:°-Chapter 1: A Valentines To Remember-°:

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Let's get into the story~
Happy reading :3

3rd person POV

Fumiko let out a sigh as she walked through the school entrance. Her long sakura pink hair flew behind her.
"Seems like I'll be spending valentines alone. Again..."

She opened her locker. Multiple letters fell out and onto the floor; they were love letters from guys and girls she captured the hearts of.

Fumiko let out another sigh as she gathered the papers together and collected them in her hand. The other placing her shoes inside of her locker.

She made her way to her classroom only to see cutely wrapped boxes of chocolate on her desk. The gesture was sweet and very much welcomed by Fumiko: she was guilty of only coming to school to receive chocolates. Every single one of her white pearly teeth was a sweet tooth: she absolutely adored desserts. From little gummy bears to fancy over-the-top cakes, she loved them all.

"Chisaka-chan!" a male voice yelled from the other side of the classroom. He had a large box with a bow on top in his hands. The boy sprinted to where Fumiko was and got down on one knee.

"Would you accept these chocolates as a gift from me to you?" He was freakishly devoted to her and would follow her around everywhere. The boy was a giant fan of hers and would eagerly wait for her to arrive at school everyday. Unfortunately for him, she barely even came into school because of her busy schedule. The only reason she had made the effort today was so that she could receive her sugary treats from her fans.

"My, how considerate of you to go out of your way to give these to me," Fumiko accepted the chocolates with her gorgeous smile - the one that captured the hearts of many around her.

She had taken into consideration that her methods of getting desserts were slightly, if not very, toxic but her love of sugar was too powerful to be tamed so she brushed the thought away.

The school day consisted of more people handing her chocolates and even confessing their love to her. Fumiko read through the letters she had received earlier that day to try to satisfy her boredom; it only did the opposite. She was truly and thoroughly bored.


A new notification popped up on her lock screen.

Mother: Come straight home today and get changed into the dress I bought for you earlier this month

This was peculiar to say the least. Her mother wasn't one to arrange things without informing her in advance. Fifth-period was almost over and the message was the only thing on Fumiko's mind the whole lesson. It wasn't like she hadn't learnt it already.

The bell rang, signifying the end of the school day. Before Fumiko could exit, she was bombarded with even more gifts and confessions. What an eventful day. Still, these presents make it worth it.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Fumiko hopped out of her chauffeur's car and straightened her uniform to look impeccable. She then lightly knocked on the door. It opened immediately.

"What took you so long?!" Keiko Asano, - her mother - the star the public loved, shouted at her daughter.

"Apologies okaa-san. I was held up by students at my school giving me gifts."

The fire in her mother's eyes died down as if she understood her predicament.

"Go to your room and get ready: we're leaving in half an hour." Keiko instructed.

Fumiko swiftly glided up the stairs and started to do her hair. She then got dressed into the ruby red gown her mother got custom made just for her. This is probably what Keiko intended it to be used for.

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