1. The Monster in the Hallway

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Okay, yeah, that can't be good. There are the claws, and the sharp teeth, and the murderous look. It's definitely not there to have tea with me. But I am an immortal, right? Not as old as Ikshan is, but still. I'm a grown-ass woman. I can defend myself. So it's going to be fine... right? Well, if this thing rips my head off, it may not be that fine.

I look around. All I have is books. Duh, I'm in a freaking library. Very convenient place to be attacked by a monster. I need a sword, or a wand, or who knows what can make this creature go away. So what do I do? What do I do? Think, Zoé, think.

In a moment of panic, I throw at it the first book I can find. And I regret it immediately, as I realize it's a very rare illustrated version of Theodore Kane's History of Magic. Oh no. Not this one. If I survive this, Ikshan is going to kill me for using it as a vulgar projectile. Also, it's a completely useless weapon. It just hits the creature before falling at its... well, what looks like its feet, harmless.

The monster looks at the book and I swear it's laughing at me. The sound is awful, and the expression on its face is unreadable, but it's mocking me, I know it. It thinks I'm ridiculous. I'm too easy a target: is that what it thinks? Can this thing even think?

My eyes open wide when I see its clawed hand taking the book and throwing it back at me. I duck and avoid it, but it's close. What the hell is happening? What kind of monster throws books back at you?

And then the only thing I think about is the armory, on the opposite side of the building. I have to reach it. Yeah, I should probably not use these carefully collected and ancient weapons either, but, hell, it's a question of life and death. I run, as fast as I can, in the narrow hallways of the library as I feel the monster following me, breaking objects - Ikshan's objects - all around in its path. I'm dead. Either way, I'm dead.

 Either way, I'm dead

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