Chapter 18

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Na hoke bhi qareeb tu
Hamesha paas thaa
Ke sau janam bhi dekhta
Main tera raasta

Jo bhi hai sab mera
Tere hawale kar diya
Jisam ka har roan
Tere hawale kar diya


You guys remember once I mentioned in one of my chapters that in rajput culture ladies don't go with baraat and instead plays an fake marriage back at home where two baisa/Bhabhisa/Kakisa or someone becomes Bride and groom.

This is how that rasam is done and trust me it's really fun to do. I became groom last year in my kakosa's wedding, it was really amazing and we enjoyed a lot. I personally love and enjoy this rasam more than anything else, it's my favourite rasam in boy's wedding 🥺.

You should watch this video on YouTube to understand it better. I promise you won't be bored even for a second ❤️

Anyways coming back to the update...

Rishiraj's POV
We have to leave for Jaipur in 10 mins and I am not ready yet. I overslept today because the great me forgot to set alarm and Aarohi was downstairs in kitchen, she thought I'll wake up by alarm but...

I looked around our room which is a total mess right now.
I can't find my favourite black shirt and watch. I have searched everywhere but just couldn't find it.

" Aa.. no Rishi you can't !!" I was about to shout Aarohi's name but then remembered I can't...what will everyone think ? But I am getting late...she even left her phone here only.
I peaked my head from door and looked around. Harsh is dancing like monkey while listening to music on his headphones.
He is really an idiot !!
I pity his future will she handle this kid ?

" Harshvardhan Banna " I sweetly called him with a smile but he just couldn't listen because of high music.
I tried again but no response. Taking my phone I called him, he flinched due to sudden ring but received it anyways.

" Harshvardhan Banna please come to my room " I shouted but in a extra sweet voice and he fell down, his face full of shock.
" Ouuu... ailaaa... laagali " he whined rubbing his arm, closing his eyes in pain.
" Aap Bhabha hi hona ?" He asked on call.
" Koi shak ?"

" Haan never call me by my full name...that too this respectfully ? Nahh!!"
He said dramatically while standing up.

" Jayada chae chae  mat kar...send your Bhabhisa upstairs in room "

" Why ? She is your wife you have all rights to call her here for something something " He teased me , wiggling his eyebrows like an idiot donkey.
Which he is !!!

" Nothing Nothing...I mean just call her I have some important work "I replied sternly but it has zero effect on him.

" Yeah yeah..I can understand "

" Harshh !! " I said in a warning tone which ofcourse worked and he immediately ran downstairs to call Aarohi.

" What happ-- Sh*t!! i-.. I am sorry " She immediately turned around seeing me in jeans only, basically shirtless.

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