Chapter 7: The Woods Fall Silent once again

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As all these thoughts rushed through my head and scream from the falls echoed through the woods, I snapped back and ran, ran faster than I had ever ran before the falls slowly coming into sight the humans one by one going behind the falls. I stood and stared at them suddenly I was pulled back by my tail, I yelped in pain and one of the humans heard and started to walk over in this direction my heart was pounding, I suddenly slipped back wards down a soft wall of stone leading into a tunnel way leading behind the falls.
In front of me stood a figure the figure of my mum she was ok thank goodness yet I noticed a red dot blinking behind her front right paw. I stopped and stared at it for a while until I heard voices the voices of humans saying, "the tracker it's this way we're getting closer thank you wolfy leading us straight to the secrets of the packs of old." Laughter echoed the corridors closer and closer footsteps came I was terrified I had only just got my family back please I cannot lose it again. My heart pounding I ran howling through the caves to the exit, the humans heard and followed after I ran and ran faster and faster out of the cave and into the woods howling, humans screaming I kept running until I got to the gorge the humans right behind me, they followed me on into the gorge and trapped me, I howled in pain and sadness I just lost my family again.
The humans took me back to their camp and locked me in a cage where I felt trapped alone scared locked away for everyone to point and stare at me laugh and make fun of me because I was different and scared. For months which then turned into years I was trapped in the cage scared, lost and alone, I fell asleep one night to then be woken up in the day by a new wolf in the cage a wolf I recognised a faint smell on but was courteous of the wolf, the wolf looked at me then my back a smile on their face shone and a smile a smile I could never forget it was... "Midnight is that you" shouted the wolf, I nodded and saw a scar on the wolfs leg it was Phoenix, she finally found me. "How, how are you here it's been years. I'm so happy to see you" she came over and smiled and gave a kiss on the side of my face the glimmer of happiness and something else a glimmer of what it feels like when you're heart goes all fuzzy.
"Phoenix how are you here, what are you doing here?" She responded with "I'm here to rescue you and get rid of the humans once and for all with a bit of help from some old faces" she looked over at the hill where silhouettes of forty wolves stood and howled then charged at the human camp. The humans trying to get their weapons scared of what was happening screamed in fear then started running as far as they could leaving everything food, water, their human red flower. The humans left the woods and silence fell except from the wilderness which was all that could be heard.

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