Chapter 5: January 1978 - February 1978

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January the month of revelation.

January the month of shock.

January the month Remus and Regulus dispise.

The month started off as normal. They arrived back from the Christmas holidays with all their new stuff. They got straight back into their classes and back into prefect duties. Everything was fine and normal untill the 3rd and final prefect meeting of the month. Remus always hated the prefect meeting because James and Lily (aka the head boy girl) always tried to speak to him at the end of the meetings. Sure Remus missed lily but he didn't want to to talk to James and Lily would ask him so many questions. He normally is able to get away quickly enough so he doesn't get talked to. But this time, he didn't have time because he stood in shock. 

At the end of the meeting, James and Lily made an announcement. "The headboy and girl curse has happened again. Me and Lily are officially dating" Everyone cheered and congratulated them. Well everyone but Remus and Regulus. "I thought she was dating mary" Remus heard someone whisper, a Hufflepuff. And Lily's answer was "I was but we broke up last year. We realised we wasn't for each other but we still are amazing friends. That's the meeting over with. You may all leave now"  Remus just stood there as everyone but regulus, him, James and Lily left.  James and lily took this opportunity to talk to remus. Well lily did, she had made James leave.  "Hey Remus. How have you been? I missed you" lily said hugging Remus, who slowly hugged back and nodded to say hi. "Ummm I was wondering. Me and the vixens have started a study group for NEWTs and you helped us all so much with our OWLs and i…. We was wondering if you'd join? The boys won't be there. It would be me, you, Alice, Marlene, Mary and Dorcas." Remus, just wanting to leave, agreed to do the study sessions. He got informed they were every Thursday before he left.

On the walk back to the Slytherin common room, Remus complaining about the the study group and how dumb he was "I can't believe I agreed. Now I have to spend once a week with them they are going to ask about what happened. And all the boyfriend/girlfriend questions are going to be asked again" Regulus just rolled their eyes  and says the password to the Slytherin common room so the door swung open. As soon as they stepped in side the common room, they hit with weird noises and sounds. Regulus was confused about the noises so he ignored Remus, who told him just leave it, and went towards where the sounds were coming from. Remus followed him.

"EW! What the fuck?"

"Regulus your back"

"We can explain"

What Regulus found was Evan and Barty were on top of the couch (batty on top) making out. Their shirts were on the floor.  Barty quickly grabs the shirts and both quickly put them on as they blacked out Regulus' rant.  "Look, we have been dating since November, OK! We thought you wouldn't be back for ages so we decided to have some fun. We wasn't going to fuck or anything" Evan quickly cut Regulus's rant but this made Regulus made a disgusted face "I don't want to know that your up to this disgusting stuff do it in a cupboard or somewhere not in public" Barty rolls his eyes and looks at remus "Why are you laughing? Are you as disgusted as him?"  Remus just shrugs "na. Making out happens all over the Gryffindor common room and people have sex in there too". Regulus gags "I'm gonna throw up" Evan, Remus and Barty laughing as they all head to the dorm. 

After that night Evan and Barty were more open about their relationship. They held hands in public and shared a bed now. 

Anyway, Valentines soon came around. Evan and Barty were of course going on a date in hogsmeade. Pandora had revealed that she had been asked on a date by Xenophilius Rosier, the cousin of Evan.  Evan had of course got angry and made a protective friend speech to Xenophilius. But anyway. This all means Remus and Regulus were left in the common room all alone. So Remus and Regulus spend the day together, alone. They read books, go for a walk around the castle, have a picnic in the great hall with a couple of professors, the 1st years and 2nd year and so much more activities. All together the day was amazing. However, it was too amazing. As Regulus started to believe Remus' lips looked really tasty and Remus started to believe Regulus's was the same. Everything around the pair slowed down as the others' faces slowly got closer and closer until there was pressure on their lips.

"We are back!!!"

They pare quickly pull away blushing

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