Chapter 3: summer 1977

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Over the course of July, Remus made a plan on how to help Barty, Regulus and Evan get free from their families and be out of the war.  He needed to be quick. He didn't know what was happening to his friends. He needed to get them out of there as fast as he could but all his plans were going to fail and get him court or tortured or killed.  He must be a horrible friend. He must be. Why else would Sirius do that prank and why else would he fail at making the perfect plan to save his friends. Anyone would be able to save them. So why couldn’t he?


As he throw the 100th failed plan at the walk in frustration and angry, a snowy owl flew in through the open window, drooped a letter on Remus's head and then flew away.  Remus quickly grabbed the letter and read it. It was from Pandora.

'Hi remus,
The nargles told me you needed help with the plan to help our friends be free'd from their captures. So I am sending you this letter to help keep you motivated by reminding you of the promise. Also to let you know I will assist you in all you need to help our friends.
From Pandora'

From that moment forward, Pandora and Remus sent letter back and forth untill they made the perfect plan and back up plan to save their friends. However they didn't tell anyone about the plans. Well not until August.

By August 5th the plan was finished, so Remus finally told his mother what he was about to do. But the only reason he did tell her was so she can step up things for them because they will need somewhere to sleep and they may be injured. 

On the 8th august, Remus set the plan in motion (only reason he set off this late was because he had a bad full moon on the 5th). With the help of Pandora (who stayed outside as look out), he sneaks into Barty's house first. He found Barty in his bedroom, with a locked bedroom door and no wand. So after picking the lock on the bedroom door and sending Barty to Pandora, Remus sneaks back downstairs and into the office. But he was spotted by Barty's mum. He tried to make an excuse but then Barty's mum gave him Barty's wand and said "protect my son" before kicking him out of the house.

Next they went to Evan's house. They needed to get the address of Evan's house because only Barty knew where he lived and only Evan knew where Regulus lived. Sneaking into Evan's house was harder than getting into Barty's but Barty and Remus were able to sneak in through Evan's window. They found Evan sitting on his bed, wrapping his bleeding arm up. He also had a black eye. He promised he was fine though but Remus hoped his mum got the first aid kit ready. 

Then they went to the most tricky house on the list, Regulus's house. Remus was the only one out of the gang who wasn't able to go into the black family house. This was because the blacks had a spell over their house that sets off alarms if a non-pure-blood steps onto the grounds of the building. So Remus stayed outside to look out for any dangers. Remus didn't know how long he waited outside on his own but it felt like decades. As the minutes went on, Remus got more and more worried about his friends.  Remus was about to go inside the grounds to help his friends when Evan, Pandora and Barty run out (half carrying Regulus who is in death eater robes) being chased by Welburga sending curses their way. The underage wizards and witch ran as fast as they could, not stopping until they arrived at the port key Remus always uses to get to Wales. 

That night, while Remus and Hope were treating Regulus and Evan, Lyall agreed to let Regulus, Evan and Barty stay at the lupin cottage even if hope and Lyall couldn't afford to look after anymore kids. Also that might, the gang agreed to drop out of the war because all it brought them was pain.

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