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Xia awoke in a hospital bed, dazed and confused. She glanced at the corner of the room to see her goddess Bastet lingering over her. "Bast! What happened to me? I can't seem to remember..."

Bastet looked down at her. "You passed out during a fight, Kitten. What was the last thing you remember?"

Xia tried to recall. She remembered bits and pieces over the last year, but something seemed to be missing. It was as though a big part of her life was ripped out of her. She felt empty. Alone. Like she was missing something. Or someone.


Marc and Xia drove through the city and deep into the desert. Harrow's words floated in her mind. Your pal here doesn't tell the truth. What does he mean by that?

"Do you know something I don't?" She asked, glancing over at Marc.

He continued what he was doing, not looking up at her. "I know a lot of things you don't," he joked.

"I'm being serious this time, Marc. What did Harrow mean?"

"No idea," Marc replied nonchalantly. "He is always saying stupid shit. Obviously trying to pin us against each other."

Xia's lips pursed. How did he know about her memory loss? She hadn't told anyone about it. She decided to drop the subject and focus on the more important task, as she always often did. Once they were far enough away from the city, she parked the car and the two got out. They placed the pieces of the map onto the car hood but could not figure out how to decipher it. Marc let out an exasperated sigh.

"Well maybe you should let Steven take control," Xia mumbled sarcastically as if she hadn't been saying this the entire night. Marc grunted in frustration, knowing she was right, and ripped the side mirror off the car. He grabbed the pieces, and shuffled into the desert, a few feet away from the car. Xia observed him say something in the mirror, then he bends down and got to work. Xia approached. "Steven?" She asked, hopeful it was him.

He smiled at her and began explaining his thought process. Xia smiled and sat down next to him, listening to every word and admiring his intelligence. He held up the map, which was now taped into the shape of a star. "Et Voila," he exclaimed, handing the map to Xia and looking at her reaction. He smiled when he noticed her wide grin, clearly impressed. "It's French," he stated. He then held the map against the light and noticed the pinpricks that shined through the map, creating constellations.

She chuckled, "Oh Steven! You're a genius!" She exclaimed, standing up. "I could kiss you!"

Steven's eyes widened, "well, I wouldn't be opposed," he mumbled. Xia smiled and the two shared a look in silence. Something drew her to him. She looked into his eyes longingly and went in for a kiss. Her lips met his, and her hand caressed his cheek. The two embraced for what seemed like forever.

"Alright, wrap it up!" Marc yelled in annoyance to Steven.

The two pulled away. It was dark, but it was very obvious that they were both flushed.

"We should probably triangulate these coordinates now," Xia whispered with a smile on her face.

Steven was still smiling, but he informed her that it wasn't that simple due to the time difference during Senfu's life. Then, Khonshu spoke to Steven. "I remember that night. I remember every night." Steven pointed up, and the two of them trudged up the sand hill. "I can turn back the night sky," Khonshu started, "but it will come at a cost, and I cannot do it alone." Wind gushed around them. "Steven, when the gods imprison me, tell Marc to free me." He instructed.

All the Stars - Moon Knight: Marc Spector / Steven GrantWhere stories live. Discover now