30. Enemy

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I pull away from Ikshan's arms and look at my hand on my lap. "I'd like to tell you what happened with me and the Akandjat. I know I should have told you earlier but... I don't know, I... couldn't find the strength," I say.

Ikshan stays silent, their eyes focused on me, without any expression of worry or anger, just waiting for me to talk and giving me the space I need to tell my story. My eyes linger around, as I let the memories come back to me, in the quietness of the room.

"My mother died when giving birth to my brother. Growing up, it was just my brother, my father, and me. But, when my brother was 10 - I was 12 -, the Akandjat took him. In the area where I lived, they used to choose randomly some boys to initiate them into their cult and practices. When my father tried to protect him, they killed him."

I pause, looking at the window. Ikshan takes my hand to help me continue.

"Nobody helped. See, the Akandjat was so feared that no one had the courage to oppose them. I was frozen in terror and grief. But they were not interested in me. So they just left with my brother. I saw him only once after that, years later. He had become a sorcerer and he was so far gone into dark magic I didn't recognize him."

"I'm so sorry," Ikshan says, squeezing my hand.

I look at him and take a deep breath. "When I became an immortal, I found out more about the supernatural world. And I decided it was time to venge my father and my brother. I killed the leader of the local faction, the one who had taken my brother years before. I was blinded by rage. I killed many that day. But finally, we were overpowered and I was captured. They declared me enemy of the Akandjat. They wanted to make an example of me. That is why they used this curse."

"I'm very sorry for all the pain you've been through. But I'm glad you survived."

I smile bitterly. "I did, but I didn't deserve it. I don't even know how my brother died. He had a terrible life. And my father... And all I managed to do was to kill. I... I would understand if you... if you wouldn't want to see me again."

Ikshan doesn't say a word but they stroke my arm reassuringly. "Look at me, Leno." I lift my head. "I want to see you again. I want to learn everything about you. And I want to show you the world. The past is the past. We are here, now."

I nod and kiss them, deeper than before and I put my hand in their hair as they do the same, eager to be as close as we can to each other.

Then we part to take a breath and I hear Zoé pretending to cough, behind me, next to the door.

"Hmm, sorry to interrupt but we have a problem," she says. "I was looking through the window while chilling with my coffee mug, and then I saw a man putting a letter in our mailbox. A man with dark tattoos on his neck and an attitude, if you see what I mean."

"We knew they would find us. We're prepared," Ikshan answers calmly, keeping my hand in theirs, visibly to avoid alarming me. "And while we are in the Library, we're safe. Let's see what this letter is about."

The content of the message is what we were waiting for, i.e. and I quote Zoé, "typical asshole bullshit". The Akandjat warns us they are watching us and that they want me.

"I don't want to stay in the library forever. So I will confront them," I say firmly.

Ikshan frowns. "It's dangerous, Leno. Maybe I should go alone."

"Sonia and Carlos gave us a protective amulet. I'll be fine. It's my problem, Ikshan. I don't want to put you in trouble."

"You won't. I just want to help you."

"I know. Let's go together then. We can't just hide here. I'm free now, and... I intend to enjoy it." I smile.

Ikshan searches my eyes and nods reluctantly. "Alright. Let's do that, then."


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