The blue and purple luminescence from the boat reflected off of Xia and Marc's faces. Her eyes were twinkling, looking around at the water and its surrounding scenery. She always knew when to admire life. Marc's face grew soft looking at hers. Seeing her was like a memory.

"You're too soft," Marc spoke up.

"Excuse me?" She flipped her head towards him, eyes meeting his.

He shrugged, "If you're going to be an avatar, you need to learn how to be tough."

"What? I am tough!" She defended, crossing her arms.

"I don't mean on the exterior. Sure you can pack a punch, but are you willing to?"

Xia scoffed. "I seemed pretty willing when I left that mark on your face, no?"

Marc chuckled in response. "Okay, well I'm an exception. Would you, if you absolutely needed to, punch Steven?"

Xia uncrossed her arms and placed them to her side. "Well, I like Steven. Unlike you, he's charming. Sure know how's to please a lady," she joked with a hint of seriousness behind her words. Marc twitched in annoyance at the thought. Xia smiled her charming smile, "what's a matter, big guy? Jealous are we?"

He simply scoffed in response and shook his head in disbelief. He decided to change the subject. "So this Mogart guy, he's really going to have his sarcophagus?" Marc asked, Xia, referring to the Senfu's tomb that Yatzil mentioned.

"I sure hope so," Xia responded. "Otherwise we'd be fucked, wouldn't we?" She chuckled. Marc's face remained unamused. Xia pursed her lips in disappointment at his lack of emotion. "Okay then, since we don't have a sense of humor; yes, I'm sure. I did a lot of investigation and research, okay? Mogart's collection is prime gossip for antiques. I'm not as dumb as I look."

"I never said that," he replied, seriously. Xia felt a sense of annoyance and didn't say anything to him. What was with this guy? He had nothing but the sheer audacity.

As the boat began to approach the shore, Xia lifted her arms to tie her hair back. Her sleeve slightly fell, revealing a crescent moon tattoo on her right wrist. Marc's eyes slightly lit up when he noticed it. "You still...?" He cleared his throat, "I mean, your tattoo," he paused, noticing Xia perk up at the mention. "Why the moon?" He asked.

She looked at it, but her mind went blank. "I don't know," She replied. "This is so odd," she frowned. "I'm pretty sure I got this in remembrance of someone, but I can't remember who." Marc went silent, studying her features. Something was off, and Xia knew it. She decided to push it away, focusing on the main mission. She ended up just shrugging. "Oh well, I guess you tend to lose track of the meanings behind certain things," she said as the boat reached the shore.

Marc nodded his head, seemingly in disappointment. The two got off the boat, and Xia tossed her backpack to him. "This guy's got a lot of friends," Marc observed.

"Yeah," Xia agreed, "and a lot with guns." She grabbed his arm and lead him forward. The two reached an arena where men were jousting. They were ushered over to where they would meet Mogart. The man hopped off his horse, and placed a robe over his sweaty, shirtless body.

"Xia!" he called out when he saw her, arms open. "Such a delight to see you again," he complimented, pulling her into a hug. He then, gently lifted her hand, and placed a kiss.

"Good to see you again too," she replied with a smile. "And with such charm! My husband could learn a thing or two from you," she joked, glancing at Marc, who rolled his eyes with his arms crossed. Marc approached, waiting for Xia to introduce him. "This is my husband, Ruffino," she said, placing a hand on his shoulders.

All the Stars - Moon Knight: Marc Spector / Steven GrantWhere stories live. Discover now