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Xia hadn't been to Egypt in a while, but each time she showed up, she was in awe of the beauty. She loved all of the ancient architecture and culture.

"Thousands of years of history, all in these streets!" Xia exclaimed. "I can only imagine what someone back then would be doing right where I'm walking right now."

"A lot has changed within the last millennium," Bastet sighed.

"Tell me about it, Bas. What was it like back in the day?" Xia perked up, always curious and eager to learn.

Bastet looked up at the sky and thought of Khonshu. How could she forget? It was like a game of cat and mouse, only she was the mouse. She remembered how he tried day and night trying to woo her. He would do anything for her. He would collect all the stars in the sky for her. He would reverse time for her. Show her anything she wanted to see. But then why did he do what he did? A betrayal. A loss of respect. A loss of love.

"Bast?" Xia interrupted the goddess' thoughts, wondering why she received no response.

"Another time, kitten," Bastet responded, not in the mood to tell stories. Xia dropped the subject, seeing as Bastet was clearly distraught. 

Then, the two noticed a shift in the sky. Shielding her eyes, Xia looked up. An eclipse. "Oh boy," she sighed. "'Least we know where they are," she shrugged. Knowing what came next, a wave of anxiety flushed over her. She never enjoyed speaking in front of the Ennead. Bastet was one thing, but all of the important gods looking at her? She shuddered at the thought.

"Prepare yourself, kid. We can't let them know where we side," Bastet informed.

"Yeah, sure, no biggie," Xia replied sarcastically as her portal began to open in front of her. She walked through, still anxious of the entire encounter. As she stepped into the pyramid, she recognized a few familiar faces, including that of Steven Grant. Or was it Marc Spector? She couldn't tell with the lighting. "Geeze, they need to get some fluorescents and LEDs in here," she mumbled to herself.

"Xia!" a voice interrupted. It was Osiris'avatar, "how lovely to see you again," he said softly, eyes narrowed to hers. He lifted her hand, to which Xia's eyebrow cocked in response, curious to where he was going. He planted his lips on her hand gently. "You, know," he started, still holding onto her hand, "Some legends depict your goddess Bastet and Osiris being an item. Fitting, is it not?"

Xia did not reply, already being highly uncomfortable. Then, another voice erupted from the other side of the room. "Khonshu's theatrics are unparalleled," said Yatzil, avatar of Hathor. "You must be his avatar," she smiled at him.

Xia immediately whipped her hand away from Osiris' avatar and made her way over to Yatzil and who she realized was Marc. "...surely Khonshu mentioned her? Not too long ago, Khonshu enjoyed Hathor's melodies."

Xia felt something brewing inside of her, something she didn't like. She didn't like Yatzil talking to Marc, for whatever reason. "I heard she was entitled," she found herself saying. Immediately regretting her words, Xia shrunk her posture and continued, her voice slowly fading as she spoke. "I mean that's what, uh, that's just what I heard once on the street or.... or somewhere, I don't remember."

She looked over at Marc with concern and embarrassment but felt a sense of ease when she saw the amusement plastered on his face. Her face softened and she felt a smile brewing on her own face. There was something about seeing his smile that made Xia feel something she hadn't felt before. Or had she?

Realizing what was going on, Marc immediately stopped smiling and looked away, as if to give Xia the cold shoulder. Xia looked down, and then remembered that she needed to be at her post.

Yatzil began to introduce the gods in attendance. Xia gave Marc one last look, as if to communicate her concern for the gods finding out about her and Bastet's support.

"It's going to be okay, kitten. They know not to reveal our loyalties," Bastet reassured Xia, which did nothing to rid her anxiety.

Osiris began demoting Khonshu's efforts, to which Marc's body personified Khonshu's responses. Bastet and Xia stayed silent, careful not to get involved.

Khonshu stated his case on Harrow, to which they decided to summon. Xia's anxiety just grew worse by his presence. Not only was she concerned about herself, she found herself thinking about the safety of Steven, who she had grown quite fond of.

"...Now Khonshu, is unhinged, but his servant is unwell," Harrow stated, trying to avert the subject from his conspiracy. He began listing his experiences with Steven and Marc, to which Khonshu became increasingly frustrated with.

Xia could feel Bastet's pity; or maybe it was just her own. Another god removed Khonshu's essence from Marc, demanding to hear his perspective.

"Are you unwell?" He asked.

Xia looked down at him. He was scared and confused, reminding her of Steven. Except this wasn't Steven, it was the stone-cold American man didn't want anything to do with her. So why did he seem so lost?

His eyes caught hers, and she saw right through them. She saw his pain. She saw his denial. "I am," he said looking at her. His eyes turned back to Osiris and the others. "I am unwell."

He then tried to turn the subject back onto Harrow, to which Osiris shut down. "Arthur Harrow committed no offense." Osiris stated, showing no signs of pity for Marc. "This matter is concluded."

Just like that, the gods left their avatars, and they went back into their portals. Xia was careful not to seem obvious she was waiting for the others to leave so she could go to Marc.

"Marc," Yatzil spoke, "there is another way!" Not knowing if she could trust Yatzil, Xia stayed hidden in her portal, eavesdropping on the information she was giving Marc. When she finished giving Marc her intel, Yatzil called out again. "You can come out, Xia."

Xia hesitantly emerged from the shadows. "How'd you...?"

"Inseparable," Yatzil replied, "Just like the legend." She smiled to herself and made her way back to the portal, not saying another word. 

Xia and Marc looked at each other, both still full of anxiety and confusion from the Ennead gathering. Xia waited for Marc to tell her that she wasn't needed or that she's useless. She waited for the sound of his condescending scoff and his eyerolls. 

Instead, he simply sighed. "Let's go," he gestured for her to follow him. Xia smiled in response, feeling her anxiety drift away as they entered the portal together.

In the back of her mind, Xia pondered on Yatzil's words.

Inseparable. Just like the legend.

All the Stars - Moon Knight: Marc Spector / Steven GrantWhere stories live. Discover now