Chapter 7: July 1978 - August 1980

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For the whole of July and August, Remus, Regulus, Barty and Evan all stayed at the lupin cottage. This was because Remus was searching for a job and for an appartment to move into. In September 1978, Regulus, Evan, Barty and Pandora went back to Hogwarts for their 7th year. Before Regulus left, Regulus gifted remus with a magical mirror so they could continue to talk to each other while he is away. They also planned to meet up at every hogsmeade trip that Remus could make it to. Remus finally got a job in October in the wizarding world but he was fired by Christmas because of the moon's. It was he decided to work in the muggle world because they were going catch on to him being a werewolf if he kept working in the wizarding world which means he would have to tell the ministry which means he would have to spend every full moon in a cage at the ministry instead of in a wood.

Regulus, Evan and Barty came back for Christmas. By then remus had saved enough money to by a house so as a present he asked Regulus to move in with him after Hogwarts and he said yes. But Regulus was shocked to find out Remus didn't have a job anymore but they worked past that. Evan caught remus and the family up on what's been happening in the wizarding world and that he is happy not to he in the war anymore. Christmas was as amazing as ever. Well it was until lyall received the wizarding newspaper and read out all the deaths that had happened that week alone. That put them all in a terrible mood for the new year.

Regulus, Evan and Barty went back to Hogwarts on the 3rd January 1979 which left Remus to go back to job hunting. But once he got a job he got fired after two months because of his absences around the full moon. This kept happening and happening.  However, even though he had hardly any money and it was making him out of pocket, Remus kept visiting Regulus at hogsmeade every hogsmeade trip. 

In June, Regulus, Evan, Pandora and Barty all did their NEWT exams and passed with high marks. All of them skived the Graduation party though even though they were meant to go for an hour and a half. That summer, Regulus moved in with Remus and got a job at the ministry so he was able to help pay for the food, nice things and rent. Evan and Barty moved into a place to and both got jobs. Pandora moved into a place with her boyfriend and started a career creating spells and potions.

In August, Regulus started coming home later and when he does come home he's acting weird but whenever Remus would ask him what was wrong Regulus would lie and say he was fine before hiding away in the basement. However by the end of September it was clear Regulus was very ill. His vines were black and his skin was deadly pale. His eyes were red raw and he was very week. He was also very snappy.  Remus asked everyone if they knew what was happening, he didn't want to lose his boyfriend, he wanted to help him. But everyone said they knew nothing, Remus suspected they were lying though. In late October, Regulus went missing. Remus, Barty, Evan and Pandora went looking for him. They looked everywhere they could think of. Remus refused to eat or sleep until Regulus was found.  Late November was when everything came tumbling down for Remus.


Today, the 30th November, the body of Regulus Black was found in the cave of ……… Black looked like he had downed but there was claw marks all over his body and his vines were black. The healers believe that Regulus died around the 3rd November but the sea water could have made the death speed up.  Regulus Black was the heir of the Black family but after running away in his 5th ye-"

Regulus had died on Sirius's birthday. What irony. Remus had lost his boyfriend once again. All the news reports and whispers he heard was saying Regulus was a death eater. He was starting to believe him until Kcreature brought Remus a letter that Regulus wrote. 

"Dear Remus,

If you are reading this, it means I have succeeded, unless I haven’t. Either way if you are reading this, it means I am dead. I'm sorry I did this to you and that I left you. But he was hurting kcreature and couldn’t let that happen.

On the 20th July Kcreature turned up in my office, broken. He was beaten black and blue.  But he had a locket in his hands. The Slytherin locket. He told me I was the only one he could come to, that the dark lord was hurting him more that Mother hurt any of us, that this locket was keeping the dark lord alive and if it wasn't destroyed, the dark lord would win. I couldn't let this continue so I planned to destroy the locket. But the longer I wore it, the more sick I became. The locket was cursed. It's killing me and all I see is negativity. 

As I write this, you are at work so you won't be home when I leave.  Please promise me you won't go back to your old ways and that you will move on please

Goodbye Remus,

I love You"

Remus kicked Kcreature out before locking up the whole house and breaking down. He locked everyone out of his house and his life for month's (while going back into hispld habits). No one was able to get him out of the house no matter how much they tried. Well not until in July 1980 when he received three letters.

1} Pandora was pregnant and was getting married.

2} an eviction notice from the government. He was being evicted next week if he doesn’t pay all the rest from the last year with interest

3) his mother had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and was dying. She wanted to see her son before she died.

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