24. A Whole New World

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I am here. I mean, I am here to stay. The feeling is so new and disarming that I feel suddenly cold. The bond with the amulet is gone. It was terrifying of course to be a prisoner, but now the curse is no more, I almost feel naked. Adrift, as if the rope connecting me to the shore had been broken.

Because if I'm not going to disappear now, it means I have... a life. I'm going to live. I'm going to sleep and wake up in the morning. How am I supposed to have a life? And I know nothing about this world. I haven't even seen it yet.

Unsteady, my head spinning with fear and uncertainties, I stumble. But a hand on my arm and another one on my chest keep me from falling. I lift my head. It's Ikshan. And suddenly I feel connected again, grounded by Ikshan's touch and concerned gaze.

When I find my balance back, Ikshan lets go. "Are you alright?" This voice has the strange capacity to make me feel safe. At least for a moment.

"Yes... Yes, I'm fine. Thank you."

I look around and it seems the colors have changed, as if a veil had been lifted. I hear the sounds of our steps on the wooden floor more precisely. I'm overwhelmed by the smell of what Carlos was smoking. I didn't realize everything was so muffled before in the few minutes I had every time I appeared. But now I'm free, every sensation is more intense and I want to drown in them, even if I'm afraid. I'm alive.

Beside me, the sorcerer, Carlos, stands back up with Elise's help.

"Hmm," he says. "I'm glad it worked. But we have a problem." He runs his hand in his hair.

His face betrays his worries. Ikshan translates for me. It feels like cold water dripping on my back. I shiver. "I can't go back," I whisper.

Ikshan explains what I said and Carlos shakes his head. "No, sorry. It's not what I meant. You won't go back. Don't worry."

I breathe and I realize I had held my breath while waiting for his answer.

Ikshan keeps on translating the conversation.

"What is it, then?" Elise asks.

"The sound we heard. I'm afraid it works as an alarm system. Other sorcerers must have heard it."

"But it's a very old curse," Zoé says. "Who could be interested in that?"

"Unfortunately, some sorcerers keep the Akandjat alive. And they won't let an enemy be freed. It's a matter of principle. You know they are fanatics."

"I don't know anything," Ikshan says with an unprecedented hint of panic. "I thought the remains of the Akandjat were only rumors."

"To my knowledge, they are very few but they exist. They are just well hidden."

"We are going to protect you, Leno. Do not worry," Elise says. "Besides, I imagine you would not want to go back to Budapest immediately, Ikshan."

"No, I want to stay for awhile. Leno needs to settle in this new environment."

"Of course. Well, you can stay in the mansion if you want."

"Thank you. Thank you for everything."

"Do not mention it."

I watch them talk and I don't know what to say. I think about this "new environment" and I try to imagine what it can be. I'm not afraid of the Akandjat. I was not then, I am not now. But to get out of the house will be another story entirely.

Ikshan seems to understand what I'm thinking about. "I have so many things I want to talk to you about. You're going to love this world. Don't worry."

Zoé rolls her eyes. "Sure, it's gonna be a magic carpet ride."


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