfit ready just go & change into it ...and your watch & other accessories are also ready.
Also , papa said to call him when you are ready so that he'll tie Safa " ( turban )

" Okay boss....and you guys also get ready okay ?? "

" Hukum "

After taking a quick shower I changed into our traditional Rajput Attrire
Hunting shirt & Brijesh pant.

While I was combing my hair harsh came there a showed a picture just in front of my eyes while I was combing

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While I was combing my hair harsh came there a showed a picture just in front of my eyes while I was combing

It was her picture!!!

I looked at him smirking & wiggling his eyebrows , I just glared at him

" Stop staring me like you will kill me ... I am your little innocent brother, show some mercy atleast "

" And why should I ?? "

" Because I have a gift for you "

" And that is ?? " I asked raising my one eyebrow

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