Marc and Xia fought side by side; Marc occasionally switched with Steven. It was a team effort, where Xia would get as many people away from Ammit's followers as possible while Marc and Steven fought Harrow.

As always, their fighting was so in sync with each other that it was like a dance. All the Stars were beaming down at them as if they were watching the whole thing with pride.

Suddenly, Harrow managed to pin Xia down to the ground so she couldn't help Marc. He then pinned Marc down next to her. Marc and Xia looked at each other, then looked up to see Khonshu and Bastet being beaten by Ammit and her power from all the souls she took.

Harrow hovered over Marc. "You first," he said, holding his staff up, then lunging it down into Marc's chest.

"No!" Xia screamed, struggling to remove herself from the ground.

Marc yelled in agony as the purple essence floated through him from Harrow's staff. In an instant, he blacked out.

Xia watched in horror, speechless to what he was doing. It was brutal. "Marc?" She asked, causing the man to look at her as he held Harrow in his arms ready to strike. His face was different. Colder than Marcs. Then, he blinked heavily, and Marc returned, looking confused.

"That wasn't you, was it, Steven?" Marc asked.

Steven's suit came back. "Not a chance, Mate" Steven replied, just as confused and worried.

"What the hell was that?" Xia asked as Steven helped her up.

"Not sure," Steven said. "It wasn't either of us."

The two looked back up at the sky to see that Ammit had bested Khonshu and Bastet. "Steven," Xia addressed, "Grab Harrow. I know how to stop Ammit."

Steven and Xia flew quickly back into the Pyramid of Giza. When they arrived, Steven tossed the unconscious Harrow onto a slab.

"The power of this room will help us to bind Ammit to Harrow's body," Xia explained. "Come here," she ushered Steven over and grabbed his hand. Steven looked at her with pride as they started to chant the spell that binds gods to a body.

Then, Harrow spoke up in a raspy voice. It was Ammit. "You can never contain me! I'll never stop!" And with that, Harrow passed out.

Then, Khonshu and Bastet appeared to the both of them. "Well, if it isn't the two love birds," Xia said sarcastically, crossing her arms. Steven let Marc take over to talk to Khonshu.

"Finish it," Khonshu started. "Leave neither of them alive." Bastet nodded in agreement.

Xia looked over at Marc, waiting for him to make a move. He approached Harrow, grabbed his crescent knife from his chest, and held it up, ready to lunge. He paused.

Bastet spoke up next. "While he lives, so too does she. We cannot risk Ammit finding a way out."

"Do it, Marc," Khonshu demanded. "Choose vengeance. She will kill again."

Xia then interrupted with a slow clap, causing everyone to look at her. "Wow," she started, "you two sound just like her." She looked at Marc, sending a look to refuse listening to them. "They already ruined Harrow's life with their vengeful decisions," she reminded.

"Yeah," Marc sighed. "And ours too," he whispered, referring to their past before Xia's memory wipe. He dropped Harrow's body and looked at Khonshu. "You wanted them dead, do it yourself," he stated. "Now release us."

Xia stepped forward in agreement.

Bastet looked hurt and betrayed. "You too, kitten?" Xia nodded in response, still upset that Bastet erased a big part of her life. Khonshu and Bastet looked at each other for a moment before nodding to their avatars.

"As you wish," Khonshu replied. Bastet and Khonshu held hands as they both disappeared into the unknown.

Xia and Marc's suits slowly began to disappear. The two sighed in relief and looked at each other with joy. They smiled, then hugged. Marc couldn't help but go in to kiss her.

Xia pulled away.

Marc looked hurt, but Xia didn't say anything as her eyes stayed glued to the ground. "Right," Marc sighed. "You want Steven." Xia did not respond, but Marc knew she didn't want him. He brought Steven back, knowing it was what would make her happy.

"Xia!" Steven called to her excitedly, pulling her into a hug. "We did it! Those wretched gods are gone!"

She smiled, laid her head on his chest, then sighed a big sigh of relief. "Let's go home."


Steven awoke in his flat, dazed and confused. "Steven, are you there?" Marc asked from inside his head. Steven mumbled in response. "I can't believe this worked," Steven said to himself. "And I can't believe you live in this mess," Marc joked as Steven fell to the ground from his chained ankle.

Just then, Xia emerged from behind the bookcase to go help him up. "I don't think you'll be needing that anymore," Xia laughed, undoing the wire. "Didn't Marc promise you that once Khonshu was gone, he'd be gone?" She asked, looking into his eyes.

Steven felt his heart sink, knowing that Marc was listening. "Well, lets not be too hasty," Steven replied in Marc's defense. "He's a good lad, you know. He really did love you."

Xia rolled her eyes and moved away from Steven. "Yes, he loved me so much that he was willing to erase our entire lives together."

"But he did that to protect you," Steven defended.

"Stop it," Xia warned, seriously.

"I'm just saying..."

Xia scoffed and continued to make breakfast, leaving Steven alone with his thoughts.

"I don't think she's coming around any time soon, mate. I'm sorry," Steven said to Marc.

"It's fine," Marc replied with a sigh. "I wouldn't want to get in the way of you two anyway. Just promise me one thing, Steven."

"Yes Marc?"

"Make her happy."

All the Stars - Moon Knight: Marc Spector / Steven GrantWhere stories live. Discover now