Chapter 04

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Aarohi's POV

Time went faster than I thought & here I am in this shop struggling with different poshaks , suits , odhnis etc. etc.

Kakisa ,  Bhuasa & tanu are the biggest shopping lovers ever , even I was but now when it's my turn to stuck between all this & my wedding is after 1week only  my prospective changed completely
I am gonna die running between all these shops

Literally from last 2weeks we are going on shopping almost everybody , sometimes my in-laws also joined us
And Hey !! Let me tell you my soon to be husband was absent !!!

Not complaing though---

Told you na...this shopping thing is making me go mad !

Finalllyy we are back to home now after hours of torture,
I jumped on my bed & relaxed a bit

My phone ringed suddenly
I will kill the person on call !!! Let me rest peacefully na .

" Hello "

" Khamma Ghani Hukum "

OMGG !! It's HIM !!
Mission Abort !!! Mission Abort !!!

'' Ghani Khamma Sa " I replied blushing slightly. His voice is enough to make me blush like hell

( Greetings )

" How are you ?? " he asked sweetly...aww he is sucha cutie

" Am fine...what about you "

" Me too... hope I didn't disturbed you "

You certainly did but it doesn't matter know

" No no...not at all "

" Ohh... anyways how's the shopping & stuff going "

" Honestly... it's really very tiring , I am sick of this shopping thing now "

He laughed & let me tell you guys
His Laugh is so good pls !!

" I thought you girls love shopping " he said with a hint of amusement in his voice

" We do but there's a limit know , I am roaming around shops from weeks now... it's frustrating " I said while pouting

" I can understand...but don't worry , at the end all this would be worth it "

" Yesss "

" So " he asked

" So ? "

" Wo " shy shy...he is shy i am telling you.

" Wo kya ? "

" Ummm.... nothing will talk later "
He is sucha cutie.

" Ok " I chuckled & disconnected the call

This feels so good & different, all my life I have read thousands of romance novels & finally I am living all those cute moments in real, it's so surreal.

I decided to sleep for sometime now, as tomorrow all my relatives will come & functions will start. I won't get time to rest then plus everyone is busy in decorations, lighting & other stuff
I am the only one sitting idle , cause I am the bride

My wedding is in one week & just the thought of it fastens my heart beat & my cheeks turn beetroot.

Rishiraj's Pov

After my small conversation with her I went downstairs to greet everyone.
My close relatives just arrived & others will come in few days

I went on terrace to check upon lights , Harsh is decorating lights along with some workers

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