:°-Chapter 4: Devil, Angel Or Both?-°:

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Karma POV

Etsuko-tan: I'll arrive in 5 minutes so you better get there soon. Bye byee~

You: k

Etsuko-chan was coming to visit Kyoto for a while to see her mother. She and I were going to meet up at the ramen place to eat before she comes over to my house.

Seeing no point in getting there quickly though, I walked to the ramen place casually with my hands slipped inside my pockets.

A flash of pink hair caught my eye as I turned the corner: is she here already?

A guy with silver hair and red eyes stood there. In front of him, was a girl with long pink hair with her back facing me.

"So~ You want me?~" She said to him. I could hear the honey laced in her voice. She sounded so familiar...
It clicked. How amusing~

The silver-haired guy's face went red as he tensed up, "Well, I uh-" he looked like his crush just returned his feelings. Unfortunately for him, that a distant dream that would never become reality.

"That's just too bad~" she giggled. Honestly, I kinda feel bad for this guy.
"I already belong to someone else-"

"So, you admit you belong to me?~" I interrupted their little conversation ( or the beat down of his feelings )

My fiancée instantly spun around. I met her with a smirk. I could tell she was embarrassed by the blush on her face. Who wouldn't be after saying something like that?

"A-Akabane! H-How long were you standing there?" Her tone of voice completely changed. It was no longer smooth and seductive, but with a more innocent sweetness.

"Enough to hear the sound of his heart smashing into little pieces." I nonchalantly said as I shrugged. "You really should take more care in dealing with your fans~" a smirk crept onto my face once more.

"I don't need to hear that from you!" Fumiko-chan said, looking at the ground.

"Okay, see ya." I left as quick as I came, without even bothering to remove my hands from my pockets.
I didn't know she had this kind of side to her. Seems like playing with her is going to be fun~

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Yo, yoo, yoooo! Karma-chiii~" an energetic Etsuko burst through the door and ran straight for me.

She practically jumped on me which I think was supposed to be a hug. I returned it. I couldn't care less about how this looked anyway.

A girl wearing sunglasses and a giant pastel green hoodie in a ramen shop clinging on to a super handsome, smart, good looking, handsome guy ( me ) Not weird at all.

I ripped her off of me.
"Etsuko-tan~" I called her. She didn't like that, "looks like you haven't grown at all~" I teased.

"No! You're just too tall!" Etsu exploded at me. Banging her fists against my chest: it didn't hurt at all. It was like being punched by a baby.

"Come on, let's order~"
"You're paying!" She said immediately.
I chuckled. She really is the same. So immature~

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Etsu, that's so spicy," She added way too much chilli-oil to my ramen with a gigantic smile plastered onto her face.

"That's rich coming from you, Karma-chi~" Etsuko pointed at me, "Devils like you are immune to spice~"

I bonked her on the head gently, "Just for that, you owe me a drink~"

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Fumiko POV

Recalling my encounter with Akabane, I buried my face in my blankets in shame. He saw meeee! I never want to leave my room agaiiin! Why was he even there in the first plaace!

"Fumiko-sama?" I heard a knock on my door. As quick as a flash, I got up and straightened my clothes, making sure I looked presentable.

"Come in." I called.

The head maid entered my room alongside a younger maid. I didn't quite recognise her.

She wasn't wearing the traditional maid dress: her's had a shorter skirt and less heavy fabric. The style was a breath of fresh air.
In my opinion, it looked much better than the ones my other maids wore.

"Keiko-sama has ordered that you have an attendant with you for when you transfer schools." The head maid explained.

The younger maid refused to make eye contact with me and fidgeted with her hands, "Fumiko-sama and my daughter are of very similar ages. Surely, it would prove useful to have an attendant in the same class."

Her explanation soon ended and she exited the room, leaving the shy maid alone with me.

"Uh- um!" She finally had to courage to speak up, "My name is Sora Adashino and I shall be your personal attendant from now on!"

I gave her one of my sweetest smiles: she's going to be with me for a while, "I hope we can get along nicely, Sora~"

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Dear Diary,

In school today, I announced to my class that I would be transferring schools. I think they were quite sad, judging by the flooding of their tears in the hallways.

Kari-chan and I are quite good friends now. We even have nick-names for each other!

This guy, I think his name was Edward?? ( I'm not sure ) gave me a bouquet of white lilies and a cake.

It was a very yummy cake: it had lots of cream and strawberries on top. I'm sure it was a vanilla sponge cake.

Anyway, I decided to have a little fun when I rejected him so I said, "meet me outside the gates after school and I'll give you an answer~" I said it reaaally cute as well.

After school, I was in the middle of breaking his fragile heart when Akabane showed up. It was really annoying cause I said something really embarrassing.

I said, "I already belong to someone else," and Akabane heard me say it! What's worse is that he even commented on it with that stupidly smooth voice of his, "So, you admit you belong to me?~" I mean, what's his problem?!? Did he just have to reveal that we were "together"?

I also got a new maid today. Sora was super cute. I'm pretty sure she's like the same age as me. I think the head maid mentioned something about Sora also being enrolled in Kunugigaoka. At least I wont get lonely in my school!

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Karma POV

I turned off my phone as I leaned back into the sofa, deep in thought.

My fiancée sure was surprising today. She and Etsuko really are twins. That just leaves one question: which one is she? Devil, Angel, or both?

"Whatcha thinkin' about, Karma-chi?" Etsuko poked my cheek.

I've decided that I'm going to make the chapters a bit shorter since 2000+ words was quite a lot.

I'll make sure to end the chapters on an appropriate place in the story.

I hope you will continue reading! Please leave a comment if you enjoyed this chapter!

Cya dumdums x
Chapter released: 16/03/2023

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